2004-02-17 - #: 8340-N51-200401430 - NorthernTel Limited Partnership/Bell Canada - Entente d'échange de fibre - Entente 0918/00

2004-10-29 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2004-356 Le Conseil rejette l'entente d'échange de fibres optiques, conclue entre NorthernTel, Limited Partnership (NorthernTel) et Bell Canada datée du 30 mars 1999 ainsi qu'une modification à l'entente datée du 11 février 2004. NorthernTel a présenté la demande le 17 février 2004. Référence : 8340-N51-200401430. (.pdf)

2004-05-03 - Northerntel, Limited Partnership
Description: The following constitutes the response of NorthernTel and Bell Canada with respect to O.N.Telcom's comments.
040503.doc - 135KO

2004-04-21 - O.N. Telcom
Description: O.N.Telcom is in receipt of correspondence dated April 16, 2004, from NorthernTel, Limited Partnership ("NorthernTel") and Bell Canada ("the Companies") with respect to the above noted process.
040421.doc - 42KO

2004-04-16 - NorthernTel, Limited Partnership
Description: The following constitutes the response of NorthernTel and Bell Canada ("the Companies") with respect to O.N.Telcom's letter.
040416.doc - 136KO

2004-04-02 - O.N. Telcom
Description: On March 29, 2004, NorthernTel Limited Partnership, on behalf of itself and Bell Canada (the Companies) filed reply comments to O.N.Telcom's intervention of March 4, 2004 in the above noted matter.
040402.doc - 44KO

2004-03-29 - NorthernTel, Limited Partnership
Description: The following constitutes the Companies' reply to O.N.Telcom's letter of intervention.
040329.doc - 143KO

2004-03-12 - NorthernTel, Limited Partnership
Description: NorthernTel, Limited Partnership ("NorthernTel") is in receipt of an intervention, dated March 4, 2004, regarding the above-referenced Fibre Swapping Agreement from O.N.Telcom.
040312.doc - 162KO

2004-03-04 - O.N.Telcom
Description: On February 17, 2004 NorthernTel Limited Partnership requested that the Commission approve, pursuant to Section 29 of the Telecommunications Act, a Fibre Swapping Agreement between Northern Telephone Limited and Bell Canada entered into in March of 1999. In addition, Northern requested approval of an amendment that was recently entered into between Northern and Bell Canada
Document: 040304.doc - 60KO


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