2004-08-03 - #: 8690-C68-200408353 - Cable Cable Inc. - Application for an interim order on an expedited basis and final order for access to public highways and municipal property located in the City of Kawartha Lakes

2004-08-25 - Cable Cable Inc.
Description: Accordingly, Cable Cable hereby withdraws its Application.
Document: 040825.doc - 46KB

2004-08-25 - Nelligan O'Brien Payne on behalf of City of Kawartha Lakes
Description: I am writing to reply to the submissions we received today from Cable Cable opposing the request for an extension for the City of Kawartha Lakes to file its Answer to Cable Cable's Part VII application.
Document: 040825_1.pdf - 99KB

004-08-25 - Cable Cable Inc.
Description: We are in receipt of a request made by Nelligan O’Brien Payne (Nelligan) on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes (the City) to extend the September 1, 2004 deadline in reply to Cable Cable’s Part VII Application.
Document: 040825_1.doc - 47KB

2004-08-25 - Nelligan O'Brien Payne on behalf of City of kawartha Lakes
Description: We represent the City of Kawartha Lakes in the above-noted Part VII Application. We were only retained on August 19, 2004 in this matter and have just received all the documentation.
Document: 040825.pdf - 82KB

2004-08-12 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Cable Cable Inc. and City of Kawartha Lakes - Re: Part VII Aplication for an interim order on an expedited basis and final order for access to public highways and municipal property located in the City of Kawartha Lakes

2004-08-11 - Cable Cable Inc.
Description: Correction to Addendum I to provide details - Part VII Application for an interim order on an expedited basis and final order for access to public highways and municipal property located in the City of Kawartha Lakes
Document: 040811_1.doc - 45KB

2004-08-11 - Cable Cable Inc.
Description: Cable Cable Inc., Fenelon Cable Inc., Bobcaygeon Cable Inc., and ccROUTE Inc. (collectively, Cable Cable) are in receipt of the Commissions request for further information surrounding the nature of the initial Part VII Application filed on August 3, 2005. Cable Cable respectfully submits the following for review
Document: 040811.doc - 532KB

2004-08-05 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Cable Cable Inc. - Re: Part VII application for an interim order on an expedited basis and final order for access to public highways and municipal property located in the City of Kawartha Lakes - Information requested

2004-08-03 - Cable Cable Inc.
Description: Cable Cable Inc., Fenelon Cable Inc., Bobcaygeon Cable Inc., and ccROUTE Inc. (collectively, Cable Cable) file the attached application pursuant to the Telecommunications Act and in accordance with the procedures set out in Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunication Rules of Procedure
Document: 040803.zip - 25KB

Date Modified: 2004-09-23

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