8340-T42-0883/00 - Telus (TCI) / Axia SuperNet Ltd. - Section 29 - Demande d'approbation pour l'utilisation de fibre et de gestion

Liste de parties intéressées

Référence : 8638-C12-200311283

2003/04/07 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2003-22 - Le Conseil approuve définitivement l'article tarifaire 447, Fibres inutilisées intercirconscriptions appartenant à TCI (en Alberta) - Client particulier seulement, du Tarif des montages spéciaux de TELUS Communications Inc. Référence : 8340-T42-0883/00.

2003/01/31 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2003-4 - TELUS Communications Inc. - Entente de gestion et d'utilisation des fibres. Le Conseil approuve provisoirement, une entente de gestion et d'utilisation des fibres intervenue entre TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) et Axia SuperNet Ltd.

2003/04/15 - TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.
Description:  Nous tenons à vous informer que nous soumettrons au plus tard le 14 mai 2003 deux semaines d'approbation de tarifs d'assemblages spéciaux.
Document: 030415.doc - 23KO

2003/03/25 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  TELUS filed reply comments respecting the SFT on March 7, 2003.
Document: 030325.doc - 64KO

2003/03/10 - Axia SuperNet Ltd.
Description:  As you know, Axia SuperNet Limited ("Axia") registered as an interested party in this proceeding. Our purpose in doing so was to ensure as the Customer in this case, Axia's interests and the interests of the Alberta SuperNet ("SuperNet") project would be adequately considered. This communication is therefore not submitted as an intervention rather it is submitted to highlight to the Commission our ever pressing interests.
Document: 030310.doc - 63KO

2003/03/07 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to the Commission's directions at paragraph 27 of the above noted Decision, TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS" or the "Company") provides herein its response to interventions filed in respect of the Fibre Use and Management Agreement between the Company and Axia SuperNet Ltd.
Document: 030307.doc - 50KO

2003/03/05 - Tom Pearce on behalf of Stan Boychuk and the Clayoquot Sound Mamook Broadband Project steering committee
Description: On behalf Stan Boychuk and the entire steering committee we would like to submit the following background and comments.
Document: 030305.doc - 22KO

2003/03/03 - Columbia Mountain Open Network (CMON)
Description:  Columbia Mountain Open Network comments on Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-4 Telus Communications Inc. Fibre Use and Management Agreement.
Document:  030303.zip - 65KO

2003/02/17 - Stan Boychuk and The Clayoquot Mamook Broadband Project
Description:  Our group will file comments on this matter on or before March 4, 2003.
Document:  030217.htm - 1KO

2003/02/17 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  TELUS is in receipt of two letters from the Commission, each dated February 12, 2003, in relation to the above noted subject.
Document:  030217.doc - 35KO

2003/02/12 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet:  TELUS Communications Inc. - Entente de gestion et d'utilisation des fibres: Demandes de divulgation et autres requêtes présentée par M. Ménard: Dates limites de soumission

2003/02/08 - François D. Ménard
Description:  The following comments and request for disclosure of confidential information are being provided by Francois D. Menard.
Document:  030208.zip - 37KO

2003/02/05 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  Special Facilities Tariff Update # 12
Document:  030205_2.zip - 49KO

2003/02/05 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  TELUS provides herewith revised abridged versions of the Fibre Use and Management Agreement and Fibre Maintenance Agreement between the Company and Axia SuperNet Ltd.
Document: 030205.zip - 149KO

2003/01/25 - François D. Ménard
Description: The following comments and request for disclosure of confidential information are being provided by Francois D. Menard.
Document: 030125.doc - 38KO

2003/01/14 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS submits herewith its responses to the Commission's questions.
Document: 030114.zip - 9KO

2003/01/10 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Lettre adressée à TELUS Communications Inc. - Objet: Utilisation de fibre et de gestion

2003/01/08 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: On December 17, 2002, in response to a letter from the Commission dated December 16, 2002 and received on December 17, 2002, setting out a number of Commission questions respecting the Company's section 29 application of November 1, 2002
Document: 030108.doc - 28KO

2002/12/17 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS" or the "Company") is in receipt of a letter from the Commission dated December 16, 2002 and received on December 17, 2002, setting out a number of Commission questions respecting the Company's section 29 application of November 1, 2002.
Document: 021217.zip - 245KO

2002/12/16 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description : Lettre adressée à TELUS Communications Inc. - Objet : Utilisation de fibre et de conventions de gestion

2002/11/25 - TELUS Communications Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description: Supplement to November 11, 2002 Section 29 Request for approval of Fibre Use and Management Agreement

2002/11/01 - TELUS Communications Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description : Telus (TCI) / Axia SuperNet Ltd. - Section 29 - Request for approval of Fibre Use and Management Agreement

Date de modification :