ARCHIVÉ - Transcription, Audience du 20 mai 2016

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Volume : 5
Endroit : Vancouver (Colombie Britannique)
Date : 20 mai 2016
Tous droits réservés

Les participants et l'endroit

Tenue à :

Salle de réunion 205-207
Centre des congrès de Vancouver
1055, Canada Place
Vancouver (Colombie Britannique)



Vancouver (Colombie Britannique)

--- L’audience reprend le vendredi 20 mai 2016 à 9h04

5812 LE PRÉSIDENT: À l’ordre, s'il vous plaît.

5813 Madame la secrétaire.

5814 Order, please.

5815 Madame la secrétaire.

5816 THE SECRETARY: Mr. Chairman, we will now proceed with Phase 1 of item 11 on the agenda and the presentation by 89.3 Surrey City FM limited.

5817 89.3 Surrey City FM Limited City FM operates the station VF2686 at Surrey, British Columbia at 89.3 megahertz. The station produces programming for broadcast on the radio but does not hold a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking as it claims to operate an exempt low power tourist information radio station pursuant to Broadcasting Order 2 -- 2014-447. The station is owned and controlled by Gurpal Singh Garcha.

5818 It appears that City FM may be operating its tourist information station in non-compliance with Broadcasting Order 2014-447 and, therefore, may be carry on -- carry on broadcasting undertaking in whole or in part in Canada without the licence or pursuant to an exemption contrary to the Broadcasting Act.

5819 If City FM is found to be carrying on a broadcasting undertaking in whole or in part in Canada without the licence or pursuant to an exemption, Mr. Garcha may also be in non-compliance with Broadcasting Order 2014-590 pursuant to which Mr. Garcha may not carry on a broadcasting undertaking in Surrey or anywhere else in Canada except in compliance with the Act.

5820 Mr. Chairman, the Commission was informed this morning that 89.3 Surrey City FM Limited will not be appearing. A letter to this effect, including a doctor’s note, has been placed on the record. The letter reads as follows:

5821 “Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing this email request to you regarding my scheduled appearance at CRTC hearing in Vancouver, B.C. on May 20th, 2016. I regret to inform your office that due to severe medical condition I’m unable to attend this hearing. Moreover, we have closed our operations. City FM no longer broadcasts on 89.3 FM. Kindly accept my apology. Doctor’s note is attached herewith. Thank you. Garpal Paul Garcha, President.”

5822 Copies of this letters are available on the examination room. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

5823 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you.

5824 In light of this mentioned correspondence, the Commission will adjourn to a date to be fixed by the Commission, the hearing of this item. I note this item will very likely be heard at the CRTC’s headquarters in Gatineau and intervenors will be allowed to intervene by teleconference pending, of course, any new developments. So this item is adjourned sine die.

5825 Madam secretary, are there any other non-appearing items on this hearing?

5826 THE SECRETARY: Yes, there are. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

5827 We have three non-appearing items on the agenda of this public hearing. Intervention were received for some of these applications. The Panel will consider these interventions, along with the applications, and decision will be rendered at a later date.

5828 Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

5829 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you.

5830 I take this occasion for formally adjourning the oral phase of this hearing, except for that one item, that there are pending undertakings and we still expect those to be delivered at the times and dates provided for.

5831 In closing, I do want to thank the people that make these hearings possible. Obviously, the members of the public and who appear at our hearings, either through written or oral interventions. I’d also like to thank the interventors, the court reporters, CRTC staff here and in Gatineau, and of course, my Commissioner colleagues who, of course, appreciate considerably the support and help we get from those that make these hearings possible.

5832 As a result of these recent developments, we are ending our oral hearing here in Vancouver early. I’m pleasantly -- I’m happy to report that our hearing secretary -- manager, our hearing manager, Joe Aguiar, will be able to have some extra time today to spend here in Vancouver with his daughters, Laura and Julie Aguiar, who are here in the hearing room. And so you’re -- you’ll be able to have some time with your dad today. So we’re happy for that.

5833 And the oral phase of this hearing, except of course for 89.3 Surrey City FM matter, is now adjourned.

5834 Thank you very much.

--- L’audience est close à 9h09


Sean Prouse

Pierre Limoges

Lucie Morin-Brock

Renée Vaive

Lyne Charbonneau

Karen Pare

Jacqueline Clark

Janice Gingras

Marie Rainville

Lise Baril

Suzanne Jobb

Mathieu Philippe

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