2006-05-19 - #8740-T66-200507783 - TELUS Communications Inc. - TN 187/B - Amendment to TN 187/A

2005-12-14 - #8740-T66-200507783 - TELUS Communications Inc. - TN 187/A - Amendment to TN 187

2005-06-30 - #8740-T66-200507783 - TELUS Communications Inc. - TN 187 - Carrier Access Tarif - Wholesale Internet ADSL Service

2007-01-25 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-25 Network to Network Interface Service, Wide Area Network ADSL Service, and Wholesale Internet ADSL Service. The Commission renders its determinations on a final basis with respect to a number of TELUS Communications Company's competitor asymmetric digital subscriber line tariff applications. Reference: TNs 91, 159, 186, 186A, 186B, 187, 187A, 187B, 229, and 232.

2006-05-31 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-133 The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems TN 20, Hay Communications Co-operative Limited TN 27, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 226, Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc. TN 23, Société en commandite Télébec TN 335, TELUS Communications Company TNs 186B and 187B and Wightman Telecom Ltd. TN 26. (streamlined order)

2006-01-20 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-17 The Commission approves on an interim basis with changes an application made by TELUS Communications Inc. on 30 June 2005, and amended on 14 December 2005, proposing to introduce Carrier Access Tariff item 226, Wholesale Internet ADSL Service. Eff. date = 20.01.2006. Reference: TNs 187 and 187A.

2007-02-16 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company ("TELUS") is in receipt of Network-to-Network Interface Service, Wide Area network ADSL Service, and Wholesale Internet ADSL Service, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-25 ("Order 2007-25" or the "Order"), dated 25 January 2007.
Document: 724360.pdf - 51KB

2006-05-23 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter of 2006 05 04, Aliant Telecom Inc. hereby sumits these reply comments related to the above-noted issue.
627499.pdf - 72KB

2006-05-17 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: Cybersurf Corp. is providing this intervention with respect to the submissions of Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Allstream Inc. and Telus Communications Company dated 12 May 2006 in the above-cited proceeding.
626180.pdf - 51KB

2006-05-15 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TCC is in receipt of a letter from the Peace Region Internet Society (PRiS) that was forwarded to the Company by the Commission on May 3, 2006.
624757.pdf - 24KB

2006-05-12 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TCC is in receipt of a letter from the Commission, dated 4 May 2006 in respect of the matter noted above.
627380.doc - 41KB

2006-05-04 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8740-T66-200507775 - 8740-T66-200507783 - 8740-M59-200506496 - 8740-A53-200512039
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Pricing of unbundled loops used with bundled competitor ADSL tariffs where provided over dry loops

2006-05-02 - Peace Region Internet Society
Description: The Peace Region Internet Society (PRiS) requests that the CRTC instruct TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) to implement the per-port pricing provisions of Telecom Order CRTC 2006-17 without further delay.
620378.doc - 64KO

2006-02-01 - ABC Communications Inc.
Description: After sending our previous email and attachment into the commission we have discovered that an interim decision on the TELUS tariff application was made on January 20, 2006.
586307.doc - 21KB

2006-02-01 - ABC Communications Inc.
Description: ABC Communications would like to respectfully request a timeframe for resolution of this tariff application.
586292.doc - 43KB

2006-01-16 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: This constitutes the intervention of Cybersurf Corp. with respect to Telus Tariff Notice No. 187A.
579293.pdf - 43KB

2006-01-10 - Peace Region Internet Society
Description: The Peace Region Internet Society (PRiS) wishes to stress that timing is of absolute essence in the settlement of wholesale rates for ADSL. PRiS notes that Telus has filed an amended pricing schedule for Wholesale ADSL Tariff Rates on 14 December 2005.
576421.doc - 64KB

2006-01-04 - Net Idea
Description: The Following comments are in response to the Telus amendment to Tariff 187 (187A) submitted to the Commission on December 14, 2005.
575236.doc - 34KB

2005-11-08 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of comments from Shaw Communications Inc. with respect to TELUS' Tariff Notice No. 187- Wholesale Internet DSL Service, dated 1 November 2005.
051108.doc - 73KB

2005-11-01 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: These comments are submitted by Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) in respect of TELUS Tariff Notice No. 187 – Wholesale Internet DSL Service (TN 187).
051101.doc - 155KB

2005-10-04 - ABC Communications
Description: ABC Communications would like to take this time to patently refute the bulk of TELUS comments regarding their application of Tariff Notices No. 186 and 187.
051004.doc - 104KB

2005-10-03 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: Cybersurf Corp. (Cybersurf) is in receipt of the Reply of Telus Communications Inc. (Telus) dated 30 September 2005 to the interventions of various parties with respect to Telus Tariff Notice Nos. 186 and 187 (TN186 and TN 187).
051003.doc - 93KB

2005-10-03 - Peace Region Internet Society (PRiS)
Description: The Peace Region Internet Society (PRiS), contends that the reply comments of Telus dated September 30, 2005 should be disregarded in their entirety because they are premised on misleading Telus retail price information
051003.doc - 120KB

2005-09-30 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Attached are the Reply Comments of TELUS Communications Inc. in responses to comments, filed by the following parties with respect to TELUS Tariff Notice 186, Wide Area Network ADSL Service and Tariff Notice 187, Wholesale Internet ADSL Sevice.
050930.zip - 93KB

2005-08-30 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8740-T66-200507775, 8740-T66-200507783
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: TELUS Communications Inc. Tariff Notrices 186 and 187 - Wholesale Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Services

2005-08-10 - ABC Communications
Description: ABC Communications is an Internet Service Provider in Central BC and the Okanagan. We have a customer base of ADSL subscribers of approximately 1000 and will be greatly affected by the proposed tariffs TN 186 and 187.
050810_1.doc - 57KB

2005-08-10 - Net Idea Telecommunications Inc.
Description: We are in receipt of a copy of a letter from TCI requesting an extension to the end of September to file its reply to interveners on the subject of tariff filings 186 and 187.
050810.rtf - 7KB

2005-09-08 - Arvo Koppet, on behalf of Peace Region Internet Society
Description: We are in receipt of a copy of a letter from TCI requesting an extension to the end of September to file its reply to interveners on the subject of tariff filings 186 and 187.
050908.rtf - 7KB

2005-08-09 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS is requesting the Commission grant an extension, to the end of September 2005, to file its reply to interventions relating to Tariff Notice Nos. 186 and 187.
050809.doc - 57KB

2005-08-03 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is in receipt of Tariff Notice Nos. 186 and 187 filed by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), on 30 June 2005.
050803.doc - 113KB

2005-08-02 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) Tariff Notice (TN) Nos. 186 and TN 187, dated 30 June 2005, which proposes the introduction of Wide Area Network ADSL service (WAN ADSL service), revisions to TELUS' existing ATM Network to Network Interface service (NNI).
050802.doc - 89KB

2005-08-02 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) is in receipt of the above-noted tariff filing by TELUS, dated 30 June 2005 (TN 187).
050802.doc - 87KB

2005-07-29 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: Cybersurf Corp. (Cybersurf) is filing this intervention with respect to Telus Communications Inc. Tariff Notice Nos. 186 and 187.
050729.doc - 71KB

2005-07-20 - Net Idea Telecommunications Inc.
Description: In accordance with section 33(1) of the CRTC Rules of Procedure, the following constitutes the comments of Net Idea. We acknowledge that Telus provided us with an opportunity to comment on its proposed tariff prior to its filing with the Commission.
Document: 050720.zip - 67KB

2005-07-20 - Peace Region Internet Society
Description:  The Peace Region Internet Society, a community Internet Service Provider in the Peace River Region of British Columbia that currently utilizes Telus ADSL Wholesale services, requests that the CRTC, in its deliberations on the above Tariff filings give due consideration to the impact that such a filing would have on the competitive nature of Broadband provision in the underserved, non-metropolitan regions of Canada.
050720.doc - 82KB

2005-07-19 - Nucleus Information Service Inc.
Description: Nucleus Information Service Inc. is filing these comments in response to the above noted tariff proposal filed by Telus on June 30, 2005.
050719.pdf - 92KB

2005-07-15 - Rogers Telecom Inc.
Description: Rogers Telecom Inc. (Rogers Telecom) – formerly Sprint Canada Inc. - is filing these comments in response to the above-noted tariff proposals filed by TELUS on June 30, 2005.
050715.doc - 56KB

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