Résultats de la recherche

Votre recherche : subject_txt:"Broadcasting" a repéré 9 documents.
Les Brown's encyclopedia of television / Brown, Les, 1928-. (3rd ed.). Detroit : Gale Research, c1992.
Listening in : the first decade of Canadian broadcasting, 1922-1932 / Vipond, Mary, 1943-. Montréal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1992.
Television and the public interest : vulnerable values in west European broadcasting / Blumler, Jay G. London ; Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage Publications in association with the Broadcasting Standards Council, 1992.
Today's crisis in the private radio industry, and Tomorrow's opportunities for Canadian radio = L'industrie de la radio privée en crise, et Perspectives nouvelles pour l'industrie de la radio canadienne / Radio Action Plan Consultative Group; Groupe consultatif du plan d'action pour la radio; Canada. Communications Canada. [Ottawa : Communications Canada], 1992.
Radio communication in Canada : a historical and technological survey / Babaian, Sharon Anne, 1957-; National Museum of Science and Technology (Canada). Ottawa : National Museum of Science and Technology, 1992.
Convergence : competition and cooperation : policy and regulation affecting local telephone and cable networks / Local Networks Convergence Committee. [Canada : Government of Canada], c1992.
Let us proceed thoughtfully : the sky is not falling / The Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB). [Ottawa] : The Canadian Association of Broadcasters, 1992.
Big world, small screen : the role of television in American society / Huston, Aletha C. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c1992.
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