Vianet Inc. - 8180-E30-201012468

Documents from CLECs, proposed CLECs and related documents for 2020

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2020-04-14 - Vianet Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out in Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8 as well as in Appendix 1 of Teleom Decision CRTC 2012-396, Vianet hereby confirms that it has met all obligations to enter as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) in the exchanges set out below in NLT-LIR-01.
Document: 3839996.pdf - 594KB

2020-03-24 - Vianet Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out in Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8 and in Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-396, Vianet hereby advises the Commission of our intention to enter as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) in the following exchanges.
Document: 3831846.pdf - 148KB

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