Telecom Order CRTC 2003-373
Ottawa, 8 September 2003
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Reference: Tariff Notice 53
Local network interconnection and component unbundling
The Commission received an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), dated 28 July 2003, to revise Competitor Access Tariff item 610.18, Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling, pursuant to Provision of telecommunications services to customers in multi-dwelling units, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-45, 30 June 2003 (Decision 2003-45).
In Decision 2003-45, the Commission directed:
· local exchange carriers (LECs) that provide unbundled loops to file proposed
tariff pages to allow LECs the option of terminating leased unbundled loops
either at the service provider demarcation point or at the customer
demarcation point, at current tariff rates; and
· LECs that have responsibility and control of copper in-building wire in an
multi-dwelling unit to file proposed tariff pages permitting other LECs to
connect to and use the copper in-building wire at no charge.
The Commission received comments from Call-Net Enterprises Inc. dated 8 August 2003 and from Allstream Inc. dated 29 August 2003. Both parties commented that SaskTel's application should be used as a model by the Commission with respect to the proposed tariffs filed by Bell Canada and TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) in response to Decision 2003-45.
The Commission will deal with the parties' comments to use SaskTel's tariff as a model in the context of Bell Canada and TCI applications.
The Commission finds that SaskTel's proposed wording adheres to the directives of Decision 2003-45.
The Commission approves SaskTel's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Secretary General
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