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Votre recherche : subject_txt:"Broadcasting" a repéré 3 documents.
Comments on "Market structure and television programming performance in Canada and the U.K. : a comparative study" by C.G. Hoskins and S. McFayden, Canadian Public Policy, vol. VIII:3, Summer 1982 / Robert E. Babe Associates; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). [Ottawa] : Robert E. Babe Associates, [1982].
Broadcasting and society : proceedings of the fifth Symposium on Broadcasting Policy held at Holly Royde College, April 16-18, 1972 / Symposium on Broadcasting Policy, 5th, Holly Royde College, 1973; Jones, Bill. [Manchester] : University of Manchester, Department of Extra-Mural Studies, [1973]
A profile of complainants and their complaints : a report on Broadcasting Standards Council complainants, based on a study of complaints received over an 18 month period / Broadcasting Standards Council (Great Britain); Gauntlett, David. London : The Broadcasting Standards Council, 1995.
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