2004/01/06 - #8740-B2-200316639 - Bell Canada - TN 6780/A - Amendment to TN 6780

2003/11/12 - #8740-B2-200316639 - Bell Canada - TN 6780- General Tariff - Single Number Reach

2004/02/12 - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-46  The Commission approves an application by Bell Canada, dated 12 November 2003 and amended on 6 January 2004, to revise General Tariff item 2185, Single Number Reach, in order to add a condition which will allow customers to have a directory listing with this service at no extra charge. Reference: TNs 6780 and 6780A. Eff. date = 12.02.04.

2003/12/16 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada's Reply Comments to address comments related to Tariff Notice No. 6780, from Unite Communications Corporation, dated 14 November 2003.
031216.doc - 59KB

2003/11/14 - Unite Communications Corporation
Description: Unite Communications is objecting to the approval of this tariff as filed by Bell Canada.
031114.pdf - 24KB

Date Modified: 2004-02-23

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