Aliant Telecom Inc. (now Bell Aliant)- TN 358 - # 8740-A53-200915697

General Tariff - Centrex Services - 2009-11-17

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2010-01-21 - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-29 Streamlined order
The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications:
Bell Aliant TN 358; Télébec TN 404; TCC TN 380.

2009-11-30 - Telecom Order CRTC 2009-733 Ex parte applications
The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications:
Bell Aliant TN 358
Effective date: 02.12.2009
Bell Canada TNs 903 and 903A (NST)
Effective date: 30.11.2009

2009-12-10 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-A53-200915697
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Aliant - Re: Tariff Notice 358 – Centrex Services - Given that the comments and reply comment dates fall during the Christmas periods, interveners may file comments on this application by 11 January 2010 and Bell Aliant may file reply comments by 21 January 2010.

2009-12-03 - Bell Aliant
Description:  In Telecom Order CRTC 2009-733 dated 30 November 2009, the Commission granted interim approval to Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership's (Bell Aliant's or the Company's) ex parte application in Tariff Notice (TN) 358. In so doing, the Commission directed the Company to file with the Commission, by 2 December 2009, an electronic version of TN 358, for the Commission's website. The Commission further noted that Regulatory policy – Approval mechanisms for retail and CLEC tariffs, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-74, dated 21 August 2008 allows interveners to comment, within 25 days, on Group B tariff applications that have been placed on the public record.
Document: 1329661.doc - 56KB

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