2009-05-25 - # 8340-B29-0810/00 - Fido Solutions Inc. / Bell Canada - Entente cadre d'interconnexion - Modification - Entente 0810/01

2009-06-11 - Fido Solutions Inc.

Description:  On May 22nd, 2009, Fido filed on a confidential basis Amendment No. 1 (including a revised Schedule C) to the MALI between itself and Bell.  On June 1st, Fideo received a letter from the CRTC, signed by Ms. Suzanne Bédard (Senior Manager - Tariffs), requesting among other things that we re-file an abridged copy of the May 22nd application for the public record and that we provide detailed justification for any part of the application that we consider should remain confidential.
Document: 1222292.pdf - 108KO

2009-06-01 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Fido Solutions Inc. - Objet: Entente 810/0/ - Modification no 1 de l'entente cadre d'interconnexion locale entre Fido Solutions Inc. et Bell Canada


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