TELUS Communications Inc. - 8663-T66-202209733

Plan de mise en œuvre de la concurrence locale à Coldwater, Ontario Exchange

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2023-01-12 - Lettre du Conseil - Description: Lettre adressée à Persona Communications Inc. - Objet : Intention de TELUS Communications Inc. d’entrer dans le territoire d’exploitation de Persona Communication Inc. en tant qu’entreprise de services locaux concurrentiels (ESLC) dans la circonscription de Coldwater, en Ontario.

2022-12-22 - Persona Communications Inc.
Description : Persona Communications Inc. (“Persona”), doing business as Eastlink, is in receipt of notice from TELUS Communications Inc. (“TELUS”) to enter the Coldwater, Ontario exchange as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier.
Document : 4281713.pdf - 60 Ko

2022-12-02 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description : TELUS Communications Inc. (“TELUS”) has reviewed the local competition implementation plan filed by Persona Communications Inc. (doing business as Eastlink), dated November 23, 2022, regarding the Coldwater exchange. Eastlink proposed to implement local competition ninety (90) days after the date of Eastlink’s letter, or by February 21, 2022.
Document : 4269749.pdf - 263 Ko

2022-11-22 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description : TELUS Communications Inc. (“TELUS”) hereby notifies the Commission of the proposed service date for exchanges that it intends to enter as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier. The exchanges and the proposed service dates are identified in the attached table.
Document : 4273991.pdf - 197 Ko

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