2005-05-16 - #8740-B2-200504680 - Bell Canada - TN 6866/A - Amendment TN 6866

2005-04-15 - #8740-B2-200504680 - Bell Canada - TN 6866 - General Tariff - 3-1-1 Service

2006-01-10 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-8 The Commission approves on a final basis with changes an application by Bell Canada, dated 15 April 2005, proposing revisions to its General Tariff to introduce item 6001, 3-1-1 service, pursuant to Assignment of 3-1-1 for non-emergency municipal government services , Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-71, 5 November 2004. Reference: TNs 6866 and 6866A.

2005-05-30 - Telecom Order CRTC 2005-209 The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada dated 16 May 2005, to revise General Tariff item 6001, 3-1-1 Service, approved on an interim basis in Telecom Order CRTC 2005-177, 13 May 2005, to remove one clause from the tariff page for the interim approval period. Reference: TN 6866A. Eff. date = 30.05.05.

2005-05-13 - Telecom Order CRTC 2005-177 The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada, dated 15 April 2005, to allow citizens within a municipality to dial 3-1-1 for non-emergency municipal government services. Reference: TN 6866. Eff. date = 16.05.05.

2005-07-20 - Joint Municipal Applicants
Description: Pursuant to the direction issued by the Commission on May 13, 2005, I am writing to provide the Reply of the Joint Applicants regarding Tariff Notice No. 6866 filed on 2005 April 15 by Bell Canada for the approval of a tariff pertaining to 3-1-1 Service.
050720_1.doc - 60KB

2005-07-20 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedure established in the Commission’s letter of 13 May 2005, the Company is submitting the following reply comments.
050720.doc - 121KB

2005-07-18 - Peter J. Kelly (as chair of the Big City Mayors' Working Group on Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Description:  I am writing to the CRTC as chair of the Big City Mayors' working Group on Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
050718.pdf - 126KB

2005-07-07 - City of Toronto on behalf of 311 Municipal
Description: Pursuant to the direction issued by the Commission on May 13, 2005, please find enclosed the Final Comments of the 311 Joint Applicants regarding Tariff Notice No. 6866 filed on 2005 April 15 by Bell Canada (Bell) for the approval of a tariff pertaining to 3-1-1 Service (the Tariff Notice).
050707.zip - 24KB

2005-07-07 - Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI)
Description: In accordance with the procedures specified in the Commission’s letter of 13 May 2005, QMI, on behalf of its subsidiaries Videotron Telecom Ltd. and Vidéotron ltée, hereby provides its final comments on the above-noted subject.
050707.doc - 39KB

2005-06-13 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedure established in the Commission's letter dated 13 May 2005, attached are the Company’s responses to questions received from interested parties regarding Bell Canada Tariff Notice No. 6866.
050613.zip - 53KB

2005-05-30 - City of Toronto, on behalf of the 311 Municipal
Description: Further to my letter of May 3, 2005 and, pursuant to the direction issued by the Commission on May 13, 2005, please find enclosed the Comments of the 311 Joint Applicants regarding Tariff Notice No. 6866 filed on 2005 April 15 by Bell Canada (“Bell”) for the approval of a tariff pertaining to 3-1-1 Service (the “Tariff Notice”).
0505030.zip - 64KB

2005-05-20 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6866 - 3-1-1- Service - Request for the disclosure of confidential information

2005-05-18 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of a letter from the Commission, dated 13 May 2005, which specifies a revised process for the subject Tariff Notice. The first step of the revised schedule, established by the Commission at page 3 of the letter, is Bell Canada’s reply to the request for disclosure. The following constitutes the Company’s reply.
0505018.doc - 64KB

2005-05-13 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada and Interested Parties to Bell Canada Tariff 6866 - Re: Revised Process for Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6866: 3-1-1 Service

2005-05-12 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (the Company) response to the letter dated 3 May 2005 (the Letter) sent by the City of Toronto, on behalf of itself, the City of Calgary, Halifax Regional Municipality, La Ville de Gatineau, La Ville de Montréal and the Regional Municipality of Halton (collectively referred to as the "Joint Applicants"), pertaining to Bell Canada’s proposed tariff for 3-1-1 service.
050512.doc - 70KB

2005-05-03 - City of Toronto, on behalf of the 311 Municipal
Description: Toronto is therefore writing on behalf of the Joint Applicants as identified in Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-71 to request pursuant to section 8 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the “ Rules ”) that the Commission establish a formal public process for response to the Tariff Notice and/or extend the time for response to the Tariff Notice.
050503.doc - 75KB

2005-04-22 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6866 - 311 Service

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