2003/08/26 - #: 8740-B2-6621/01 - Bell Canada - TN 6621/A  - Amendment to TNpublic/8740/2001/B2/tn6621.zip">6621

2001/10/18 - #: 8740-B2-6621/01 - Bell Canada - TN 6621 - Access Services Tariff - Optical Links Arrangements

2006-04-28 - Telecom Decision CRTCeng/archive/2005/dt2005-6-1.htm">2005-6-1 In this Erratum, the Commission makes various corrections to Competitor Digital Network Services, Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-6, 3 February 2005. Reference: 8661‑C12‑10/02, 8678‑C12‑11/01, 8638‑C12‑61/02, 8740‑B2‑6621/01, 8740‑B2‑200306771, 8740‑M3‑200307084, 8740‑M3‑200404781, 8740‑T66‑0057/02, 8740‑T66‑0063/02, 8740‑T66‑200313031 and 8740‑S22‑200406852.

2005-02-03 - Telecom Decision CRTCeng/archive/2005/dt2005-6.htm">2005-6 The Commission renders its determinations in the proceeding initiated by Competitor Digital Network Access service proceeding, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-4, 9 August 2002. The Commission determines that the incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) shall provide to competitors the following services and facilities as part of Competitor Digital Network (CDN) services: DNA access and links, DNA intra-exchange, central office (CO) channelization, non-forborne metropolitan IX, copper and optical co-location links and other CO connecting links. The Commission also classifies each of the CDN services as either a Category I Competitive Service or Category II Competitor Service, and establishes the appropriate pricing treatment for each service. Finally, the Commission sets the rates, terms and conditions applicable to CDN services, as well as the appropriate compensation to be provided to the ILECs for their provision of CDN services to competitors. Reference:PartVII/eng/2002/8661/8661-02.htm#c12-10">8661-C12-10/02 ,PartVII/eng/2001/8678/8678-01.htm#c12-11">8678-C12-11/01 ,PartVII/eng/2002/8638/8638-02.htm#c12-61">8638-C12-61/02 , 8740-B2-6621/01 ,8740/eng/2003/b2.htm#a200306771">8740-B2-200306771 ,8740/eng/2003/m3.htm#a200307084">8740-M3-200307084 ,8740/eng/2004/m3.htm#a200404781">8740-M3-200404781 ,8740/eng/2002/t66.htm#a57">8740-T66-0057/02 ,8740/eng/2002/t66.htm#a63">8740-T66-0063/02 ,8740/eng/2003/t66.htm#a200313031">8740-T66-200313031 and8740/eng/2004/s22.htm#a200406852">8740-S22-200406852 . [eng/archive/2005/dt2005-6.pdf">.pdf ]

2003/11/07 - Telecom Order CRTCeng/archive/2003/o2003-450.htm">2003-450  The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada, dated 18 October 2001 and amended on 26 August 2003, to add item 121, Optical Link Arrangements, to its Access Services Tariff. Reference: TNs 6621 and 6621A.

2003-08-01 - Telecom Decision CRTCeng/archive/2003/dt2003-52.htm">2003-52 -  The Commission directs Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Bragg Communications Inc. carrying on business as EastLink, Shaw Communications Inc., Rogers Cable Inc. and Vidéotron Télécom ltée to respond to two Commission supplemental interrogatories by 2 September 2003. Reference: 8661-C12-10/02,PartVII/eng/2002/8638/8638-02.htm#c12-61">8638-C12-61/02, 8740-B2-6621/01,8740/eng/2002/t66.htm#a63">8740-T66-0063/02 and8740/eng/2002/t66.htm#a79">8740-T66-0079/02.

2002/08/09 - Telecom Public Noticeeng/archive/2002/pt2002-4.htm">2002-4 Competitor Digital Network Access service proceeding. Reference:PartVII/eng/2002/8661/8661-02.htm#c12-10">8661-C12-10/02;PartVII/eng/2001/8678/8678-01.htm#c12-11">8678-C12-11/01;PartVII/eng/2002/8638/8638-02.htm#c12-61">8638-C12-61/02 and Bell Canada tariff notice 6621.

2003/10/07 -eng/archive/2003/lt031007.htm">Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada, Allstream Corp. and Call-Net Enterprises Inc. - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6621A - Optical Links Arrangements

2003/09/30 - Allstream
Description: Allstream Corp. provides the following comments on behalf of itself and Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (collectively, the Competitors).
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6621/030930.doc">030930.doc - 302KB

2001/11/29 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of comments related to Bell Canada Tariff Notice No. 6621 (TN 6621) from Futureway Communications Inc. (Futureway), dated 19 November 2001, and received 20 November 2001.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6621/011129_3.doc">011129_3.doc - 56KB

2001/11/19 - Futureway Communications Inc.
Description: Futureway Communications Inc. ("Futureway" or "the Company") has obtained a copy of Bell Canada Tariff Notice No. 6621, 18 October 2001, (TN 6621) in which Bell Canada (Bell) is proposing to introduce optical central office connecting link arrangements to Canadian Carriers and Digital Subscriber Line Service Providers (DSLSPs) for the purpose of transmitting at OC-3 and OC-12 levels.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6621/011119.doc">011119.doc - 281KB

Date Modified: 2006-04-28

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