2005-12-22 - 8740-B20-200512402 - Bell Canada (National Servcies Tariff) - TN 867/A - Amendment

2005-10-27 - #8740-B20-200512402 - Bell Canada (National Services Tariff) - TN 867 - Special Facilities Tariff - Customer Specific Arrangement - Contract No. P3 - 177

2006-06-20 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-155 The Commission approves on a final basis, with amendments, an application by Bell Canada, dated 27 October 2005 and amended 22 December 2005, concerning services provided under customer specific arrangement contract number P3-177. Reference: TNs 867 and 867A (NST).

2005-11-03 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 867

Date Modified: 2006-07-20

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