2008-10-09 - # 8740-C141-200813627 - City West Telephone Corporation - General Tariff - TN 105 - Exchange Rates

File Closed - Commission Letter - 2008-11-21

2008-11-21 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to City West Group of Companies - Re: Tariff Notice 105 - Proposed rate increased to Business Line Rates

2008-11-20 - City West Group of Companies
Description:  In compliance with the requirements of the Telecommunications Act and Section 29 of the CRTC Telecommunication Rules of Procedure, CityWest, hereby requests to withdraw tariff notice 105.
Document: 979379.doc - 1596KB

2008-10-23 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to City West Group of Companies - Re: Tariff Notice 105 - Proposed rate increase to Business Line Rates

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