2003/06/18 - #8740-T46-200307547 - TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. (TCBC) - TN 4199- General Tariff - Wireless Access Service telephone number and access channel service rates

2005-07-25 - Commission Letter
File #:
8740-T46-200307547 , 8740-T42-200307539
Description: Letter addressed to TELUS Communications Inc. - Re: Request to withdraw Former Tariff Notice 515 and TCBC Tariff Notice 4199 - Request to withdraw is accepted

2005/07/14 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI or the Company) filed former TCI Tariff Notice No. 515 and TCBC Tariff Notice No. 4199 (TNs 515/4199), dated June 18, 2003, proposing to revise the line-side Wireless Access Service (WAS) telephone number and access channel service monthly rates in former TCI General Tariff (CRTC 18001) Item 555, Wireless Service Provider (WSP) - Network Access Service (Item-555) and TCBC General Tariff (CRTC 1005), Item 197-A Wireless Access Service (Item-197-A)
050714.zip - 33KB

2004/02/20 - TELUS Commucications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. submits herewith a revision to its Interrogatory Response filed on January 30, 2004.
040220.pdf - 82KB

2004/02/04 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS" or the "Company") submits herewith a revision to its Interrogatory Response TELUS(CRTC)16Dec03-2 for Former TCI Tariff Notice No. 515 and TCBC Tariff Notice No. 4199, filed on January 30, 2004.
040204.zip - 50KB

2004/01/30 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS" or the "Company") submits herewith its responses to Commission interrogatories provided in the attachments to the Commission's letters of December 16, 2003, regarding former TCI Tariff Notice Nos. 515 and 516 and TCBC Tariff Notice Nos. 4199 and 4200 (TNs 515, 516, 4199 and 4200, respectively).
040130.zip - 123KB

2003/12/16 - Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-T46-200307547 - 8740-T42-200307539
Description: Letter addressed to TELUS Communications Inc. - Re: Forcer TCI Tariff Notice No. 515 and TCBC Tariff Notice No. 4199 - Questions

2003/08/05 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. is in receipt of comments from Rogers Wireless Inc. dated July 17, 2003 on former TCI TN 515 and TCBC TN 4199.
030805.doc - 114KB

2003/07/18 - Rogers Wireless Inc.
Description: Rogers Wireless Inc. ("RWI") is in receipt of Former TCI TN 515 and TCBC TN 4199 which were filed by TELUS Communications Inc. on 18 June 2003.
030718.pdf - 71KB

2003/06/23 - Telus Communications Inc.
Description: The Company files herewith a revision to the cost study submitted in TN 515 and TN 4199.
030623.zip - 35KB

Date Modified: 2005-07-27

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