Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership: 8633-B54-201108507

Application requesting clarification and direction from the Commission regarding Telecom Decisions CRTC 2005-21 and 2005-61 - Customer notification requirements - 2011-05-18

2011-09-26 - Telecom Decision 2011-619 Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership – Application regarding notification and express consent requirements for 9 1 1 services and their applicability to fixed/native VoIP services
File number: 8633-B54-201108507


2011-07-15 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission 29 June 2011staff letter, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) hereby submits its comments on the above-noted subject. Specifically, parties are invited to provide information in response to the following interrogatory.
Document: 1591816.pdf - 46KB

2011-07-15 - Quebecor Media Inc. for Videotron Ltd.
Description: Quebecor Media, on behalf of its affiliate Videotron, hereby provides the attached response to the Commission’s 29 June 2011 interrogatory relating to the above-noted application.
Document: 1591809.pdf - 42KB

2011-07-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or, the Company) is attaching its response to a request for information asked by the Commission in a letter dated 29 June 2011 regarding the above noted application
Document: - 29KB

2011-07-15 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: On May 18, 2011, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) filed a Part 1 application with the Commission seeking clarification on the notification and express consent requirements that apply to fixed/native local VoIP service, as established in Telecom Decisions 2005-21 and 2005-61
Document: 1591797.pdf - 60KB

2011-07-15 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) is hereby filing its response to the interrogatory posed to it by the Commission on June 29, 2011
Document: - 20KB

2011-07-15 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS is in receipt of an interrogatory posed to TELUS by Commission staff in relation to the above-noted Application. In accordance with the procedures outlined by the Commission staff for this interrogatory, TELUS files the attached interrogatory response
Document: - 76KB

2011-07-15 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant or the Company) is in receipt of the Commission letter dated 29 June 2011 posing a request for information regarding Bell Aliant's Part I Application referenced above.  The Company's response to the Commission's request is attached
Document: - 36KB

2011-07-15 - Bragg Communications (EastLink)
Description: Please find attached Bragg Communications’ interrogatory response to the
Commission’s request of 29 June 2011 related to Bell Aliant’s Part I application
regarding express consent requirement for local VoIP services.
Document: - 140KB

2011-07-15 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) hereby provides its response to the interrogatory posed by Commission staff in a letter dated 29 June 2011
Document: - 58KB

2011-07-15 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. provides the attached information requested by Commission staff on 29 June 2011.
Document: - 42KB

2011-07-14 - Association des centres d'urgence du Québec (ACUQ) et Agence municipale de financement et de développement des centres d'urgence 9-1-1 du Québec (the Coalition)
Description: La Coalition, au nom des membres de l'Association des centres d'urgence du Québec (ACUQ) et Agence municipale de financement et de développement des centres d'urgence 9-1-1 du Québec (Agence 9-1-1), accuse réception d'une demande par le Conseil de présenter des renseignements additionnels, eu égard au sujet susmentionné en rubrique, en date du 29 juin 2011.
Document: 1591650.pdf - 480KB

2011-06-29 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re:  Part 1 application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) requesting clarification regarding customer notification requirements for local VoIP services

2011-05-18 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) is filing this Part 1 application seeking clarification and if necessary direction regarding the express consent requirements identified in Decisions 2005-21 and 2005-61 and the communication requirements described in the Consensus Report at paragraph 5.  The clarification is being requested regarding the type of service limitations intended to be covered by those decisions specifically as they relate to fixed/native local VoIP service.
Document: 1569743.doc - 71KB

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