Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34: 8638-C12-60/02

Show Cause Monthly Itemized Billing

2003/12/23 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-86 The Commission directs Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) to commence providing all customers with monthly itemized billing statements within six months of the date of this decision. The Commission denies the request of Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom to recover any costs associated with the introduction of monthly itemized billing statements. Reference: 8638-C12-60/02.

2003/03/20 - Telecom Cost Order CRTC 2003-3 - The Commission approves the application for costs by the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs with respect to their participation in the show cause proceeding regarding monthly itemized billing initiated in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34. Reference: 8638-C12-60/02 et 4754-214.

2002/12/06 - Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) have received an application for costs and taxation of costs from Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti Poverty Organization and L'Union des Consommateurs (collectively, the Consumer Groups) in respect of the above noted proceeding, by letter dated 15 November 2002.
Document: 021206.doc - 41KB

2002/11/25 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's letter of 18 October 2002 and modified by its letter of 25 October 2002, Aliant Telecom Inc. ("Aliant Telecom" or the "Company") hereby files its reply to the comments received on 14 November 2002 from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the Consumer Groups ("PIAC").
Document: 021125.doc - 126KB

2002/11/25 - Bell Canada
Description: In Decision 2002-34, Regulatory framework for second price cap period, the Commission directed Bell Canada (the Company) and Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) to show cause as to why they should not be directed to send their customers monthly itemized billing statements at the same level of detail as is currently provided on an annual basis. Pursuant to the procedure set out in that decision, Bell Canada filed comments on 2 July 2002 and reply comments on 22 July 2002.
Document: 021125.doc - 63KB

2002/11/15 - The Consumer Groups
Description: This is an application for costs and taxation thereof, made on behalf of the Consumer Groups (Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-the Poverty Organization, and l'Union des Consommateurs) in respect of their participation in this proceeding.
Document: 021115.doc - 29KB

2002/11/14 - The Consumer Groups
Description: We are in receipt of responses from Bell and Aliant to Commission interrogatories on the issue of monthly itemized billing statements. Pursuant to the Commission's procedural order of October 25, 2002, the following are The Consumer Groups' comments on those interrogatory responses.
Document: 021114.doc - 44KB

2002/11/04 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's letter of 18 October 2002, as modified by its letter of 25 October 2002, Bell Canada is providing its responses to CRTC interrogatories.
Document: - 1046KB

2002/11/04 - Aliant Telecom
Description:  In accordance with the Commission's directions in its letter of 18 October 2002 revised 25 October 2002, Aliant Telecom Inc. ("Aliant Telecom" or the "Company") provides the following responses to the interrogatories addressed to the Company by the Commission.
Document: - 487KB

2002/10/25 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom Inc. - Re: Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34 - Monthly Itemized billing Statements

2002/10/24 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc. requests an extension to 4 November 2002 for response to interrogatories concerning a follow-up to Decision CRTC 2002-34.
Document: 021024.doc - 147KB

2002/10/23 - Bell Canada
Description: On 18 October 2002, Commission staff issued interrogatories to Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) with respect to the Commission's "show cause" in Decision 2002-34 as to why Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom should not be required to send customers monthly itemized billing statements with the same level of detail as is currently provided on an annual basis. These interrogatories were further to the process set out in Decision 2002-34, the record of which closed on 22 July 2002. Commission staff has requested that responses to these interrogatories be filed by 28 October 2002.
Document: 021023.doc - 60KB

2002/10/18 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom Inc. - Re: Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34 - Monthly Itemized Billing Statements

2002/09/09 - The Consumer Groups
Description: The Consumer Groups filed comments on the above-mentioned issue on July 12, 2002, pursuant to the procedure set out by the Commission in Decision 2002-34, para.805.
Document: 020909.doc - 29KB


2002/07/22 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (the Company) is in receipt of the 12 July 2002 comments filed by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs (collectively, the Consumer Groups).
Document: 020722.doc - 76KB

2002/07/19 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Attached are the Reply comments of Aliant Telecom Inc. to the submission made by the Consumer Groups dated 12 July 2002 in the proceeding wherein Aliant Telecom was directed to show cause why it should not be directed to send customers monthly itemized billing 
Document: 020719.doc - 144KB

2002/07/12 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre for The Consumer Groups (Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty the Organization, and l'Union des consommateurs)
Description:  The following comments are submitted on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty the Organization, and l'Union des consommateurs (previously "Action Réseau Consommateur") ("the Consumer Groups"), pursuant to that process.
Document: 020712.doc - 146KB

2002/07/02 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: As directed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, Aliant Telecom Inc. files a letter to show cause why Aliant Telecom Inc. should not be directed to send its customers monthly itemized billing statements at the same level of detail as is currently provided on an annual basis.
Document: 020702.doc - 141KB

2002/07/02 - Bell Canada
Description: In Decision 2002-34, Regulatory framework for second price cap period, the Commission directed Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom to show cause, by 2 July 2002, why they should not be directed to send their customers monthly itemized billing statements at the same level of detail as is currently provided on an annual basis. The following constitutes the response of Bell Canada (the Company).
Document: 020702.doc - 58KB

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