2004-11-18 - #8740-M59-200411546 - MTS Allstream Inc. - TN 543/A  - Amendment to TN 543

2004-10-18 - #8740-M59-200411546 - MTS Allstream Inc. - TN 543 - Supplementary Tariff - Add Type 2 Customer Specific Arrangement tariffs for network services and for access services

2005-05-20 - Telecom Order CRTC 2005-197 The Commission approves with changes MTS Allstream Inc.'s proposal to introduce Customer Specific Arrangements. Reference: TNs 543 and 543A. Eff. Date = 20.05.05.

2004-11-29 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Part II of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, MTS Allstream provides the following Reply Comments.
041129.doc - 498KB

2004-11-17 - Westman Communications Group
Description: Pursuant to Part II of the CRTC Telecom Rules of Procedure, Westman Communications Group (Westman) files these comments concerning MTS's TN 593.
041117.pdf - 267KB

2004-11-04 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to MTS Allstream Inc. - RE: Tariff Notice 543 - Type 2 Customer Specific Arrangement

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