Annual total subsidy requirement filing 2015: 8695-C12-201502808
2015-12-01 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-533 - Final 2015 revenue-percent charge and related matters
2015-06-15 - CoopTel
Description :
Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, CoopTel dépose les exigences de dépot de la subvention totale pour 2015. (version corrigée)
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2015-06-02 - Groupe Masktel
Description: Conformément aux dispositions des alinéas 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de
Télécom CRTC 2013-160, Groupe Maskatel LP a déposé, en date du 10 avril 2015, son
«Rapport annuel sur les SAR» pour la période du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2014.4 - Version 2 révisé
Document: 2366804.pdf - 79KB
2015-05-31 - CoopTel
Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, CoopTel dépose les exigences de dépot de la subvention totale pour 2015.
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2015-05-27 - Groupe Masktel
Description : Rapport annuel sur les SAR au 31 décembre 2014 - Révisé
Document : 2350987.pdf - 21KB
2015-05-27 - CoopTel
Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, CoopTel dépose les exigences de dépot de la subvention totale pour 2014.
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2015-05-22 - Independent Telecommunications Providers Association
Description: The Canadian Independent Telephone Company Joint Task Force (“the JTF”) is in receipt of a letter from Bell Aliant and Bell Canada (collectively “Bell”) , dated 12 May 2015, in which it requests the disclosure of certain NAS information filed in confidence by Bruce Telecom and the other members of the Independent Telecommunications Providers Association (“the ITPA”) and by implication requests the disclosure of the same information by members of the l’Association des compagnies de téléphone du Québec (“the ACTQ”) when they file the information required by Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters - Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-160.
Document: 2342868.pdf - 173KB
2015-05-22 - Bragg Communications Inc. (Eastlink)
Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink” (“Eastlink”), is in receipt of a letter, dated 12 May 2015, from Bell Aliant and Bell Canada (“Bell”) requesting that the Commission require Eastlink to disclose competitively sensitive information filed confidentially as part of Amtelecom and People’s Tel’s 2015 subsidy reports.
2342537.pdf - 312KB
2015-05-22 - Téléphone de
Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, Téléphone de Courcelles dépose les exigences de dépôt de la subvention totale pour 2015.
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2015-05-22 - Téléphone de Lambton
Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, Téléphone de Lambton dépose les exigences de dépôt de la subvention totale pour 2015.
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2015-05-22 - Téléphone Milot inc.
Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, Téléphone Milot inc. dépose les exigences de dépôt de la subvention totale pour 2015.
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2015-05-22 - Sogetel inc.
Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, Sogetel inc. dépose les exigences de dépôt de la subvention totale pour 2015.
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2015-05-13 - Bragg Communications Inc. (Eastlink)
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink” (“Eastlink”), is in receipt of a letter, dated 12 May 2015, from Bell Aliant and Bell Canada (“Bell”) requesting that the Commission require Eastlink to disclose competitively sensitive information filed confidentially as part of Amtelecom and People’s Tel’s 2015 subsidy reports. Eastlink submits that the Commission should dismiss Bell’s letter as outlined herein.
Document: 2336866.pdf - 294KB
2015-05-12 - Bell Aliant and Bell Canada
Description: Bell Aliant and Bell Canada are filing this letter to request that the Commission address the deficiencies in the 2015 subsidy information reports filed by certain small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs)
Document: 2335988.doc - 78KB
2015-04-28 - La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor
Description: Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victoir dépose les exigences de dépôt de la subvention totale pour 2015.
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2015-04-23 - Bruce Telecom
Description: This filing is made pursuant to Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-160 Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters, dated 28 March 2013, paragraph 87, where the commission directed the small ILECs to file by April 15th each year, starting in 2014, (a) the previous year’s December 31 residential NAS by band/sub-band, (b) the maximum allowable residential PES rate for the periods i) January to May and ii) June to December, and (c) the average residential PES rate for the year.
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2015-04-15 - Independent Telecommunications Providers Association (“the ITPA”)
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 88 of the Regulatory Policy noted above, the Independent Telecommunications Providers Association (“the ITPA”) hereby files the information required by the Commission. The Appendix to this letter identifies the members of the ITPA. The ITPA notes that Bruce Telecom has filed its information under separate cover.
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2015-04-15 - Bragg Communications Inc. (Eastlink)
Description: People’s Tel Limited Partnership, operating as Eastlink (“Eastlink”), herein provides its residential NAS report for 2014 as required by Telecom Regulatory Policy 2013-160, Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters wherein the Commission directed small ILECs to file, on 15 April of each year starting in 2014, the previous year’s residential NAS.
Document: 2316987.pdf - 104KB
2015-04-15 - DMTS, KMTS, Ontera and NorthernTel
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 88 of TRP 2013-160, we are submitting the annual subsidy information for DMTS, KMTS, Ontera and NorthernTel for the purposes of calculating the 2015 total subsidy requirement. In the table below, we are providing:
Document: 2316071.doc - 239KB
2015-04-15 - Bragg Communications Inc. (Eastlink)
Description: Amtelecom Limited Partnership, operating as Eastlink (“Eastlink”), herein provides its residential NAS report for 2014 as required by Telecom Regulatory Policy 2013-160, Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters wherein the Commission directed small ILECs to file, on 15 April of each year starting in 2014, the previous year’s residential NAS.
Document: 2315850.pdf - 108KB
2015-04-14 - Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc.
Description: Conformément aux paragraphes 88 et 89 de la Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2013-160, Cadre de réglementation applicable aux petites entreprises de services locaux titulaires et questions connexes (PRT 2013-160), publiée le 28 mars 2013, Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc. dépose les exigences de dépôt de la subvention totale pour 2015.
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2015-04-06 - Bruce Telecom
Description: This filing is made pursuant to Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-160 Regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers and related matters, dated 28 March 2013, paragraph 87, where the commission directed the small ILECs to file by April 15th each year, starting in 2014, (a) the previous year’s December 31 residential NAS by band/sub-band, (b) the maximum allowable residential PES rate for the periods i) January to May and ii) June to December, and (c) the average residential PES rate for the year. These rates are to exclude any local competition and/or WNP exogenous adjustments.
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2015-03-31 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to Decision 2007-27 and TRP 2011-291, Bell Canada is providing its 2015 subsidy calculations in the Attachment. The calculations show that we do not have a subsidy requirement for 2015.
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2015-03-31 - MTS Inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 230 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-27, Price cap framework for large incumbent local exchange carriers, 30 April 2007 (Decision 2007-27), MTS Inc. (MTS) is filing the Total Subsidy Requirement (TSR) and associated subsidy per NAS calculations for 2015 for its residential primary exchange service in high-cost serving areas.
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2015-03-31 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Télébec, Limited Partnership
Description: Pursuant to Decision 2007-27 and TRP 2011-291, as amended in TRP 2011-291-1, dated 12 May 2011, we are providing our 2015 subsidy calculations for Bell Aliant and Télébec in the Attachments. The updated annual subsidy calculations are based on the 2014 year-end residence lines in regulated high-cost serving areas.
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2015-03-31 - Northwestel
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2013-711, Northwestel is providing its 2015 subsidy calculations in Attachment 1.
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2015-03-31 - Telus
Description: In Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-27 – Price Cap framework for large incumbent local exchange carriers (“Decision 2007-27”), dated April 30, 2007, the Commission, at paragraph 230, directed that the ILECs file their subsidy per residential NAS calculations by March 31st of each year.
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2015-03-24 - SaskTel
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-27, Price cap framework for large incumbent local exchange carriers, paragraph 230, as modified by Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011- 291, Obligation to Serve and other Matters, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) respectfully submits its 2015 TSR calculation and the monthly subsidy per NAS, per band, in Attachment 1, Page 1.
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