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Votre recherche : author_txt:"O'Donnell, Susan" a repéré 7 documents. Vouliez-vous dire author_txt:"O'donner, Susan"? Aussi donner, ou donnez.
Communication technologies for focus groups with remote communities : a case study of research with First Nations in Canada / Gratton, Marie-France; O'Donnell, Susan. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications, 2011.
Post-secondary distance education for First Nations, Métis and Inuit learners living in remote and rural communities : an annotated bibliography / O'Donnell, Susan [et al.]; The VideoCom Project. Frederiction, NB : The VideoCom Project, 2011.
A new remote community-owned wireless communication service : Fort Severn First Nation builds their local cellular system with Keewaytinook Mobile / O'Donnell, Susan [et al.]; Canadian Journal of Communication. Vancouver : Simon Fraser University, Canadian Journal of Communication, c2011.
Mental health professionals' perspectives of telemental health with remote and rural First Nations communities / Gibson, Kerri; O'Donnell, Susan; Coulson, Heather; Kakepetum-Schultz, Tina. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications, 2011.
Points de vue des professionnels en santé mentale sur la télésanté mentale avec les communautés des Premières Nations des régions rurales et éloignées / Gibson, Kerri; O'Donnell, Susan; Coulson, Heather; Kakepetum-Schultz, Tina. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications, 2011.
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