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Votre recherche : subject_txt:"Telephone - United States" a repéré 11 documents.
Telephone pricing to promote universal service and economic freedom / Brock, Gerald W; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy. Washington, D.C. : Federal Communications Commission, Office of Plans and Policy, 1986.
Are recent FCC telephone rate reforms a threat to universal service? / Gordon, Kenneth; Haring, John; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy; Michigan State University. Institute of Public Utilities. Washington, D.C. : Federal Communications Commission, Office of Plans and Policy, 1984.
Telephone company performance under alternative forms of regulation in the U.S. / Tardiff, Timothy J; Taylor, William E; National Economic Research Associates (NERA). Cambridge, MA : National Economic Research Associates, 1993.
Effects of the change from rate of return to price-cap regulation / Braeutigam, Ronald R; Panzar, John C; American Economic Association Meeting (105th : 1993 : Anaheim, CA).
Comparative business telecommunications pricing : Canadian companies have competitive edge / The Yankee Group; The Yankee Group Planning Service. Boston, MA : The Yankee Group, 1999.
The FCC access charge plan : the debates continue / Lemler, Mark L; Harvard University. Program on Information Resources Policy. Cambridge, MA : Program on Information Resources Policy, Harvard University, Center for Information Policy Research, 1987.
Consumer utility benchmark survey : value for money : the relationship between consumer perceptions of price and quality of service for local and long distance telephone services / Pérez-Chavolla, Lilia; The National Regulatory Research Institute (NRRI). Columbus, Ohio : The National Regulatory Research Institute, Ohio State University, 2003.
Market and other non-price factors affecting competition in public long distance telephone service : final report = Tendances du marché et autres facteurs non tarifaires susceptibles d'avoir des répercussions sur la concurrence dans le domaine du service téléphonique public interurbain : rapport final / Nordicity Group Ltd; Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on Telecommunications (Canada); Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial-territorial sur les télécommunications (Canada); Sherman, L. R. (Bud). [Ottawa] : The Task Force = Le Groupe de travail, c1988.
The effect of toll competition on prices, costs and productivity of the telephone industry in the United States : a report = Effet de la concurrence des services téléphoniques interurbains sur les prix, les coûts et la productivité de l'industrie du téléphone aux États-Unis : rapport / Chessler, David; David Chessler and Associates; Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on Telecommunications (Canada); Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial-territorial sur les télécommunications (Canada); Sherman, L. R. (Bud). [Ottawa] : The Task Force = Le Groupe de travail, c1988.
The effect of changing technology on the structure of costs for the provision of public long distance telephone service = L'incidence de l'évolution de la technologie sur la structure du prix de revient de la prestation du service téléphonique public interurbain / The Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group; Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on Telecommunications (Canada); Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial-territorial sur les télécommunications (Canada); Sherman, L. R. (Bud). [Ottawa] : The Task Force = Le Groupe de travail, c1988.
Elasticity of demand for long distance telephone service : final report = Elasticité-prix de la demande pour les services interurbains : rapport final / Steven Globerman Associates Ltd; Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on Telecommunications (Canada); Sherman, L. R. (Bud); Groupe de travail fédéral-provincial-territorial sur les télécommunications (Canada). [Ottawa] : The Task Force = Le Groupe de travail, c1988.
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