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Votre recherche : author_txt:"United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy" a repéré
4 documents.
Divestiture of AT&T and the separate subsidiary requirement
/ Setzer, Florence O; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy.
Washington, D.C. : Office of Plans and Policy, Federal Communications Commission, 1984.
Telephone pricing to promote universal service and economic freedom
/ Brock, Gerald W; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy.
Washington, D.C. : Federal Communications Commission, Office of Plans and Policy, 1986.
The impact of regulatory policy, competition, and divestiture on U.S. telecommunications services : a critical assessment
/ Levy, Jonathan D; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy.
Washington, D.C. : Federal Communications Commission, 1986.
Are recent FCC telephone rate reforms a threat to universal service?
/ Gordon, Kenneth; Haring, John; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy; Michigan State University. Institute of Public Utilities.
Washington, D.C. : Federal Communications Commission, Office of Plans and Policy, 1984.
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