2003/07/28 - #8740-S22-200309634 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc. (Sasktel) - TN 53  - Carrier Access Tariff - Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling

2003/09/08 - Telecom Order CRTC 2003-373 - The Commission approves an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications, dated 28 July 2003, to revise Competitor Access Tariff item 610.18, Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling, pursuant to Provision of telecommunications services to customers in multi dwelling units, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-45, 30 June 2003. Reference: TN 53. Eff. date : 08.09.03.

2003/08/29 - Allstream Inc.
Description: Allstream Inc. is in receipt of Bell TN 6764, TELUS TN 517 and 4201, SaskTel TN 53 and MTS TN 512 and hereby submits its comments on these tariff applications.
030829.doc - 251KB

2003/08/08 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. is in receipt of TN 6764 by Bell Canada, TN 517 & 4201 filed by TELUS Communications Inc. and TN 53 filed by SaskTel, all of which are proposing revisions to their respective Carrier Access Tariff.
030808.doc - 37KB

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