1998/07/09 - #: 8638/C12-17/98 - Suivi à la Décision Télécom 98-09 - Réglementation en vertu de la Loi sur les Télécommunications de certains services de Télécommunications offerts par des Entreprises de Radiodiffusion.

2000/04/25 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 98-9, paragraph 81, attached is CCTA's quarterly technical report on the status of the implementation of access for Internet service providers. A copy of the Third Party Residential Internet Access (TPRIA) Point of InterconnexionTrial Results, Part II, Abridged Version is attached.
000425.doc - 30KO

2000/02/14 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 98-9, paragraph 81, attached is the CCTA's quarterly technical report on the status of the implementation of access for Internet service providers. Copies of the Third Party Residential Internet Access (TPRIA) Point ofInterconnexionTrial Results, Part 1, are attached.
Nom du fichier:
Tech0200.doc - Word - 32KO

1999/11/12 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 98-9: Regulation Under the Telecommunications Act of Certain Telecommunications Services Offered by Broadcast Carriers. Attachments associated with the technical filing are available in hardcopy.
Nom du fichier:
tecnov12.doc - Word - 35KO

1999/08/10 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Attached is the CCTA's quarterly Technical Report on the Status of Implementation of Access for Internet Service Providers. Business Interface Specifications and Vidéotron's presentation will be forwarded in hard copy only.
Nom du fichier:
Tech0810.doc - MS*Word - 29KB

1999/05/07 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA) - "version imprimée"
Description: In response to your request dated April 23, 1999, this letter outlines the work being undertaken by the CAIP/CCTA Technical Working Plan toward the implementation of third-party access.

1999/05/07 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 98-9, paragraph 81, attached is the CCTA’s quarterly technical report on the status of the implementation of access for Internet service providers.
Noms des fichiers: MS*Word
May7_99.doc - 56KB
techmay7.doc - 29KB

1999/04/30 - Cisco Systems, Inc. - "version imprimée"
Description: Commentaires.

1999/04/23 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Letter addressed to CCTA. RE: Implementation of Third Party Access.

1999/03/11 - Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, Island Telecom Inc. and NBTel Inc. - "version imprimée"
Description: Re: CCTA's Quarterly Technical Report pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 98-9.

1999/02/08 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: CCTA Quarterly Technical Report on the Status of the implementation of Access for ISPs.
Noms des fichiers:
980208.zip (WinZip - 832KB)
feb8_99.doc - MS*Word - 55KB
techfe08.doc - 74KB
tekdec22.doc - 1155KB

1999/01/22 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA) - "version imprimée"
Description: Re: Implementation of Third-party Internet Access to Cable Company Telecommunications Facilities.

1998/12/10 - CAIP
Description: CCTA Technical Report on the Status of Implementation of Access for Internet Service Providers, dated November 10, 1998, by way of Follow-up to regulation Under the Telecommunications Act of Certain Telecommunications Services Offered by "Broadcast Carriers", Telecom Decision CRTC 98-9.
Nom du fichier:
981210.DOC - MS*Word - 64KB

1998/11/10 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Attached is an electronic version of the CCTA's Quarterly Technical Report,including Network Design for Point of Interconnection.
Noms des fichiers:
981110.zip - (WinZip - 407KB) Zipped file contains the following files:
covnov10.doc - MS*Word - 21KB
techno10.doc - MS*Word - 132KB
tekoct27.doc - MS*Word - 1274KB

1998/08/24 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Follow-up to Decision 98-9: CCTA Technical Report on Alternatives. CCTA Technical Report on Alternative Methods of Providing Access to Competitive ISPs. Attached is an electronic version of the CCTA's Technical Report on Alternative Methods of Providing Access to Competitive ISPs, filed as a Follow-up to Decision 98-9.
Noms des fichiers:
covaug24.doc - Word 97 - 21504 KO
techau24.doc - Word 97 - 231936 KO

1998/08/10 - Canadian Cable Television Association
Description: Attached is an electronic version of the CCTA's Technical Report filed as a Follow-up to Decision 98-9.
Noms des fichiers: MS*Word
TPRIAF27.DOC - 266752 KO
TECHAU10.DOC - 135680 KO

1998/07/23 - Fundy Cable - "version imprimée"
Description: Attached are five copies of pages 1, 2 and 3 withdrawing the tariffs for retail level internet service of Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée.

1998/07/09 - Telecom Decision CRTC 98-09 - Regulation under the Telecommunications Act of Certain Telecommunications Services offered by "Broadcast Carriers".

Mise à jour : 2000-04-25

Date de modification :