2007-10-02 - #8740-T78-200713926 - Télébec, société en commandite - TN 356 - General Tariff - Residential and Business Primary Exchange service

2010-05-19 - Telecom Order CRTC 2010-294 Streamlined order
The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications:
TBayTel TNs 136, 137 and 137A; Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 356; TELUS Communications Company TNs 4252 (TCBC), 565 and 565A (TCI) and 220.

2007-11-16 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-428 The Commission approves on an interim basis an application from Télébec, Limited Partnership, dated 2 October 2007, proposing revisions to the services in its General Tariff. Reference: TN 356.

2007-10-22 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Télébec, société en commandite - Re: Tariff Notice 356 - Residential, business and other services

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