2005-03-30 - #8740-B20-200503476 - Bell Canada (National Services Tariff) - TN 857 - Special Facilities Tariff - Customer Specific Arrangement (CSA) for Commission Scolaire des Patriotes (pursuant to Decision 2005-8 )

Reference: 8690-V22-01/02

2006-06-12 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-146 The Commission approves the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 857 (NST). (streamlined order)

2006-03-10 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached for the Commission's approval is a revised imputation test related to the Customer Specific Arrangement (CSA) for Commission Scolaires des Patriotes associated with Tariff Notice No. 857 (TN 857).
660644.zip - 53KB

2005-04-06 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Compliance with Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-8 and associated with Bell Canada Tariff Notice no. 857

2005-03-21 - Quebecor Media
Description: At paragraph 66 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-8 Part VII Application by Vidéotron Télécom ltée against Bell Canada and BCE Nexxia Inc. relating to the provision of fibre optic private network (Decision 2005-8), the Commission directed Bell.
Document: 050321.doc - 39KB

2005-03-10 - Bell Canada
Description: At paragraph 66 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-8, Part VII Application by Vidéotron Telecom ltee against Bell Canada and BCE Nexxia Inc. relating to the provision of fibre optic private network, the Commission directed Bell Canada to file proposed tariffs.
Document: 050310_4.doc - 70 KB

Date Modified: 2006-06-12

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