2005-11-09 - #8740-A53-200512881 - Aliant Telecom Inc. - TN 183 - Access Service Tariffs for Interconnection with Inter-exchange Carriers
2006-01-04 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-1 The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TNs 183 and 183A, Bell Canada TN 6914, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 224 and TBayTel TNs 120 and 121. (streamlined order)
2005-12-07 - Telecom Order CRTC 2005-398 The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TNs 183 and 183A and TBayTel TN 121. (streamlined order)
2005-11-24 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Aliant Telecom - Re: Aliant Telecom Inc. Tariff Notice 183 – Access Service Tariffs for Interconnection
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