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Policy proceeding on a group-based approach to the licensing of television services and on certain issues relating to conventional television
Outaouais Room
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec
November 26, 2009
In order to meet the requirements of the Official Languages
Act, transcripts of proceedings before the Commission will be
bilingual as to their covers, the listing of the CRTC members
and staff attending the public hearings, and the Table of
However, the aforementioned publication is the recorded
verbatim transcript and, as such, is taped and transcribed in
either of the official languages, depending on the language
spoken by the participant at the public hearing.
Canadian Radio-television and
Telecommunications Commission
Policy proceeding on a group-based approach to the licensing of television services and on certain issues relating to conventional television
Konrad von Finckenstein Chairperson
Michel Arpin Commissioner
Len Katz Commissioner
Rita Cugini Commissioner
Elizabeth Duncan Commissioner
Suzanne Lamarre Commissioner
Timothy Denton Commissioner
Candice Molnar Commissioner
Stephen Simpson Commissioner
Jade Roy Secretary
Stephen Millington Legal Counsel
Valérie Dionne
Jeff Conrad Hearing Manager /
Outaouais Room
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec
November 26, 2009
- iv -
Pelmorex Media Inc. 2070 /11649
Stornoway Communications 2080 /11698
S-VOX Group of Companies 2089 /11738
Crossroads Television System 2115 /11913
Score Media Inc. 2132 /12035
CPSC-SCFP 2175 /12269
Directors Guild of Canada 2224 /12513
Alliance for Children and Television 2253 /12710
Union des artistes et SARTEC 2277 /12817
Gatineau, Quebec
--- Upon resuming on Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 0900
11643 THE CHAIRPERSON: Good morning. Bonjour, tout le monde.
11644 Madame la Secrétaire, commençons.
11645 THE SECRETARY: For the record, Independent Broadcaster Group have indicated that they will not be appearing.
11646 Also, the Commission accepted Pelmorex Communications' request to be part of this proceeding.
11647 We will now proceed with Pelmorex Communications, Stornoway Communications and S-VOX Group of Companies. We will hear each presentation, which will then be followed by questions by the Commission to all participants.
11648 We will begin with the presentation of Pelmorex. Please introduce yourself and your colleague, after which you will have 10 minutes for your presentation. Thank you.
11649 MR. TEMPLE: Thank you.
11650 Mr. Chairman, Vice-Chairs, Commissioners. My name is Paul Temple. I am the Senior Vice-President, Regulatory and Strategic Affairs for Pelmorex Media Inc.
11651 With me is Luc Perreault, our Vice-President, Affiliate and Government Relations.
11652 I believe you are all familiar with Pelmorex Media Inc. and our specialty services The Weather Network and MétéoMédia, so I will spare you a lengthy introduction.
11653 It is worth pointing out, however, that we are carried on the basic service by all our affiliate BDUs and, using our unique technologies, produce well over 40 hours of local programming each week in each of over 1100 communities. We have an authorized basic rate of 23 cents, which has changed in over 15 years.
11654 I would like to thank the Commission for accommodating our request to appear at this public hearing. Originally, it was not our intent to do so but the nature of the discussions seems to have drifted into areas which are a cause of great concern to Pelmorex.
11655 In particular, the emphasis during this hearing on three issues has brought us here today:
11656 - first, the concept of a skinny basic service;
11657 - second, the use of in-kind contributions as a means of addressing any value-for-signal stalemate; and
11658 - third, the suggestion that specialty services having somehow contributed to the financial predicament of over-the-air broadcasters must now be required to compensate broadcasters for those losses.
11659 We will deal with each of these issues in turn.
11660 M. PERREAULT : Pelmorex a toujours mis de l'avant et appuyé des politiques qui mettaient en avant scène une grande distribution des services de programmation canadiens autorisés.
11661 Dans les commentaires que nous avons déposés lors des récentes instances, incluant notamment les audiences sur la diversité des voix, la revue de la réglementation des EDR, ainsi que l'offre de publicité sur des fenêtres mises à la disposition des EDR, nous avons toujours mis de l'avant le principe de la plus grande distribution possible pour les services canadiens.
11662 Conséquemment, nous n'appuyons pas toute nouvelle réglementation qui viserait à limiter le nombre de services canadiens autorisés qui sont éligibles à la distribution au service de base des EDR.
11663 Dans le passé, le Conseil a lui-même encouragé la distribution des services spécialisés canadiens dans le but, d'une part, d'assurer leur viabilité financière, et d'autre part, de leur donner accès au plus grand auditoire potentiel possible, et ce, au tarif le plus abordable.
11664 Nous n'avons pas entendu d'argument contraire à cette position du Conseil lors de cette instance. En conséquence, nous ne croyons pas que le Conseil doive changer de cap en adoptant une position qui viserait à limiter l'accès des consommateurs canadiens aux services de programmation canadiens autorisés.
11665 MR. TEMPLE: Against this backdrop of encouraging the broad distribution of Canadian services, it seems to Pelmorex that the proponents of a skinny basic service are largely limited to those over-the-air broadcasters who hope to mitigate any consumer or political backlash caused by an increase in basic service fees brought about by their value-for-signal negotiations.
11666 By limiting the cost of the basic service, these over-the-air broadcasters appear to hope that the real cause of any rate increase would be hidden or at least camouflaged.
11667 The CBC's suggestion that a skinny basic would act as a tempering mechanism on basic rates is naïve. Any increase in fees will be passed on to subscribers either in the form of a higher basic rate or, if BDUs are not allowed to increase those basic rates, in the form of higher fees for discretionary tiers.
11668 We are deeply concerned that under this bizarre proposal a subscriber to only the skinny basic would not bear any of the cost increase that would result from value-of-signal negotiations, notwithstanding they receive all the local over-the-air services. Instead, all other subscribers would see their rates increased.
11669 Pelmorex fails to see any policy rationale that would justify a regulation that would require unrelated programming services distributed in discretionary packages to bear the brunt of a value-of-signal cost increase while the basic service containing local over-the-air broadcasters who would directly benefit from these fees are held harmless.
11670 It is rare that we find ourselves agreeing with Rogers, Shaw and other BDUs but in this case a skinny basic is a solution in search of a problem.
11671 If the Commission believes that the basic service must be rate-regulated to ensure it remains affordable, then it should undertake a proceeding focused solely on this issue, regardless of the outcome of this hearing.
11672 Moreover, as Pelmorex has demonstrated on a number of occasions in past proceedings, the growth in the cost of basic service is unrelated to the cost of the programming services distributed on the basic service. Therefore, regardless of whether there needs to be basic rate regulation there is no logical reason for the Commission to place restrictions on which licensed Canadian programming services may be carried on the basic service.
11673 M. PERREAULT : Pelmorex est aussi préoccupé du fait que le Conseil, au diapason de certains intervenants, semble vouloir encourager une certaine forme de troque dans la négociation rattachée à la valeur de la retransmission et de l'offre d'un signal. Ce genre de troque est, selon nous, une pente glissante qui exige un examen plus approfondi.
11674 En effet, la situation financière difficile dans laquelle se retrouvent certains télédiffuseurs conventionnels pourrait les amener à faire des concessions dans le domaine des disponibilités publicitaires, plus communément appelées ad avails, ainsi que dans le domaine de la vidéo à la carte ou des droits de retransmission sur l'Internet, afin de recevoir une contribution financière immédiate de la part des distributeurs.
11675 Les politiques qui régissent de nouvelles fenêtres de diffusion en évolution constante, telles la vidéo à la demande, l'insertion dynamique de pause publicitaire, et l'offre de contenu télévisuel via les portails Internet, devraient être établies dans un contexte plus serein, et non pas dans une situation où certains acteurs font face à des défis considérables.
11676 Par ailleurs, si les EDR se voient forcées par le Conseil d'entretenir des discussions sur la valeur de la retransmission du signal, elles pourraient aussi être tentées d'inclure la vidéo à la demande, l'insertion dynamique de pause publicitaire, et l'offre de contenu télévisuel via des portails Internet lors de ces mêmes discussions.
11677 Ces ententes deviendraient assurément des précédents, qui seraient par la suite étendues à toute l'industrie et qui pourraient avoir des conséquences inattendues, dont l'impact n'est pas immédiatement perceptible aujourd'hui.
11678 MR. TEMPLE: Finally, Pelmorex is most concerned at the suggestion raised at this hearing that specialty services, being one of many reasons given for the decline in ad revenues of over-the-air broadcasters, should therefore make some financial contribution to help mitigate the audience fragmentation that has been experienced.
11679 Apart from setting an extraordinary precedent with no sound policy rationale, the regulatory machinations required to establish such a contribution would outweigh the actual contributions that specialty services would be required to make.
11680 To begin with, such a policy makes no sense. The specialty service industry has not committed a crime or acted negligently, so there is no rationale for imposing some sort of restitution requirement.
11681 Regardless of whether and to what degree specialty services might have played a role in the fragmentation of television viewing, they did so under a regime established by the Commission and founded on regulations and policies that were designed to meet and foster the objectives of the Broadcasting Act.
11682 Establishing a Robin Hood approach to broadcasting policy would simply set the whole system on its head. It would discourage innovation for fear at some later date of having to pay additional restitution and would ultimately undermine the Canadian broadcasting system.
11683 Even if the Commission were to decide to implement a restitution regime, such a framework would open up a myriad of further claims. Radio most certainly would have grounds to apply to the Commission for compensation from the TV industry and the Commission would then have to entertain claims against new media services brought by all licensed programming services.
11684 If a restitution model is implemented for over-the-air broadcasters, might individual cases be brought before the Commission?
11685 Could The Weather Network or any other analog specialty service now make a claim against Category B services or foreign satellite services?
11686 Apart the limitless number of claims that could be made if such a police were implemented, how would the Commission determine the appropriate level of restitution that each pay and special service be required to pay to over-the-air broadcasters?
11687 How many more hearings might be necessary to allocate causality among the guilty? Would services with little or no advertising be assessed a fine?
11688 Would restitution be paid only by licensees where the unlicensed new media services bear no responsibility for the fragmentation they have caused?
11689 What fine would foreign specialty services pay?
11690 Are specialty services even guilty? The chart attached to our oral remarks would suggest otherwise.
11691 In our view, the regulatory regime that would require pay and specialty services to pay restitution to over-the-air broadcasters would be bad public policy, it would be divisive and would undermine the Canadian broadcasting system's ability to achieve the objectives set out in the Act.
11692 In closing, Pelmorex encourages the Commission to reject calls for a skinny basic and any suggestion that pay and specialty services should pay some sort of restitution for over-the-air broadcasters.
11693 We are also leery of the impact that proposals to allow in-kind contributions for the value of signals would have on the broadcasting system.
11694 Finally, we filed written comments in this proceeding in which we expressed concerns about the group-based licensing model proposed in the Notice of Consultation. Our concerns related to the possibility that the creation of a regulatory framework could provide the largest corporate groups in Canada with increased flexibility and significant competitive advantages over small independent broadcasters.
11695 We appreciate this opportunity to appear before you and would be pleased to respond to your questions.
11696 THE SECRETARY: Thank you.
11697 We will now proceed with Stornoway Communications. Please introduce yourself, after which you will have 10 minutes for your presentation.
11698 MS FUSCA: Good morning, Mr. Chairman, Vice-Chairs, Commissioners and staff. I am Martha Fusca, President and CEO of Stornoway Communications. We thank you for the opportunity to appear before you to express our views and concerns in this proceeding.
11699 Stornoway is an independent television broadcast production company. It is the licensee of three digital special programming services: ichannel, a Category A public and social affairs issues channel, and two Category B channels, bpm:tv, Canada's dance channel, and The Pet Network.
11700 Since 2001 I have spent much of my time and energy and Stornoway's resources being a responsible broadcaster and also appearing before you to stress, address and emphasize that the Commission cannot lose sight of two regulatory objectives.
11701 The first objective is in the Broadcasting Act. It requires that there be a strong Canadian presence in the broadcasting system in the form of distinct and diverse Canadian programming services.
11702 In Public Notice 2008-100 the Commission acknowledged that the principles of the Broadcasting Act require that access to Canadian content be assured and that all broadcasters deliver Canadian programs through all parts of the system so that all viewers may select Canadian content that is relevant to them.
11703 The second objective was also reiterated by the Commission as recently as in Public Notice 2008-100. It concerns the importance of ensuring that the broadcasting system as a whole be calibrated such that no single player or group of players can exercise undue influence.
11704 Given the decisions of the Commission at the conclusion of the BDU and specialty hearing and what may transpire at the conclusion of this one, I fear that we may be losing sight of these important objectives and indeed the regulatory imperatives required to meet them.
11705 Asking that these two objectives remain paramount for the Commission is the basis for Stornoway's appearance today.
11706 Our participation in this hearing is limited to requesting that the Commission not authorize a recalibration of the existing economic underpinnings of the Canadian broadcasting system without considering the effect of such recalibration on its most vulnerable sector, independent specialty broadcasters.
11707 In short, for the reasons that follow, Stornoway is requesting that the Commission address the need for mitigating regulatory safeguards if a payment by BDUs to over-the-air broadcasters for the carriage of their signals is authorized.
11708 Whether one uses new acronyms or fee for carriage to characterize the compensation by BDUs to OTA broadcasters being considered at this hearing, it is obvious to all that the net result will be the same.
11709 A fee not until now paid by BDUs, whether negotiated, imposed, sanctioned or authorized by the Commission, would be paid to OTA licensees for the OTA signals the BDUs distribute.
11710 It is also obvious to all that such a fee would be passed on to BDU subscribers in light of the existing regulatory framework.
11711 We have read and listened to the arguments of the large BDUs in this debate. We have also heard their position loudly elaborated in public in the past months.
11712 Their position confirms that any payment to OTA broadcasters, negotiated or imposed, will be passed on to subscribers. As stated openly by one BDU, the feel will be recouped through a so-called recalibration of the wholesale fees paid by BDUs to special services, more likely those not owned by them.
11713 Both forms of recoupment may in fact occur to the benefit of the same BDU. In either case, independent specialty broadcasters stand to be affected first and to lose most as your most vulnerable licensees. As much was posited by Bell Canada in its submission.
11714 Both methods of BDU recovery will have a devastating impact on the independents. Absent mitigating regulatory measures, the independents will lose subscribers. They will lose revenue. They will have reduced access. They may lose access altogether and disappear from the broadcasting landscape. With them will disappear a diversity of voices, independent ownership, employment and a platform and incubator for creators, producers and broadcasters.
11715 The Commission itself stated very recently that the introduction of the fee being considered in this hearing would have an impact on other parts of the broadcasting industry, specifically on pay and specialty services.
11716 In the Public Notice initiating the 2008-100 proceeding, the Commission acknowledge that such a fee would constitute a fundamental change to the revenue structure of the broadcasting system.
11717 We are not alone in submitting that a fee paid by BDUs to OTA services would amount to a fundamental change for another programming component of the broadcasting system, independent pay and specialty services.
11718 Neither are we alone in submitting that such a change would require a reconsideration of the regulations pertaining to the relationship of such services, most specifically the independent specialty services with the BDUs.
11719 The largest OTA networks have expressed in their submissions their own concerns vis-à-vis the capacity of BDUs to counter the potential effect of an increase on them and on their subscribers' invoices, in the BDUs' view, disconnection and/or the lowering in the take-up rate of specialty services.
11720 The largest OTA broadcasters have expressed the fear that BDUs will use their bargaining power at the expense of discretionary services to minimize the impact of the fee paid by them to OTA broadcasters.
11721 They could, it is feared, lower wholesale rates, engage in negative access and packaging terms, exact unfair use of linear programming, require greater access to the media advertising pie and outright removal of services.
11722 I assure you, Commissioners, when CTV and Canwest worry on this score, the independents shudder.
11723 You have already heard similar concerns from French-language broadcasters. Together, CTV and Canwest garner the majority of the revenues generated by the distribution of English-language specialty services. They have some bargaining leverage. The independents don't.
11724 Already, BDUs will not renew or negotiate the terms of affiliation contracts until the result of this proceeding is known and the policies outlined in Public Notice 2008-100 come into effect. Some BDUs attempt to negotiate one year or month-to-month affiliation contracts.
11725 Mr. Chairman, Stornoway is doubly worried by the suggestion repeated often at this hearing that some of the items that can be negotiated with the BDUs are concessions to new revenue streams for them such as access to linear programming for their VOD platforms, including advertising opportunities, increased access to advertising avails and the right to advertise in their community programming.
11726 All three would be in the last analysis at the expense of all programming services, including independent specialty programming services.
11727 Research has shown that media advertising as a percentage of GDP has varied very little over the years and, as you have heard many times before, the advertising pie is not growing.
11728 Stornoway is dependent on BDUs to reach audiences. As an independent it has no leverage. Its very existence and that of other independents will be threatened by the effect that the introduction of a fee paid by BDUs to OTA licensees would have on the economic regime now governing the relationship between BDUs and OTA services.
11729 That threat must be mitigated through a reconsideration of the relationship between BDUs and pay and specialty services, particularly unaffiliated pay and specialty services.
11730 The broadcasting system constitutes a single system under which all regulations are interrelated. A change in the overall regulatory framework as significant as the fee under consideration cannot be put in place without a review of the rules that currently govern or soon will govern the relationship between BDUs and unaffiliated specialty services.
11731 We agree with Canwest that the Commission has a responsibility to put in place policies and protections that ensure that the objectives of the Broadcasting Act can be met by the parties it regulates -- in our view, by all the parties the Commission has licensed and regulated.
11732 Independent broadcasters, including Stornoway, have responded to Notice of Consultation 2009-614 which asks for submissions on the impact a compensation regime for local signals would have on the various components of the communications industry and for proposed mechanisms to mitigate such impact. We will continue our participation in that process.
11733 Today we ask that the new economic regime proposed in the form of a fee paid by BDUs to OTA broadcasters not be considered without a reconsideration of its effect on independent specialty broadcasters' ability to discharge their responsibilities.
11734 We ask for a focus on the changes to the regulatory framework proposed between BDUs and unaffiliated discretionary services that may be warranted. Anything else would be, in our view, a piecemeal recalibration of one component of the broadcasting regulatory framework without adequate concern and respect to its effect on another equally important component.
11735 We thank you for your invitation and attention and I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
11736 THE SECRETARY: Thank you.
11737 We will now proceed with S-VOX Group of Companies. Please introduce yourself and you have 10 minutes for your presentation.
11738 M. ROBERTS : Bonjour, mesdames et messieurs, Monsieur le Président, Membres du Conseil, Commission staff.
11739 My name is Bill Roberts and I am the President and CEO of the S-VOX Group of Companies, and happily joining me today is Monique Lafontaine, our Vice-President of Regulatory Affairs at S-VOX. We are, of course, pleased to appear before you today.
11740 This hearing represents a decisive moment for the Canadian broadcasting system. Its outcome will inform next year's station group renewals and could well alter the regulatory landscape for all licensed television services.
11741 While the S-VOX services are not up for renewal next spring, they may be profoundly affected by the results of this proceeding. We therefore appreciate this opportunity to share our views.
11742 S-VOX is one of the few remaining independent broadcasting groups. Its story begins more than two decades ago with the launch of VisionTV, a unique in the world multi-faith and multicultural service dedicated to serving Canadians of all beliefs and all backgrounds.
11743 Licensed as a dual-status analog specialty service, VisionTV is available today in more than 10 million Canadian homes. To loyal viewers it is a go-to destination for programming that celebrates Canada's diversity of faiths and of cultures.
11744 Over the years the S-VOX family of channels has grown.
11745 In 2001 we launched One: the Body, Mind & Spirit channel as a Category 1, now Category A, specialty service. One is the perfect complement to VisionTV, serving Canadians who seek personal growth, wellness and spiritual renewal.
11746 In 2008 S-VOX acquired two over-the-air stations, CHNU-TV Fraser Valley and CIIT Winnipeg. These faith-based local services now operate under the Joytv brand name, delivering a blend of spiritual, entertainment and current affairs programming for viewers in their respective markets.
11747 The S-VOX channels make a significant contribution to the richness of the Canadian television system and I am very proud to say that four times -- I think it is perhaps unprecedented -- four times in the past decade VisionTV programs have been honoured at the Geminis with the prestigious Canada Award for reflecting excellence in faith and cultural and ethnic diversity.
11748 Our services also support the creation of new original Canadian drama. We commission and air a vast array of interesting and thought-provoking documentaries and bring audiences to them through thematic program stunt weeks that are the focus of intense on-air and online promotion. We also broadcast nearly 1,000 hours a year of local content on the Joytv stations.
11749 The S-VOX outlets are also an important window for Canada's independent production community. Last year more than 80 different independent producers were given a voice in our stations. Many of these producers have no other opportunity to be greenlit in Canada.
11750 We take great pride in our work with the independent production community and are pleased to report and support the recent Gemini award-winning projects like the documentary "I Prophesy" and "Driven By Vision" as well as the drama series "SOUL".
11751 As you heard last week from Linda Schuyler during the CFTPA's presentation, VisionTV invited independent Canadian producers to submit proposals for an original comedy drama series. We received 280 submissions from across the country, an astonishing number that exceeded even our wildest expectations.
11752 VisionTV's commitment to developing unique high-quality Canadian programming is clearly recognized and widely appreciated.
11753 The success of the S-VOX as a whole rests heavily on the strength of our flagship service, VisionTV.
11754 A strong and healthy VisionTV enables us to attract and retain talent and generates the revenue we need to commission, produce and license the high-quality programming our viewers expect.
11755 A strong and healthy VisionTV also allows us to create synergies between our broadcasting properties and opens up advertising opportunities for our Joytv stations.
11756 Any changes to the regulatory regime that weaken or diminish VisionTV will, in turn, affect all of our services.
11757 With this as a backdrop, we would like to address some of the regulatory issues that have been raised in this hearing and I will now pass the floor to Monique Lafontaine.
11758 Monique.
11759 MS LAFONTAINE: Thank you, Bill.
11760 One of the issues that the Commission is considering in this proceeding is the scope of services that should be included when calculating group requirements.
11761 We propose that the Commission include only the major station groups -- private station groups. These broadcasters hold the lion's share of the ratings and revenues and should be making appropriate contributions to the system in light of this. This is consistent with the Commission's approach to the regulation of BDUs.
11762 We also recommend that less restrictive regulatory requirements be imposed on smaller groups. For example, we urge you not to impose a CPE on smaller OTA services such as our Joytv stations. This will support the continued presence of a plurality of smaller OTA voices within the system.
11763 Turning to value for signal, while S-VOX endorses payment by BDUs for over-the-air signals, we have mixed feelings on the practical level of a value-for-signal regime for the following reasons.
11764 First, it is unlikely that S-VOX will be able to negotiate any value for signal with BDUs. This is not because our signals have no value but because we do not have any kind of hammer with which to motivate BDUs to come to the table to negotiate a deal with us. Unless the Commission is prepared to consider arbitrating or enabling the arbitration by a third-party arbitrator, our OTA stations will likely not see any benefit.
11765 Second, if the cost of the value for signal is to be borne by subscribers and a skinny basic package is mandated, this could well result in the loss of subscribers for our discretionary services and in particular VisionTV. In turn, this could impact on Vision's contribution to the public policy objectives of the Broadcasting Act and its ability to meet its regulatory requirements.
11766 Another key issue in this hearing has been DTH carriage of local television signals. The CAB and S-VOX in particular have called for a regulatory framework requiring DTH operators to carry all local OTA stations in their local markets. Shaw Direct and Bell TV have responded by saying that they do not have the capacity to do so.
11767 We appreciate the difficult position in which the Commission finds itself. However, we urge you to look closely at the list of services offered by Shaw and Bell and we question why it is that they are able to carry the breadth of services that they offer, yet they are unable to carry the services that are the very backbone of the Canadian broadcasting system.
11768 Given the crucial role of local programming within our system and the importance that it plays in the lives of Canadians, DTH operators should be required to go beyond the proposed requirements set out in Public Notice 2008-100.
11769 Indeed, that policy should be altered to require DTH operators to carry all local signals in their local markets. We believe that the CAB's proposal for DTH services to achieve this within a three-year time frame is reasonable.
11770 In Regulatory Policy 2009-406 the Commission determined that OTA stations in metropolitan markets must convert their stations to digital OTA transmitters by August 31st, 2011. This proposed policy is of great concern to a small broadcaster such as S-VOX. As we have said in the past, it will cost us about $1 million to convert one OTA station to digital. We understand that there is some controversy over the actual dollar amount involved, but for the purposes of this discussion the actual quantum is not the issue.
11771 For the Joytv stations the conversion to digital is a highly onerous regulatory obligation. We therefore recommend that the Commission consider providing an exemption for smaller and less profitable television stations from the obligation to transition to digital.
11772 Bill...?
11773 MR. ROBERTS: Merci, Monique.
11774 Finally, we would like to speak to you about the Local Program Improvement Fund, LPIF.
11775 One of the questions asked by the Panel during this hearing is whether specialty services should be required to contribute to the LPIF. We listened with great interest over the past two weeks about how Rogers, CTV, Canwest and others benefited from the LPIF. However, there is a regulatory disconnect of small players such as VisionTV and One: the Body, Mind & Spirit channel are required to contribute a portion of their revenues to subsidize the largest players in the system.
11776 Specialty services already made significant contributions to the system through investments in Canadian programming and we would prefer to see those contributions maintained rather than diverted elsewhere.
11777 A greater concern that S-VOX has with the LPIF is the apparent exclusion of our local station in Winnipeg CIIT-TV from eligibility. Although not a news producing station, CIIT-TV produces and airs several hours a week of original current affairs local programming.
11778 This programming is well within the type of content that they LPIF was designed to support and it would do more if access to the LPIF were available to it. We believe that the current restrictive rules do a disservice to audiences in Manitoba.
11779 In conclusion, Canada's diversity as one of its greatest strengths. Our country is recognized and admired around the world for its ability to peacefully and creatively accommodate people of many faiths, cultures and demographics.
11780 From its inception, the S-VOX group of services has undertaken to reflect and to celebrate this extraordinary diversity. VisionTV and its sister stations seek to create a place on the screen where Canadians of all beliefs and backgrounds, from A to Z, from Anglicans to Zoroastrians will feel welcomed.
11781 Diversity is a great strength of Canadian television as well. We urge the Commission to consider the important contributions to the system of small and independent broadcasters like S-VOX during your deliberations.
11782 Of course we thank you for the opportunity to provide you with these comments and would be pleased, along with our colleagues, to answer any questions you may have.
11783 Thank you.
11784 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you very much.
11785 Pelmorex, paragraph 10 of your presentation you say you have:
"...demonstrated on a number of occasions in the past proceedings a growth in the cost of basic service unrelated to the cost of the programming services distributed on the basic service."(As read)
11786 (a) it's news to me; and (b) I am not aware of you having said that in previous proceedings.
11787 When did you say this?
11788 MR. TEMPLE: I think as early as the hearing into diversity of voices. We filed charts and tables that show the increase in the basic rates, as well as the increase on the services carried on basic. Typically the rates for the specialty services carried on basic since the cable rates were deregulated are, I don't know, maybe a quarter.
11789 THE CHAIRPERSON: Could you refile that before December 14th?
11790 MR. TEMPLE: It would be our pleasure to.
11791 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you.
11792 Mrs. Fusca, listening to you, unless I misunderstood you, you are against value for signal of any kind.
11793 Is that right? That's the bottom line?
11794 MS FUSCA: No. I didn't say that, no.
11795 THE CHAIRPERSON: You didn't say that, I know that, that's why I'm trying to get a clear answer out of you. Because just listening to you I wasn't clear what was your position on value for signal.
11796 MS FUSCA: Well, you asked me at another hearing if I was supporting fee for carriage -- at that time it was called fee for carriage value for signal.
11797 THE CHAIRPERSON: Please, let's not get into this.
11798 MS FUSCA: Yes.
11799 THE CHAIRPERSON: To me these are totally different concepts.
11800 MS FUSCA: Yes. I understand.
11801 THE CHAIRPERSON: I'm asking you for a value for service --
11802 MS FUSCA: Yes, value for service.
11803 THE CHAIRPERSON: -- negotiated value for service.
11804 MS FUSCA: Yes, I still support the notion of payment to the OTA broadcasters. So the answer is yes, I do.
11805 THE CHAIRPERSON: But make sure that it's not at the expense of the small independents.
11806 MS FUSCA: Yes. And I think it will require some recalibration of the entire system and I would like to think that you won't forget us
11808 And S-VOX, on page 6 when you take about digital transition, you want an exemption for certain smaller and less profitable television stations.
11809 How do you reconcile that with our obligation to avoid interference and in effect remove Channel 52 to 67 from the 360 km coronation zone?
11810 MS LAFONTAINE: I'm sorry, I didn't -- if you could repeat the question for me?
11811 THE CHAIRPERSON: I'm sorry, I am having a coughing attack here.
11812 You know that we have an agreement with the U.S., we have a 360 km coronation zone. Now, we have undertaken, like everybody else, to vacate the 700 MHz spectrum, the Channels 52 to 67, by 2011 from that zone. Your stations are right in that zone, if we give you an exemption wouldn't you be interfering and the whole purpose of what you are trying to do by the digital transition would be defeated?
11813 MS LAFONTAINE: But we would no longer be broadcasting using the spectrum, our service would be provided to Canadians by BDUs.
11814 THE CHAIRPERSON: Oh, sorry. So when you say an exemption you mean an exemption from building towers?
11815 MS LAFONTAINE: Exactly
11816 THE CHAIRPERSON: But you would vacate those -- you would terminate those towers.
11817 Okay. Thank you for that clarification.
11818 Candice, over to you.
11819 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: Thank you and good morning.
11820 In the interest of fairness and recognizing that Ms Fusca has spent the last week and a half in our hearing room I am going to begin with her.
11821 Thank you for the clarification that you are not opposed to value for signal.
11822 What I found missing when I read your application and in your comments here today, I did understand that you have a concern as to the impact that that may have on the small and independent broadcasters, and you said in your statements here today that:
"... both methods of BDU recovery will have a devastating impact on the independents absent mitigating regulatory measures." (As read)
11823 What I did not find anywhere is what are the proposed regulatory measures that you believe are required to ensure that the interests of the small stations are safeguarded?
11824 MS FUSCA: Thank you for your question.
11825 What I would like to say right now is that for me the value for service is really about a principle, it's about a very fundamental principle. I think that we have to be incredibly cognizant of when somebody is delivering a product, whether it's a television product or otherwise, that there is value to that product. So for me it's really about a principle.
11826 With regards to your question specifically, we have another hearing coming up, 2009-614 and that's where I plan to address all of the others for the moment. All I'm asking the Commission to do is be very cognizant of the fact that if we do go down the road of value for signal, in whatever form it takes, that there will be repercussions, very serious repercussions, particularly in light of the decisions from the BDU and specialty hearings together.
11827 I believe that my company is in very serious jeopardy so I will be getting very specific in 2009-614 with regards to what I think the Commission should do.
11828 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: Because I'm not that good with hearing numbers, is that the December hearing?
11829 MS FUSCA: Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
11830 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: Okay. So with the timelines, therefore, if you are preparing for that, you could also file those specific recommendations as part of your final comments in this proceeding --
11831 MS FUSCA: Absolutely.
11832 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: -- so they are part of this.
11833 MS FUSCA: Absolutely I will.
11834 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: Okay. Thank you very much.
11835 MS FUSCA: You're welcome.
11836 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: Mr. Temple, your comments here today were clear on your thoughts Of skinny basic and in-kind contributions. The very last, in your conclusions you mentioned that you have concerns with group licensing and the competitive advantages -- well, between this and your submission -- the competitive advantages that group licensing would provide to large broadcast groups versus independents.
11837 Could you expand on what is the competitive advantages you believe that it would provide?
11838 MR. TEMPLE: Certainly. If we understand the proposal, the large corporate groups will have the added flexibility of being able to move around their regulatory obligations and you have to ask yourself when they do that what is their motivation. You know, is there a motivation that they are going to look at the competitive landscape and say, well, you know, if we do this over here and move that over there we are going to be able to do better Canadian programming or are they going to be doing that because they see an advantage to capitalize in a competitive marketplace.
11839 So if you only have one licence there is no flexibility at all. The people who are the biggest who have already the advantage of scale are now given another advantage just because they are big. It's helping the bigger, the biggest get bigger and the smaller -- how are smaller independent services being helped? They are the ones I would argue who probably need the greatest assistance.
11840 Going back again to the diversity of voices, I think everyone was applauding the need for strengthening diversity in the system. This seems to be helping just the big at the expense of the smaller.
11841 So that is our concern.
11842 For us in particular, for our particular services there may not be any substantive harm, but this is a policy hearing and it just strikes us that this isn't a good policy.
11843 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: Okay. I was going to ask you to follow up and tell me specifically how Pelmorex could be harmed by providing flexibility to the large groups that are supporting the OTA system.
11844 If you can identify any particular specialty that would be particularly harmed by this, I would be interested in knowing that --
11845 MR. TEMPLE: Well, our colleagues --
11846 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: -- because you are talking about competition amongst them.
11847 MR. TEMPLE: Yes. I think you will hear a lot about that from TheScore later on today and their concerns on this matter.
11848 As I said, for us we have always tried it at policy hearings to put forward policies that we think are in the best interest of the system as a whole and not just that favour ours.
11849 That's why we commented on some length on the issue of skinny basic. We are fortunate enough that we are on basic and if we meet our obligations we will continue to be on basic.
11850 You know, our view is what is best for the system and that is why we are here today.
11852 Mr. Roberts, given that you carry or hold OTA as well as specialty I have a couple of more questions for you.
11853 Group licensing. You would not support group licensing for small groups.
11854 Is that correct?
11855 MR. ROBERTS: I will defer in the detail to my colleague Monique Lafontaine, but I would like to share with you a story about the hearing and the notion of group licensing, if that's possible.
11856 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: If it's a very short story.
--- Laughter
11857 MR. ROBERTS: Well, let me leave it this way, I think it was The Wag that said the only one that's lost with regard to decision-making is those who listen to everyone and then those that listen to only one. The challenge before us all as a community here in the broadcasting system, including the regulator, is how do we find a way of pulling together and not pulling apart.
11858 So I think we are open to some flexibility, but our concerns are for the small and independents.
11859 MS LAFONTAINE: I would like to add, if I may, to your question.
11860 In terms of the group licensing approach, we are not opposed to having all of our four stations come before you at the same time for renewal, and in fact it would make a lot of sense in the same way that it can make sense for the larger groups.
11861 What we are concerned about is the regulatory requirements that you might be imposing on the larger groups like a CPE on the OTA stations. We don't think that it would be appropriate to have that type of regulatory measure put on small essentially start up stations like our Joytv stations. We don't think that -- you know, we are still trying to find our audience, find our voice and to have some kind of set programming requirement when we are already faced with so many challenges as it is, access to LPIP, et cetera.
11862 But what we would also be seeking -- and we mentioned this in our brief -- is that if there is any flexibility that is granted to the larger players we would like to see that flexibility granted to our stations as well.
11863 So for example, in the conceptual model there is some flexibility -- a proposed notion for flexibility for Canadian Content Exhibition. Although we are not up next year, if that type of measure were put in place we certainly would like to see that put in place for smaller stations like Joytv sooner rather than later.
11864 We are up the following year, so to have to be put already at a greater competitive disadvantage we don't think would be appropriate.
11865 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: The digital transition -- and you clarified with the Chairman what you meant by smaller stations, so you would propose that to not be required to hold over the air transmission facilities.
11866 Are you still planning to transition your production equipment to HD?
11867 MR. ROBERTS: Go ahead.
11868 MS LAFONTAINE: As far as I know we are, we are planning to do that.
11869 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: I want to move away from the comments that you made this morning to your brief, because you had something in your brief that you filed that I was quite surprised to see. It's on page 3, "Subscription video-on-demand". You say:
"Subscription video-on-demand poses a significant threat to Canadian broadcasters." (As read)
11870 We have heard hints over the last week and a half that SVOD is an opportunity, it's a movement of linear broadcasting into the future and a way of holding audience within the regulated system. So it was for me a surprising statement.
11871 Could you just expand on why you believe that SVOD is a threat?
11872 MS LAFONTAINE: Certainly. The threat is the heightened competition for our linear services within the system. So you have BDUs that are, you know, making available dozens, hundreds, whenever this is all going to end, of SVOD services that are offering linear programming services within them, that is just yet another nail in our coffin as it were.
11873 MR. ROBERTS: If I might add, I think the point are trying to make is that goes for VOD and SVOD services, they should not be available, especially SVOD, as back door means to offer a de facto foreign service.
11874 And the notion of attracting advertising as well is also problematic for us.
11875 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: So you are not apposed to SVOD as being another platform for broadcasting made available over linear services, just as an alternative.
11876 Is that right?
11877 MR. ROBERTS: We are not apposed to the technology platform, no.
11878 COMMISSIONER MOLNAR: Okay. Thank you.
11879 Those are my questions.
11880 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you.
11881 I have one last question to you, Pelmorex. I don't quite understand your position on skinny.
11882 We have now had an advertising role of unprecedented dimensions, people are more aware then ever of the cost of television, et cetera. Offering a skinny basic which would maybe have no effect whatsoever or may allow people to subscribe to the skinny basic and only those channels or those packages where they have particular interest.
11883 Why that be contrary to, first of all, good public policy and, second, why would it be contrary to your financial interests?
11884 I don't quite understand this.
11885 MR. TEMPLE: I guess there are a couple of issues here.
11886 We have to look at what problem are we trying to solve. Are we trying to solve affordability, then set a price or rate regulate, but that doesn't necessarily require a skinny basic. There are --
11887 THE CHAIRPERSON: But isn't it the opposite exactly, we don't want to regulate Let's put the consumer in control, let him decide what he wants. Right now he doesn't, he gets more than he necessarily wants because of the inflated basics.
11888 MR. TEMPLE: So if a BDU in a marketplace decides they can add greater value by having a more attractive basic service then it is competitor, let them do that, but why -- why say you must take Vision out because we need a skinny basic? Why say you have to take this service out?
11889 If it's an affordability issue, if there is competition in the marketplace, then let there be competition. If we are just going to set a price and force services off of basic, what have we accomplished? Why can't those services stay on basic?
11890 THE CHAIRPERSON: Precisely for what I said in order to put the consumer in control. Here is the basic, this is the part that we have mandated, that you have to buy, that's part of being a Canadian cable or satellite customer. Anything else you decide whether you want it or not.
11891 MR. TEMPLE: Well, let's say there is a skinny basic and a big price, have we met the objective?
11892 Skinny basic only make sense if there is a skinny price, so if there is a skinny price and a skinny basic then I understand that.
11893 THE CHAIRPERSON: So you are suggesting the BDUs will skin down the basic but not change the price?
11894 MR. TEMPLE: I have no idea what they are going to do.
11895 THE CHAIRPERSON: No, no, but that's effectively what you are positing.
11896 MR. TEMPLE: Well, actually what will most likely happen is you will never know that there is a skinny basic. I mean if you go on pretty well any large BDUs website now you can't find an analog basic. They are not going to promote something or market something they don't want. They are going to promote the package or services that are to their advantage.
11897 Maybe the Commission will say okay, there has to be a skinny basic and it is $15. You will never know it.
11898 THE CHAIRPERSON: You are mixing apples and oranges here. It is promotion, that's how they -- the question is what we impose as a regulatory requirement. It's up to the consumer to find out whether you have the skinny and how much it costs, et cetera, but that we basically say look, we want the consumer to decide what he or she wants to buy from you. All we are saying is that you have to deliver them this basic because that's basically in the national interest.
11899 MR. TEMPLE: I understand that, but under that proposal can they add something else if they want to? If the price doesn't go up, can they add something if they want to?
11900 THE CHAIRPERSON: I don't see why --
11901 MR. TEMPLE: So now what we have effectively done is set the price but not the channels. You have set required channels, but you have not prohibited something else from being added. That is quite different from saying --
11902 THE CHAIRPERSON: No, no, no.
11903 MR. TEMPLE: -- this can't be on it.
11904 THE CHAIRPERSON: I see where you are going. No, but I mean I guess you are saying we can't set a skinny basic without setting a skinny basic price.
11905 That is what is really the logic of where you are driving?
11906 MR. TEMPLE: Well, actually what struck me, the issue trying to be addressed in this hearing was the impact of value for signal and therefore should a price -- should there be not really a skinny basic but some kind of price mechanism applied to basic. I think that the skinny basic is a red herring. It presumes a skinny price, but the issue is the cost, not what's in it.
11907 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay. I appreciate your point of view.
11908 Thank you very much.
11909 Okay, those are our questions for you. Thank you very much.
11910 Let's proceed with our next intervenor, Madam Secretary.
11911 THE SECRETARY: Thank you, Mr. Chair.
11912 I will now invite Crossroads Television System to come to the presentation table.
--- Pause
11913 THE SECRETARY: Please introduce yourself and your colleague and you have 10 minutes for your presentation.
11914 MR. STEWART: Thank you.
11915 Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, members of staff, good morning, my name is Glenn Stewart, Director of Sales and Marketing at CTS and with me is Matt Hillier, our Chief Financial Officer.
11916 After a long two weeks, thank you for your patience and in allowing us the opportunity to participate at this hearing.
11917 As an independent or non-group broadcaster serving several of Canada's major markets, CTS is particularly concerned about the future model for conventional television that will be fashioned as a result of these and other proceedings in the near term.
11918 The conventional broadcast industry as we know it is at a crossroads -- please excuse the pun. Local programming is threatened. Stations have closed and others are in danger of closing as well.
11919 The relationship between broadcasters and BDUs is acrimonious at best. The trust with our customers, our consumers, the Canadian public we all serve has been justifiably shaken. Canadians have been inundated with confusing and mixed messages, bombarded with ads from both sides almost like an election campaign excepting that they really don't get a vote.
11920 Yes, local TV does matter and yes, mandatory carriage of local stations on cable does matter, as does carriage of local stations on satellite. Value for service under any name has become the defining element in the current debate and is an important question in these proceedings.
11921 When this was first contemplated by the Commission, CTS had not argued in favour or against implementation, but did seek equitable treatment of all over-the-air broadcasters and particular protection for the few remaining small independent broadcasters like CTS. This protection included the paramount importance of priority carriage for a local broadcasters.
11922 We are here today to reinforce those same important points so that our voices will not be lost or overshadowed when and where it counts most, here at these proceedings, free of the conflicting PR campaigns that we have all been subjected to over the past several months by the BDUs and major broadcasters.
11923 CTS has not been immune to the downturn in the economy and we have had to make hard choices and sacrifices in order to survive. CTS lost money in fiscal 2009 and will struggle in 2010.
11924 It is critically important to note that CTS may no longer be able to meet all of its balanced programming conditions of license if revenues continued to decline and may need to address these obligations in our licence renewal application coming up in 2011, or perhaps earlier.
11925 CTS currently does not qualify under the frameworks for LPIF or CTF funding which would otherwise help this area.
11926 Instituting a compensation model for the value of local television signals cannot be left to an open market negotiation between broadcasters and BDUs without some oversight for two main reasons.
11927 First, small independent broadcasters will have absolutely no leverage without some form of regulation.
11928 Second, consumers will no longer have any protection afforded them regarding pricing, packaging or perhaps even accessibility without some form of regulation.
11929 Matt...?
11930 MR. HILLIER: In our view, we agree with the Commission dealing with matters of carriage and value in the context of establishing a framework of regulation to allow for some form of compensation for value for local television signals. Such a framework should not disadvantage any Canadian broadcaster or BDU so that broadcasters have equal access to all revenue sources and Canadians win through continued guaranteed access to an enhanced Canadian broadcast system.
11931 In our written submission, CTS advanced a model for a fair value floor system to determine appropriate value for signals. In that model, BDUs received the freedom of negotiating with conventional broadcasters as a whole for a given market or dealing with individual ownership groups and independent broadcasters separately.
11932 The single most important component within our recommended model is that no Canadian broadcaster would be left behind or without some value for their signals.
11933 Under our model independents would be guaranteed to receive not less than the lowest negotiated rate in a particular market. In the rare circumstance that a major ownership group settles on zero fees in a given market, perhaps where a BDU-owned broadcaster is present, then the next lowest fee negotiated in that market would be used.
11934 In the matter of possible arbitration, this simple fair value floor approach would streamline the process. If parties enter arbitration without any precedents another reasonable criteria could be used.
11935 Share of tuning should be rejected as it has no connection with contributions to the Canadian system and would be simply another example of perpetually giving the most money to the biggest stations.
11936 Hence, as suggested in our submission, number of original hours produced would be a fairer basis when there are no negotiated values. It has the added benefit of not needing to consider CPE requirements as there will be a built-in incentive to produce more Canadian hours.
11937 At these hearings there's been debate about how much clout or leverage the large broadcasters would have with BDUs.
11938 What is certain is that independent broadcasters like CTS have virtually non-existent leverage. We have no reason to believe that the results of discussions on value for service would vary from our first-hand experiences on discussions about channel placement. The BDU would unilaterally decide.
11939 Equally concerning is our standing with major broadcast companies. If independent broadcasters in major markets are left out from value for service, it would perpetuate have and have-not stations. Lacking an equitable share, the have-not station's ability to improve the quality and relevance of local programming would not keep pace.
11940 As a non-profit serving several of Canada's largest markets with thousands of hours of original programming exhibited, CTS is primarily concerned with the relevant quality original content.
11941 MR. STEWART: Let us be clear, mandatory cable and satellite carriage of local Canadian signals must remain a cornerstone of our Canadian broadcast system and should not be traded away in order to qualify for any form of value for signal compensation.
11942 The American style of negotiation advanced by CTV of cash or kind would harm small independent broadcasters and would reduce diversity in our system.
11943 Canadian independent over-the-air broadcasters need both mandatory carriage and basic cable, whether skinny or large, and equitable access to any form of value for signal compensation afforded larger broadcasters.
11944 Even in an open market system, BDUs should not ultimately determine the value of signals, nor should they be the gate keepers of which Canadian services merit inclusion in a basic tier.
11945 In short, BDUs should not determine the degree to which Canadian culture is developed.
11946 Furthermore, CTS understands the rationale for and would accept as a condition of licence at renewal that such fees would be used to maintain and enhance the quality and quantity of locally produced programming.
11947 As a not-for-profit broadcaster, our mandate is to re-invest into programming and operations.
11948 We would be happy to answer any questions you might have of CTS and we, again, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to participate at these proceedings.
11949 Thank you.
11950 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you.
11951 I went through your presentation where you suggest the model that you put in your paper:
"Independents would be guaranteed to receive not less than the lowest negotiated rate..."
11952 THE CHAIRPERSON: That part I understand. I have trouble with the next suggestion. You say:
"Where there is no negotiation...another reasonable criteria..."
11953 THE CHAIRPERSON: And one of them you suggest would be number of original hours produced.
11954 How would you link number of original hours produced to the value of the signal?
11955 MR. HILLIER: That's a good question.
11956 It was within the context of, if it reached an arbitration process --
11957 THE CHAIRPERSON: Yes, right.
11958 MR. HILLIER: -- and the negotiation broke down, that was just when you're trying to determine the concept of value, what do you hang your hat on.
11959 And since this whole thing is about promoting and enhancing the Canadian system, number of hours of Canadian production would be a much better or more fair way to figure it out in an arbitration process rather than share of tuning, for example, that's what we meant.
11960 THE CHAIRPERSON: I understand the concept, I'm just trying to --
11961 MR. HILLIER: You're asking me for --
11962 THE CHAIRPERSON: I'm the plumber, I want to actually know how I would do this. And then you say, there are no negotiations in this market, there are no precedents you suggest, for some reason you're the first one up.
11963 So, that's obviously what you're positing here. And, so, you say let's establish a value by looking at the number of original programming that we produce.
11964 You produce "X", CTV produces "Y", et cetera, so what? So, how does that get me to a rate?
11965 MR. HILLIER: What would be is just in the relative terms of how many hours you would produce and what kind of assessment of however many pennies would help to produce more or if there was a particular standard set or a benchmarking set --
11966 THE CHAIRPERSON: Don't you have to --
11967 MR. HILLIER: -- that would be possible.
11968 THE CHAIRPERSON: Don't you have to make a link at some point in time to the amount of advertising you attract and, therefore, what is the market value of your signal?
11969 MR. HILLIER: Some of that might come out of the negotiations or failed negotiations by the time you reach the arbitration stage.
11970 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Thank you.
11971 Rita?
11973 And, good morning. One thing you don't talk about is the group licensing framework, and I know that you call yourselves a non-group broadcaster, but you are in three of the major markets in this country.
11974 So, would you see at some point that Crossroads would come to us for a renewal of those three stations with common elements spread across the three?
11975 MR. STEWART: We certainly wouldn't object to that formula. I don't think there's anything in our current mandate and our current requirements or cols that would cause us to have concern with respect to group licensing, no.
11977 MR. HILLIER: And, one other thing to add. When we were licensed for the Alberta stations they were given a shorter than normal licence period to coincide with our Ontario licence. So that's, in effect, happening already.
11978 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Okay. And I know that in your licences right now you don't have, you know, particular cols that relate to local programming.
11979 So, just for our information, can you tell me how many hours of local programming you produce at your three stations?
11980 MR. HILLIER: Yes, I'd be happy to.
11981 Right now we're at the point of producing for our balance requirements 20 hours in Ontario and 18 hours in Alberta weekly.
11982 And we're actually producing more than that for total original hours on a weekly basis.
11983 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: So, those are the minimums that you produce --
11984 MR. HILLIER: That's correct.
11985 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: -- in order to meet the balance requirement?
11986 MR. HILLIER: That's correct.
11987 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: And then on top of that you produce more?
11988 MR. HILLIER: We produce more.
11989 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: In the area of...?
11990 MR. HILLIER: We're at 27 and a half hours of original programming a week in Ontario and 25 and a half in Alberta.
11991 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Okay. Thank you for that.
11992 In your written submission you said:
"We have concerns with a market negotiation approach to establishing distant and local value."
11993 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Are your stations carried as distant signals by cable and DTH?
11994 MR. HILLIER: One is, our Ontario service is carried on Bell and Shaw Direct.
11995 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: And have you begun the process of establishing a compensation for carriage as a distant signal with the BDUs?
11996 MR. HILLIER: No, we have not.
11997 MR. STEWART: If I might add, Commissioner, that the sad fact is our Alberta -- our Calgary/Edmonton stations are not carried on Shaw Direct, so that in fact Albertans are getting our Ontario signal, which is somewhat disheartening.
11998 And, going forward, that's why we said in the submission that carriage of local signals in markets by satellite distributors not only levels the playing field but is critically important to a station like CTS.
11999 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Well, thank you, Mr. Stewart, that was going to be my next question. I love it when people anticipate my questions.
12000 You have covered your proposal in terms of your fair value floor with the Chair.
12001 But, operationalize this for me, because you're suggesting that the negotiations should occur on a market-by-market basis as opposed to CTS as a group of three going to the BDUs and negotiating the value of those three services with each of the BDUs that serve the markets.
12002 So, can you tell me what advantages you think you will have if we adopt this fair value model on a market-by-market basis, as opposed to negotiations on a group-by-group basis with the BDUs?
12003 MR. STEWART: I'm not certain that that's perhaps the way we're looking at it.
12004 As a group or individually market-by-market I don't think is really our concern or issue as much as being left behind.
12005 We don't have a strong history with the BDUs in terms of having our signal -- well, bottom line we're supposed to be between two and 22 in Alberta and we're on 51.
12006 Those negotiations went to arbitration, they did not go well for us and they have impacted significantly our business plan in Alberta as a result.
12007 MR. HILLIER: One thing to add is with that proposal we were all asked to provide solutions and, so, we just wanted to provide as much flexibility as possible in a solution and still cover the areas that were of concern to us.
12008 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: I understand.
12009 So, if we decide that negotiations should be on a market-by-market or group-by-group, what's important to you is this concept of your fair value floor, in either scenario?
12010 MR. STEWART: That and continue to be carried on basic cable and hopefully in the future be carried locally by the satellite providers in each market, yes.
12011 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Understood.
12012 Just my final line of questioning is on digital transmission and I have the list here.
12013 Will you be able to meet the 2011 deadline with all of your transmitters, including retransmitters?
12014 MR. STEWART: It is certainly our intention to do so. We want to carry forward with the marketplace. We believe in the value of HD.
12015 I think I'll let my CFO talk to the financials and the implications of doing that, but certainly it's our intention to do so. We're not here asking for -- to be eliminated from the list or anything of the kind, but we have to impress upon the Commission that it will be a financial challenge for us to meet the deadlines, but it is our intention to do so.
12016 Matt, you can talk more succinctly on that, I'm sure.
12017 MR. HILLIER: Yes. It's important for us to -- we're all about staying relevant to the people we're trying to serve and be accessible and we see value in over-the-air high definition transmission.
12018 There's some people who -- we've talked about skinny basic, regular basis -- there's some people who can't afford any basic and, so, we want to be over-the-air and we want to be relevant with the latest programming.
12019 And, so, that's our heart and that's our intention.
12020 Glenn's quite right, there are some financial constraints, we're non-profit. We plan to be there. We're already broadcasting digitally in our main market of Toronto/Hamilton and when we launched in Alberta we launched with a plan where we can do a switch-out as long as the channel allocations were within the right parameters, so London and Ottawa are more of a challenge for us.
12021 But we want to be there with the rest of the industry.
12022 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Do you have an idea as to what percentage of your viewership receives your signals over-the-air?
12023 MR. HILLIER: It's higher in Alberta, I think the last time we checked it was around the 15 percent mark. In Ontario it was a little bit less, closer to under 10 -- 8, 9, 10, I think that -- but those numbers are a couple of years old, when we applied for the Alberta stations we did that assessment.
12024 MR. STEWART: Oh yeah.
12025 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Of course, you wouldn't want to lose that audience.
12026 MR. HILLIER: That's right. We -- part of our mandate is to reach out with hope to everybody and, so, we don't want to cut people out just because, you know, there isn't an economic model for it.
12027 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Well, gentlemen, thank you very much.
12028 Those are all my questions, Mr. Chair.
12029 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you.
12030 I don't believe anybody else has any questions. Thanks very much. Appreciate your coming.
12031 MR. HILLIER: Thank you all. Thanks for your attention.
12032 THE CHAIRPERSON: We'll take a 10-minute break before we start with the next one.
--- Upon recessing at 1013
--- Upon resuming at 1027
12033 THE SECRETARY: I would now invite Score Media to make its presentation.
12034 Please introduce yourself and your colleagues and proceed with your 10-minute presentation.
12035 MR. J. LEVY: Good morning.
12036 Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission and the Commission Staff, my name is John Levy, I'm the CEO of Score Media Inc.
12037 Score Media is the parent company of the Score Television Network, a national sports, news and information specialty television programming service.
12038 With me today on my right, Benjie Levy, our Chief Operating Officer and Grant Buchanan of McCarthy Tétrault, our outside counsel.
12039 We are very pleased to appear before you to provide our comments on this important public hearing.
12040 Our main interest in appearing before you relates to group licensing. We have carefully studied the proposed model you set out. On reflection, we submit to you the group licensing framework described in the Notice is not in the best interest of the Canadian Broadcasting System.
12041 There are four primary reasons. First, it would undermine the fundamental underpinnings of the current licensing regime.
12042 Individual services are granted licences and, in some instances, genre exclusivity in exchange for specific obligations which are appropriate for the particular type and genre of the service. Group licensing would undermine this regulatory bargain.
12043 Second, it would reduce Canadian content expenditures by broadcasting services across the board.
12044 Third, it would allow group layers in the broadcasting industry to engage in genre arbitrage. This will undermine the policy objectives of the current regime by manipulating the system.
12045 And, fourth, it would mean less diversity of content and potentially owners in the system.
12046 In our view, the current licensing framework should remain unchanged. The Commission should continue to grant, amend and renew licences in the usual manner.
12047 Conditions of licence for pay and specialty services should continue to be individually tailored in the exclusive genres and should continue to be the same across the board in competitive genres.
12048 Alternatively, if the Commission does elect to move forward with group licensing framework, then it should do two things in order to prevent abuse by the corporate groups.
12049 One, maintain at least some licence specific CPE and Canadian content minima; and, two, as identified by the Commission in its Notice of Consultation, exclude mainstream sports and news services from any calculations under the group licensing framework because the CPE and Canadian content exhibition associated with these genres has the highest potential to skew the group averages.
12050 Conventional networks, Category A services and Category B services have different conditions of licence. Each contributes differently to the Canadian Broadcasting System and has different obligations commensurate with the contributions imposed by the Commission.
12051 Further, with the exception of Category Bs, individual services were granted licences following a competitive application process. In most cases the proposed service which offered the best value to the system was granted the licence.
12052 Appendix A which we have attached to our remarks today gives a flavour for some of the results of this process. Each service that is in an exclusive genre has distinct nature of service. Its conditions of licence are keyed to the nature of the service.
12053 For instance, all new services like CT Newsnet or CablePulse 24 have very different Canadian content and exhibition requirements than drama-oriented services like Bravo or Showcase or reality-oriented services like Slice.
12054 To now white wash these differences and steam roll individual Canadian content and Canadian programming expenditure conditions of licence would, in our view, undermine the integrity of this licensing process.
12055 It would be a fundamental re-write of Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC-2008-100 which you issued a little more than one year ago.
12056 Also, as recently as this past summer in a Broadcasting Decision, CRTC-2009-569, denying Outdoor Life certain licence amendments, the Commission highlighted the importance of differentiated Canadian programming expenditure conditions for niche services that matched that service's niche.
12057 The Commission noted carefully the lower Canadian content obligations of OLN.
12058 You noted that it would not be fair to grant what effectively is a second window for Rogers to air mainstream sports programming in competition with services with higher obligations. You said:
"Should OLN wish to compete with mainstream services they must apply for, and abide by the standard competitive conditions of licence." (As read)
12059 MR. J. LEVY: Commissioners, we're back to the same issue. A group licensing framework would re-write that decision and re-write 2008-100.
12060 The conceptual framework contained in the Notice of Consultation contemplates a potential change for the CPE calculations for specialty services in a corporate group.
12061 Instead of basing Canadian programming expenditures on a service's prior year's revenues, services should be required to spend at least 50 percent of their programming expenses on Canadian content.
12062 This creates an inherent conflict. For-profit companies will always be incented to keep programming expenses as low as possible and revenues as high as possible. If you change your policy to base Cancon expenditure requirements on a proportion of programming expenditures, it could have the unintended result of significantly lowering expenditures on Canadian content by broadcasters.
12063 Here's why. Revenue is a neutral barometer which cannot be influenced by the services seeking to lower their CPE obligations. The same cannot be said when overall program spending is used as the measuring stick.
12064 If you base it on spending, a specialty service could arbitrarily lower its CPE obligation simply by reducing its overall program spending or allocating it elsewhere.
12065 In our written submission in September we highlighted the programming and revenue figures from the 2008 for all of Canada's pay, specialty -- excuse me for a second, I think I caught what you got. I knew I shouldn't have shook his hand.
--- Laughter
12066 MR. J. LEVY: -- from 2008 for all of Canada's pay, specialty, pay-per-view and VOD services. In 2008 industry-wide Canadian programming expenditures for these services was approximately $1.06-billion, or approximately 39 percent of 2007 industry-wide revenues of $2.72-billion. That was on a total revenue basis.
12067 The programming expenditures in 2008, on the other hand, were $1.6-billion. Fifty percent of that spend is 800-million. The effect, you've just lost a quarter of a billion dollars in Canadian programming expenditures.
12068 Under any sort of group CPE scenario, a group member could manipulate the system and create significant unfair advantage over independent specialty services by virtue of its group status which allows genre arbitrage.
12069 For example, TSN or SportsNet could leverage their substantial monthly subscriber fees and spend enormous sums on Canadian professional sports rights, or the rights for the Olympics, making it all but impossible for independent sports specialty services to compete.
12070 Yet doing this would actually fulfil most of their broadcast family's CPE requirements under the group-wide CPE condition of licence.
12071 It would relieve their sister services' CPE obligations which, in light of the sisters' services nature of service, would have to have spent on other less profitable genres of programming, including programming of national interest.
12072 In this regard, please consider the chart we've provided as Appendix A.
12073 CTVglobemedia already books more Canadian programming expenditures to its four sports services than it does to a combined total of its 25 non-sports discretionary services.
12074 And Rogers SportsNet spends more on Canadian programming than its over-the-air and its non-sports specialty combined.
12075 Under a group-based system, there's nothing stopping CTV from launching TSN3 and an RDS2 that would charge substantial subscriber fees and fulfil the CPE obligations of services like Bravo, the Comedy Network, Discovery Channel, Space and the rest of its non-sports specialities.
12076 We believe that this genre arbitrage is not what you, the Commission, intended and that its results are not in the spirit of the Broadcasting Act.
12077 The same kind of genre arbitrage is available with average Canadian content exhibition rule. The conceptual model contemplates an average of 55 percent across all services in a corporate family, with 35 percent minimum for each service.
12078 So, the most logical thing for a corporate family to do is load up Cancon exhibit onto thinly distributed CAT 2 services and shrink its exhibit obligations to 35 percent on its much larger flagship services. They can do this under a group-based model because the average works out to 55 percent.
12079 To further illustrate this issue, consider the Canadian content exhibition requirements for mainstream sports services. This Commission established those requirements two and a half months ago. They stand at 50 percent for the broadcast day and 60 percent in the evening broadcast period.
12080 Well, by adopting the Canadian content exhibit requirements set out in the conceptual model, mainstream sports services could fill their prime time schedules with a hundred percent foreign content and still be in compliance with their conditions of licence.
12081 All they'd have to do is maintain that overall Canadian content level of 35 percent, make sure their affiliated services like mainstream news and less penetrated services air enough Cancon to achieve the group average of 35 percent.
12082 If they can load these obligations onto all Canadian news services like Pulse 24, CTV Newsnet, then they will do it.
12083 We just talked about genre arbitrage between types of services. Now consider the further ability to shift the exhibition and content obligations between English and French services too.
12084 This would mean Canadian spend could go to service like RDS and free up more American programming hours for English language services as well.
12085 Commissioners, we're playing with a whole new ball game in this group environment. Programming would shift towards the most lucrative genres and the most lucrative language.
12086 That does not help the Canadian Broadcasting System. It works against your goals with respect to programming of national interest and it makes it pointless to continue on as an independent service rather than joining a corporate group.
12087 So, the incentives under the group-based model are for large groups to shift their CPE obligations to genres like sports, to shift their exhibit obligations to genres like news and to end up with a very free hand in the rest of their services, including services created to showcase Canadian drama.
12088 Incorporating both English and French language services only aggravates this arbitrage and enlarges the loophole.
12089 What's more, any service that remained independent would be missing out on an opportunity to exploit that loophole.
12090 Commissioners, independent services help ensure the diversity of the voices in the Canadian Broadcasting System. We are here and we are proof of that.
12091 We compete with group owned services every day for programming, distribution, viewership and advertising revenues. It's a challenge even in today's environment.
12092 In a scenario where large corporate groups have access to genre arbitrage, independent services no longer make sense. Our value becomes instantly magnified once bundled into a group which can pool and re-parcel regulatory obligations.
12093 We would ask you to consider whether or not it is your intent to discourage independent services from continuing as independents.
12094 Commissioners, it's our respectful submission that there are good reasons for the licensing framework which you have developed in the last two years to remain in tact. Conditions of licence should be maintained or amended in the usual manner.
12095 The total investment in Canadian programming is likely to decline under the proposed group framework. It will certainly decline with respect to under represented genres. That's because specialty services that are pooled with other specialties will be able to significantly increase their spending in genres where it's economically efficient to do so and, correspondingly, reduce spending on other genres by sister corporate licensees, again, where it is economically efficient to do so.
12096 A system which permits genre arbitrage should give the Commission serious cause for concern because there will be a significant shift of resources to only the most profitable genres.
12097 The group licensing framework handicaps independent services to compete with corporate group owned services and cannot move expenditures from one licence to another.
12098 However, should the Commission, in spite of all this, decide to proceed with a group licensing framework, we urge you to limit the genre arbitrage by the large corporate groups that would manipulate the system.
12099 To do this we would ask you to:
12100 One, maintain at least some licence specific CPE and Canadian content exhibit minima; and,
12101 Two, exclude mainstream sports and news services from any calculations under the group licensing framework because the CPE and Canadian content exhibition associated with these genres has the highest potential to skew the group averages.
12102 We thank you for your attention and would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have at this time.
12103 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you very much.
12104 First, as a follow up to Commissioner Cugini's and my visit to your facilities, are you carrying tennis now?
12105 MR. J. LEVY: What took you so long to ask that question?
--- Laughter
12106 MR. J. LEVY: I'll defer that to Ben.
12107 MR. B. LEVY: Thank you.
12108 The answer is that tennis is on its way along with a bunch of additional European sports.
12109 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Thank you.
12110 MR. B. LEVY: Including German soccer.
12111 THE CHAIRPERSON: I couldn't resist asking the question. We had a delightful visit to your facilities, I was very impressed.
12112 MR. B. LEVY: It was a pleasure having you guys down there.
12113 THE CHAIRPERSON: Now, you made a very eloquent case this morning here why group licensing the way its put now, conceptual model doesn't work and then at the end you sort of paved a bit of a halfway house, if we go that route, basically maintain -- excluding Category C sports and news which I think makes a lot of sense for the reasons that you give and also maintaining licence specific CPE for the specialty channels.
12114 But you've heard the various proposals which we had from CTV, from Astral, et cetera, who are all the great groups, think it would be of great benefit to allow them to share or transfer some of the thing, within limits. They all realize it shouldn't be total, et cetera.
12115 Would you be opposed to it if it were -- for instance, I think CTV said something like 15 percent or so in each category you could share between the OTA and the specialties or something like that, or do you think that would also lead to what you call genre arbitrage?
12116 MR. J. LEVY: Benjie was just pointing out to me that -- I mean, I've got sort of some top level stuff and he just told me the specifics which are -- 15 percent is a big number potentially.
12117 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Well --
12118 MR. J. LEVY: It could be, and again I'm not just saying --
12119 THE CHAIRPERSON: I'm just quoting them because that's the one they cited it.
12120 MR. J. LEVY: Right, right.
12121 I guess, you know, I think our concern is that, you know, we did put in in the alternative.
12123 MR. J. LEVY: From my old law days, you always have to have something in the alternative.
12124 Our prime argument is that we really don't think it should be there in the first place. We think it's counterintuitive to where the whole sort of industry is going.
12125 Plus, we have all the concerns that we said before. Even with limits you can't watch carefully enough to know everything that's going to be happening once this whole framework starts moving in all sorts of different directions when you are talking about not only CanCon but you are talking about CPEs.
12126 And then where is the line drawn between independence and groups? So you know, I think we would be -- I think you know we would be more in favour of it not occurring at all, even with the protections that we have talked about with respect to our particular situation which if they weren't there would in our view be entirely -- almost abusive.
12127 And let me just sort of go and just explain why I think, you know, that this isn't just coming from, you know, we love the rules the way they are. But we also think two things.
12128 Number one, we just changed the rules less than a year or so ago. And I think you know we are all waiting for certain decisions and follow-ups to the rules that have taken place. If you even wanted to consider something like this, it would be our view to let the decisions that came out over the last 12 to 15 months to 18 months, take shape and let them feel their way through the system and then consider whether it's needed to do the sort of things that we are talking about here.
12129 I think the other -- the other rationale as to why we are sort of proposing that this probably isn't something that we think the Commission should be considering right now is because I guess we don't really think that's really what at the root of the problem is here.
12130 We kind of are looking at this and saying, you know, are we really looking at just re-jigging the rules and putting different sort of interim solutions in place that really don't address what we think might be the key situation and the key problem? And at the very route of this is that we have this sea change happening in our industry, in the broadcasting industry.
12131 THE CHAIRPERSON: Well, we all know and we agree with that. The whole idea of this hearing or part of what was behind it is the serious issues about OTA and one way to cure it, we thought, is we look at additional sources of revenue. Obviously LPIF is one of them. Value for signal if something comes out would be another one.
12132 On the other hand, what would be a contribution to the system would be a CPE for the OTA. The question is whether, you know, we just impose it singly on the OTA or whether you allow some flexibility because most of the OTA, as you know, is owned by groups and not independently. And that's why this whole issue of group licensing and transfer ability within the group or credits, et cetera, is on the table.
12133 You know we have until December 14th. But your position is very clear and logical. As a former lawyer and as -- myself a former lawyer, speak to you -- flesh out your alternatives.
12134 MR. J. LEVY: All right.
12135 THE CHAIRPERSON: If there had to be a group licensing what are the safeguards that you would want to see in details so that you feel that what is important to the system is protected?
12136 MR. J. LEVY: Okay, we will think that through and file that as part of our --
12137 THE CHAIRPERSON: I would appreciate that.
12138 Okay. Steve?
12139 COMMISSIONER SIMPSON: Thank you very much.
12140 One of the concerns the Commission is trying to deal with, and you have heard it repeated throughout the last week and a half, is an overarching objective to square the circle between the Broadcast Act and its ambitions culturally and Canadian content-wise with the economic realities of the private broadcasting industry.
12141 And in your argument -- I find, you know, your argument very compelling with respect to the need to preserve genres for the betterment of the specialty industry because that's where the market seems to be going, is with a willingness to subscribe as that service gets more refined and more important to them.
12142 But picking up on Commissioner von Finckenstein's questioning, the marketplace has had its hair on fire about saving local TV and I know that this is a little off the topic of your -- of the specificity of your presentation but, in looking at what is local TV, it functionally is news and sports.
12143 And in looking at one of the secondary objectives of group licensing and the LPIF is that it appears the broadcasters would have a propensity to invest LPIF money into news and sports and with group licensing, yeah, probably move a lot more of their focus into what you are construing as cheaper Canadian content and low-hanging fruit which goes right into your wheelhouse of sports.
12144 But with that said, if there is a tendency by the broadcasters to go further into the news and sports realm -- does it not -- than create an opportunity somewhere else within the specialty industry for the creation of more drama just because of that wholesale shift on the OTA side -- I'm trying to get you to put your good guy hat on and look at the industry issue from a larger perspective and then we will drill down later into the points that really mean a lot more to you.
12145 MR. J. LEVY: I like the good guy part of it. I can't resist that.
--- Laughter
12146 MR. J. LEVY: I think that there are a couple of things here. First of all, I don't think we can confuse local news and sports and the sort of programming that we do in the context of our networks. So let's just deal with not what we do specifically but talking about, I think, what you are referring to.
12147 And I think that it goes to, I think what I was just starting to reference with the Chairman, which is I think we have to go deeper and look at how people are consuming that news and information right at the get go.
12148 I think we are making an assumption that -- you know, I remember what CHCH was. I grew up in Hamilton. That was local sports and it was local news. Everybody watched it. That channel sold for no money, basically, less than a year ago. It was approved by this Commission.
12149 That didn't happen for no reason, and I'm not saying it can't be revived and I'm not saying there isn't a formula that works for that channel. I quite frankly don't know what it is because I look around at how people consume and gather that information today and it's not exclusively found on local television anymore. As a matter of fact, I would say most people don't find that type of content of local news and local sports on TV anymore.
12150 So I think what we have to do is what we do every day of our lives at the Score, which is try to figure out how people want to connect with us and how we can connect the people who ultimately are going to fund this thing, which are the sponsors to that audience, because it's not the same.
12151 And we are not the only industry that has faced this. The record industry appeared and disappeared in the course of less than a year.
12152 Another industry -- and you can't just artificially prop these things up with rules and regulations that find new revenue streams to tap into to solve it, to solve another problem.
12153 So you know, I think our feeling is that somehow you have got to really pay attention to how that information has to be disseminated, is being disseminated and then follow that path. And it may not be the same traditional way that it's been in the past.
12154 So to create rules, to reallocate funds, to in our view artificially prop up or support revenues to allow other types of programming to take shape not only may not be the answer, we don't think it is the answer. And that's why we are in favour of not reopening or reshuffling.
12155 Turn it over to Grant.
12156 MR. BUCHANAN: Commissioner Simpson, if the question was if we let all of the over-the-air broadcasters follow the model of CHCH, CHEK, V or whatever, and move in a different direction, will that create an opening for specialty services to move into the drama field that they once occupied? I think he who lives on hope has but a slender diet. I can't imagine that happening in a million years.
12157 COMMISSIONER SIMPSON: It doesn't appear to be. But you are right, you know, hope has to prevail at times. And it's a question that has to be asked because we are looking at not only financial balancing of the system but also from the content standpoint. We have heard a lot.
12158 You know, I think your argument is very sound that unintended consequence is something that seems to be dominant in everything we do today. And we have heard very clearly and articulately that independent specialty channels have the potential of getting a severe body blow as a result and consequence of looking at group licensing but so too is the creative community and the production community which is also struggling to find its share of the airtime. It's something that, you know, that dominates our thinking, at least it does mine.
12159 So can I ask you some questions about another point that was brought up this morning from Stornoway, which is that in addition to genre protection group licensing also has the potential, unintended consequence of forcing BDUs should they in their wisdom not passed costs onto the consumer, to look at other ways to reduce their costs and to look at negotiations with the specialties as one area for relief.
12160 Is this a concern of yours? You haven't brought it up and I'm just curious if it's lurking in that fine mind of yours.
12161 MR. J. LEVY: Sorry. You know, if we are talking about where is the money coming from, and they are looking to other specialties or particularly independent specialties to fund this thing, it's a very scary proposition. You know, our view is we have been funding it for years. You know we have a very low basic rate. We are about to negotiate it slightly higher.
12162 You know we are the ultimate value for signal service and it's services like ours that we think have gone and been packaged in various ways because we are packaged in various ways that have been supporting this thing for years.
12163 And I have seen rate increases go through by the BDUs all the time. I have never seen anybody offer us any more money for it.
12164 And I have the unusual -- there is a lot of new commissioners here. I mean I have the very distinct and unusual advantage of being both a little cable guy and a little programmer. I used to be in the cable business forever since my dad started in 1959. I grew up in that business.
12165 And we joked about this one before. I have been smooshed as a cable guy. I have been smooshed as a programmer. So I mean we have seen both sides of this equation and it gives us a very interesting perspective on it.
12166 So you know, I think that's a very dangerous road or assumption to make as to where this money can potentially come from, because you know where it's going to come from. History obviously repeats itself.
12167 And at the end of the game -- this gets back to what I was saying before -- ultimately, a lot of this quite frankly isn't going to matter because the consumer is going to make the ultimate choice. The consumer is going to pick the program he wants and the consumer will pay for it. And it may be through clever packaging on distribution systems that exist today and it's probably going to be on other ones.
12168 So that's, I think, that's our answer.
12169 COMMISSIONER SIMPSON: The greatest strength of the specialty, an independent specialty, is its ability to with more minimal restrictions pursue what it's best at.
12170 And in looking at the landscape in total, are specialties going to continue to hybridize to the point where you are going to find yourself in a two-tier environment where you are ostensibly a free service in one area with a cable company and a specialty or a VOD on a product for a totally subscription model? Do you think that's where it's going to go where you shift your weight a little bit to two-income models?
12171 MR. J. LEVY: Well, again, ours is a little different because we are in the sports world. You can't TiVo us for the most part, and that's probably one of the reasons I love where we are and would be in no other business.
12172 We wake up every day and we don't know what we are doing. I don't mean to slam ourselves but it's a whole new ballgame everyday. It's not predictable. And that's what makes sports and news information such a vibrant, vibrant place to be.
12173 So you know we look for new sources of revenue just because we have to in our ability to grow. But what we don't look at is just, for example, throwing new channels out. You know, you are not probably going to see a Score 2. You know, our new channels are our new platforms. You know, we invest heavily in our web applications.
12174 We invest heavily in our mobile applications and have the advantage of dealing with a young audience that we are dealing with, dealing with them where they are. And it's also given us the opportunity to become more of an international company. Our little application on mobile, which the Chairman is very familiar with, is one of the leading apps in the world and we are very proud of that.
12175 So you know we look at moving out and trying to find a way to connect with audiences wherever they may be and obviously we love the fact that we are here in Canada and we are very proud of our programming service.
12176 But you know we will find how to connect that audience with the advertisers, which is ultimately the end result. We can fool around in terms of how we package things in the interim and basic and extended basic and VOD, which I can talk to. I'm not being flippant about that. I mean it's very serious in the non-sports world because, you know who is going to end up controlling VOD? And you are already seeing that happening where services which once were traditional specialty services now have their programming chopped up and distributors are selling it as VOD or SVOD packages.
12177 So that's all shifting. But ultimately the control is in the hands of the consumer.
12178 THE CHAIRPERSON: But on that point; for instance, your mobile since you raised it, is it possible that you could develop -- for instance you have the Score now which is for free. But if I am a golf fanatic I can sign up for an enhanced golf package with you for subscription and you will offer me more than you offer on the free service or something?
12179 MR. J. LEVY: Yes, that's --
12180 THE CHAIRPERSON: So aren't those potential sources of revenue that you are exploring?
12181 MR. J. LEVY: Absolutely; absolutely.
12182 Interestingly enough, the revenue that is developing early is all advertising supported and sponsorship supported. And I think the reason for that is because they are all struggling to find how to connect with you.
12183 You know, let's be real. People haven't been watching -- I mean I'm a little hesitant to say this, but in the context of commercials and 30-second spots we all know what has been happening. You know, people have been TiVoing for years -- not even TiVoing, clickering, right? I mean, how often do you sit there and watch a commercial?
12184 You know we built our network on putting the ticker on because we were convincing advertisers that, "You want a whole screen that nobody is watching or do you want 70 percent of the screen that perhaps somebody will watch?"
12185 So I think we are having initial success on properties like this because of the need of the major sponsors to find a way to connect with you. Ultimately, I think you are right. You can do it on a free basis and then enhance services with some sort of charge.
12186 But, again, it's got to be attractive to you. Otherwise, you are not going to pay it. There is no middleman.
12187 THE CHAIRPERSON: Sorry, Stephen. Go ahead.
12188 COMMISSIONER SIMPSON: No, fine. Just my last question is, again, just trying to get a better grasp of where specialties are going in the digital universe. So let's not talk about video-on-demand specifically because, as you say, sports is just a whole different animal with respect to its linear nature but assuming that it's not always fun dealing with a BDU, given that quite often they are competitors and perhaps even more so as, you know, conventional television becomes threatened.
12189 You know, there may be the day, as Jim Shaw said last Friday, that they are just interested in the content and they are really not caring where they get it from and they have to get it direct from the source they will, which may enhance the fact that you are dealing with a potential competitor who is also a distributor.
12190 But with that is there or could you, as a very successful multiplatform specialty right now, could you tell us a little bit more about what the digital future holds with respect to the relationship with BDUs and the fact that they offer you an interactivity that -- I'm thinking of something like the arsenal games where if you go to arsenal, you are watching the game and it's wrapped in a whole pile of interactive features that give just a whole different value to the game coverage and that you can go to the store, you can check out the bio of a particular athlete on the team.
12191 Does that change things a little bit in terms of the symbiotic relationship with the BDUs?
12192 MR. J. LEVY: It absolutely does. The question is who is going to -- you are moving exactly where it's going. The question is who is going to provide it? Can the BDU provide that or can the league itself or the team itself?
12193 And I think, you know, the question is -- really, it's a question of branding, quite frankly, and who owns that property and how do you develop that property and how creative are you in figuring out that you happen to want more content and more data surrounding that property?
12194 And if you can come to me as a specialty person or as a sports person or whoever I am, as the trusted person to be able to help facilitate that, then that's the winner of the day. And it could be a programmer. It could be a distributor. It could be the club itself.
12195 We are facing that right now. I mean in every deal we do, it's who owns the digital rights associated with it. But at the end of the day I honestly think it comes down to branding and a trust relationship with a consumer.
12196 If your speciality is -- going back to your original question, if your specialty network or Food Network, for example, that better mean something to somebody because the programming that they are flowing through their network to the end consumer can be garnered in a lot of places. So you had better surround it with the stuff you are talking about or you had better give it a certain attitude or you better be able to distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack based on that because if that brand doesn't mean anything then you are lost in the shuffle. And the Shaws of the world and the Rogers of the world are going to get that programming directly and you are going to be left out in the middle.
12197 So we spend every waking minute trying to figure out how to continue to be relevant to the consumer and, most importantly, to the advertiser and provide something that they can't get anywhere else. And if it works, it will work not only in Canada. It works everywhere.
12198 I think that's the -- sorry, it's not an easy answer but I don't think there is one. I think everybody within their own genre has got to figure out how to stay relevant and then they will.
12199 COMMISSIONER SIMPSON: Thank you very much. Those are my questions.
12200 THE CHAIRPERSON: Tim? Oh, Elizabeth -- sorry.
12201 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: I have two questions.
12202 First of all, I mean obviously you are an entrepreneur and so I am interested to know the specialties -- it's obvious -- we have heard many people say how successful it is. What do you think the solution is for the broadcasters?
12203 I mean you talk about the potential that you are obviously seeing in mobile applications and on the web.
12204 MR. J. LEVY: This is not a Canadian phenomenon. This is a universal phenomenon. You know, the big networks in the States are struggling with the same issues that our partners are struggling with here. And I do mean our partners, whether it's the CTVs or the CanWests and the national networks.
12205 And I think it -- you can't rent programming. You have got to create content and you have got to be associated with something. You have got to stand for something. The fact that you can watch a football game on three different networks doesn't help your network at all unless you are doing something special with it.
12206 The fact that I can get House, the fact that I can invest in big popular U.S. programming and draw huge eyeballs and huge advertising revenues and then siphon some of that money off to do some Canadian content, it's not the right formula.
12207 You have to start the other way. Who am I? What does the public want? If it's local news, if it's local sports you have to become more relevant. You have to jump into the new -- you have to jump into the new platforms. You can't expect people are just going to sit and watch television the way they have for the last 50 years. They are not.
12208 The music industry got destroyed in 12 months because they thought people weren't going to download free music and it took someone like Apple to reconfigure that whole thing and figure out how to get people to listen to it and to pay for it. I think that's what is needed on the broadcast side.
12209 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Do you think -- we heard the other day from the Association of Canadian Advertisers that one area that might be under -- that might not be capitalized to its maximum is selling ads on local programming. I forget now what the phrase was that they used but it was apparent that there is not a lot of opportunity to sell -- to purchase advertising in local markets because there is not a lot of local programming.
12210 So would you agree that that might give them an opportunity to increase their ad revenues?
12211 MR. J. LEVY: That's a great place to start. I mean if you have got advertisers that are reaching out to -- local advertisers who are reaching out to try and connect with an audience then, you know, that's 80 percent of the battle. Now, you just have to figure out how to connect them.
12212 The problem is it may not be the same way that you have always connected with them by running news at 11 o'clock and six o'clock on televisions that children aren't watching or may not be watching.
12213 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Yes. You are saying be innovative. You don't have the answer but the idea is to be innovative. Look and see what is --
12214 MR. J. LEVY: Know that you don't have the answer.
12216 MR. LEVY: That's the first place to start and then you might be able to figure out how to connect them. But the good news is that money is out there, that money is looking for a home.
12217 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: And clearly that's what we heard from the ACA the other day.
12218 MR. J. LEVY: Right. And we are -- you know, our company is taking full advantage of that. I mean we are -- you know we are doing campaigns. For example, this thing that we just did called "Drafted" where we are looking for Canada's next sports, great sports broadcasters. I didn't see any submissions from any of you guys but funded by -- I was waiting for yours -- funded from Procter & Gamble.
12219 Not to namedrop but it was a huge contract and this was money that three years ago was dedicated to 30-second spots. Now, we are going all across the country. We are in every city in looking for this new sports broadcaster. We had kids uploading stuff. We were doing it on our mobile platforms.
12220 It was a huge success and that's just a rethink of the same -- they had the money. They wanted to spend it. We had to create some programming to fill the need.
12221 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: I appreciate your comments.
12222 The other one that sort of follows through too from one of your comments, but we obviously would like to see more Canadian drama and, you know, documentary, children's programming. Do you think that we should proceed and implement a CPE requirement as a percent of revenue then? You obviously weren't in favour of the expense.
--- Pause
12223 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Or if you don't have an opinion on it that's okay.
12224 MR. BUCHANAN: Do you mean a CPE on individual specialties relating to drama --
12225 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: No, I'm talking about the OTAs.
12226 MR. BUCHANAN: -- or an overall group?
12227 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: I'm talking about the OTAs, just on the OTAs.
12228 MR. BUCHANAN: Well, it's not really this group's area of expertise but one would have thought that if what you are after is more spending on drama, docs and kids that you would have a targeted CPE that targeted drama, docs and kids.
12229 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: That's great. Thank you.
12231 COMMISSIONER DENTON: Good morning, sir. You just said something of great interest to me in your answers to Commissioner Denton and, if I can recall exactly what you said, you said something to the effect that garnering large advertising revenues out of the importation of American programs and siphoning some of that off to Canadian production was the model that -- help me here -- wasn't going to work anymore or something of that nature.
12232 Do you recall what you just said in that regard?
12233 MR. J. LEVY: He said that was a long time ago.
12234 COMMISSIONER DENTON: No, you just said it.
12235 MR. J. LEVY: I know. I'm just kidding.
12236 COMMISSIONER DENTON: Three minutes ago.
12237 MR. J. LEVY: It was like -- well, for some of us that could be a long time ago.
12238 COMMISSIONER DENTON: I can remember nothing. I can remember nothing.
--- Laughter
12239 MR. J. LEVY: Yeah. No, I think it was more in the context of looking at the traditional models of how the big broadcasters have survived over the years, which is on the backs of highly profitable revenue generating services or programming which is -- you know we lived through signal substitution. I even heard somebody was talking about non-simultaneous signal substitution again. We heard that five years ago. We knocked that out of the park five years ago, six years ago, as "we" being the industry.
12240 And these sorts of band-aid solutions to try and -- what are you doing? You are trying to identify with what people want to watch. Therefore advertisers will pay for and then take that money and maybe as a by-product of that create some programming that people are going to watch.
12241 I think if we spend as much time trying to figure out exactly what Canadian programming people want to watch and concentrated on that and made that more of a necessity -- and I'm not suggesting how we do that. I am just saying rather than being a by-product, being the centralized product then we might have been able to get there sooner.
12242 COMMISSIONER DENTON: That's fine. I am just suggesting for your consideration that that's really a very fundamental rethinking of the approach to Canadian content that you are proposing.
12243 MR. J. LEVY: At the end of the day when we are here five years from now, we are going to have no choice because the consumer is going to make that decision for us. They are only going to watch what they want to watch and if it isn't good and if it isn't exciting and if it's not entertaining then it's not going to matter what I am trying to do or what anybody else is trying to do. It's not going to get funded because it's not going to get watched.
12244 What has happened over the last number of years that has changed all of this is that we have lost control.
12245 COMMISSIONER DENTON: I think what you are saying is right. I just want to hear you say it.
12246 Thank you very much.
--- Laughter
12247 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay, let me ask you as Mr. Levy, not necessarily as Score, because of your experience in the industry.
12248 We have heard conflicting advice in this hearing about the advertising pie. Some are saying it is limited and if you give advertising on local avails, VOD, community or wherever, all you are doing is a reapportioning of the existing advertising. There are others who say you can grow it, and for instance local avails is there, it's interruption anywhere, customers are used to it, all you are doing is you are filling a spot which is now used for promoting for advertising.
12249 What is your view? Is the advertising pie available for television basically limited and anything we do would be just a reapportioning or is there an ability to grow it?
12250 MR. J. LEVY: We are going through a transition and, you know, again, we face this every day. We take money from advertisers and move them into programming that we don't know why they are there but we take it anyway. And then we have other advertisers coming to us, scratching their heads, saying, help me, I can't get at that audience anymore, you know, they are not salivating anymore, Pavlov isn't -- it is not working anymore.
12251 So I think in the big universe there is more and more money that advertisers are prepared to spend. People are always going to have to market their products and services. What percentage of it goes to television and what percentage of it goes elsewhere, I think is the big question.
12252 THE CHAIRPERSON: You are from Hamilton. After I visited you, I visited Channel Zero, who are the new owners of CHCH, and who said to me, because of the very local focus of CHCH, it is sort of a mini-CNN for Hamilton. In Niagara they have actually found out there is a new market. There is a local market that before didn't even think of TV but now they feel they can reach immediately their direct customers, and therefore those stores in Hamilton who before didn't advertise are coming to them.
12253 Is that an isolated phenomenon or not? I guess that is what we are looking at.
12254 MR. J. LEVY: That market existed 40 years ago too --
12256 MR. J. LEVY: -- and CHCH really marketed that product. I mean I grew up in that neighbourhood and I know a lot of the businessmen who extensively used it. And then what happened was that station became not a local station anymore. It became something bigger. I remember when Ken Sobel started that channel.
12258 MR. J. LEVY: So I think yes, there is an opportunity for that but, again, my only caution is that is filling a void that is a natural void. That is a huge community. It also could support another hockey team but that is another matter. But it is a huge community that deserves local news and information.
12259 But having said that, it is also subject to the same transformative process that is going on. The young people in that market are still going to be looking at other properties to find their sports, news and information.
12260 THE CHAIRPERSON: Last question. Where do you stand on value for signal? I mean you have heard the two arguments: basically the broadcasters saying, we are being compensated but not totally, and the BDUs saying, the compensation you get is not in money but in kind but basically we are paying for your signal.
12261 MR. J. LEVY: Well, again, I think -- my view on the value for services, it is another -- and I don't mean this disrespectfully but I think it is just a band-aid solution to a much bigger problem and I would not encourage it.
12262 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay, thank you very much. I appreciate your coming. We look forward to your further reply on your fallback option.
12263 MR. J. LEVY: Thank you very much.
12264 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you.
12265 Madame la Secrétaire, why don't we deal with our next intervener before we break for lunch.
12266 THE SECRETARY: Perfect.
12267 J'aimerais maintenant inviter le Conseil provincial du secteur des communications du Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique.
--- Pause
12268 LA SECRÉTAIRE : Vous avez 10 minutes pour votre présentation. Merci.
12269 M. LABELLE : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les Vice-Présidents, Mesdames et Messieurs les Conseillers et Conseillères, membres du Conseil, bonjour.
12270 Mon nom est Richard Labelle. Je suis vice-président, Radio et Télévision du Conseil provincial du secteur des communications du Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique. Je suis aussi président du Syndicat des employés de TVA pour les stations de Rimouski, Trois-Rivières et Sherbrooke.
12271 Je suis accompagné de :
12272 - madame Lisa Djevahirdjian, à côté de moi, du service de recherche du SCFP;
12273 - également, monsieur Michel Bibeault, directeur adjoint du SCFP Québec;
12274 - monsieur Réjean Beaudet, président du Syndicat de TVA Montréal; et
12275 - madame Nathalie Blais, vice-présidente Information, représentant les journalistes de TVA Montréal.
12276 Le CPSC représente plus de 7 000 salariés dans différents domaines du secteur des communications. En partie, nos membres travaillent pour des titulaires de licence de généralistes, dont Global, la Société Radio-Canada, TVA et anciennement TQS.
12277 Nous représentons aussi des milliers de membres dans les entreprises de distribution de radiodiffusion comme Vidéotron, TELUS, Cogeco, ce qui, je crois, nous met dans une position privilégiée pour bien comprendre les intérêts des deux secteurs qui sont publiquement en affrontement présentement.
12278 Menée à coup de campagnes publicitaires déplorables et truffées de demi-vérités ou mensonges, cette cacophonie de communications a laissé les consommateurs confus et surtout méfiants. Les témoignages qu'ont reçus nos membres qui ont une relation directe avec les consommateurs en témoignent.
12279 Le message des consommateurs peut se résumer ainsi. Ils ne veulent pas payer plus pour la distribution, et ils veulent surtout avoir accès à une programmation locale de qualité.
12280 Le noeud du problème, c'est que les généralistes ont des ennuis financiers de taille. Déjà, ils n'arrivent plus à assumer pleinement le rôle culturel qui leur a été dévolu, et la situation risque de s'empirer.
12281 Or, malgré leur situation financière difficile, les généralistes demeurent les acteurs incontournables du système de radiodiffusion dans son ensemble. Ce sont souvent elles qui produisent les séries lourdes, l'information, qui sont garantes de l'expression locale.
12282 Cette responsabilité a un coût, aujourd'hui, trop élevé, vu le passe au numérique, le développement du HD, et la fragmentation de l'auditoire et de la tarte publicitaire, bien sûr.
12283 Des millions de Canadiens regardent encore la télé généraliste. On n'est pas surpris. L'an dernier, les quatre généralistes du Québec retenaient plus de 50 pour cent de l'écoute des francophones.
12284 Par ailleurs, il y a des chaînes spécialisées qui continuent de jouir de taux de rentabilité confortables, et les EDR qui affichent sans cesse des marges de profit importantes.
12285 Le système favorise injustement la rentabilité des télévisions facultatives, qui demeurent très profitables, tandis que les généralistes sont souvent au bord de la faillite.
12286 La bonne santé financière des spécialisés s'explique justement par le fait que plusieurs chaînes facultatives touchent 50 pour cent de leur revenu à même les frais d'abonnement.
12287 Si on veut maintenir un meilleur équilibre dans le marché des télédiffuseurs, il faut accorder une valeur marchande aux généralistes. Les sommes ainsi générées pourraient servir à bonifier la programmation locale, soutenir les stations régionales, et la production de bulletins de nouvelles de grande qualité et refléter ainsi réellement les communautés.
12288 Cette valeur devrait être fixée par chacun des marchés, et les nouveaux revenus octroyés pour les marchés respectifs. Mais si le Conseil choisit d'octroyer ces sommes, il ne faut en aucun cas que la facture soit refilée aux consommateurs, qui paient déjà suffisamment aux EDR, lesquelles ne cessent d'enregistrer des bénéfices avec des marges de profit jusqu'à 25 pour cent.
12289 Le CPSC suggère une tarification modulée et réglementée pour déterminer les montants à remettre aux généralistes et aux facultatifs pour leurs services.
12290 Dans un système de tarification modulée, le premier palier déterminerait les valeurs marchandes des stations généralistes qui seront distribuées obligatoirement dans un service de base. Dans les autres paliers, les prix seraient supérieurs, et on y retrouverait les services facultatifs. Chaque palier représenterait une fourchette de redevances déterminée par le Conseil, ce qui permettrait de contrôler les coûts.
12291 La Loi sur la radiodiffusion reconnaît l'importance de la programmation locale. Encore faut-il que cette programmation soit accessible. En effet, qu'elles diffusent par câble ou par satellite, les EDR devraient être tenus par condition de licence de diffuser en priorité tout ce qui est disponible comme service de programmation locale ou régionale, ce qui n'est pas encore le cas.
12292 Comment déterminer la valeur marchande d'un service généraliste par rapport à un autre?
12293 Les critères devraient être les suivants, parmi tant d'autres : la quantité de programmation locale, les dépenses en programmation locale, et la programmation originale.
12294 Pour résoudre d'éventuels conflits sur la valeur marchande d'une station, le CRTC devrait mettre sur pied un système d'arbitrage. Les décisions de l'arbitre baliseraient et encadreraient les négociations entre les EDR et les diffuseurs. Ainsi, toutes les parties seraient assurées, selon nous, d'un juste prix pour leur signal.
12295 En échange de ces revenus additionnels, on pourrait augmenter les contraintes en contenu canadien, surtout en contenu local.
12296 Quand on dit programmation locale dans les marchés de moins d'un million d'habitants, on parle essentiellement d'information ou d'affaires publiques, car dans la plupart des cas, les généralistes ne produisent localement que ce genre d'émissions, et les Canadiens tiennent à leur information locale.
12297 Les généralistes éprouvant des difficultés financières coupent essentiellement en information, aux dépens des populations des régions desservies.
12298 V, l'ancien TQS, a même instauré une pratique inusitée. Elle envoie en sous-traitance la mince production de nouvelles que le CRTC l'a obligée à conserver. Résultat : la population a perdu une vraie source d'information.
12299 Les généralistes devraient être forcées de remplir convenablement leurs obligations envers les citoyens, et une façon de faire serait d'obliger ces titulaires à maintenir une salle des nouvelles indépendante et opérée par ses propres employés.
12300 Il est aussi vrai que de plus en plus les Canadiens prennent leur information sur Internet, surtout les jeunes. Ce qu'il ne faut pas oublier, par contre, c'est que les internautes qui cherchent à s'informer sur l'actualité se retrouvent plus souvent qu'autrement sur des sites de médias traditionnels ou accèdent à de l'information mise en ligne par ces médias. Il y a beaucoup de recherches récentes qui le démontrent.
12301 Une approche globale qui prend en considération l'ensemble des avoirs d'une entreprise dans le secteur de la radiodiffusion n'est pas en soi une mauvaise idée.
12302 Le modèle proposé pour la contribution à la programmation canadienne dans l'Avis de consultation pourrait remplacer adéquatement le cadre actuel, particulièrement quant à l'apport des stations de télévision spécialisées et des stations de vidéo sur demande.
12303 Par contre, intégrer les stations généralistes dans ce modèle semble être un concept mal adapté et incongru puisque, entre autres, sa grille d'évaluation ne tient pas compte de sa programmation locale, sans oublier que toutes les généralistes ne sont pas nécessairement affiliées à de grands groupes -- prenons V, Télé-Québec, Radio Nord Communications -- et nécessiteraient, par le fait même, une politique particulière.
12304 Une politique générale par groupe de propriété pose aussi problème au niveau de l'indépendance locale des stations traditionnelles. L'évaluation de la programmation canadienne par groupe de propriété éloignerait des pouvoirs décisionnels les communautés desservies par les stations généralistes.
12305 Avec un tel modèle, le poids des communautés pour faire valoir leurs besoins en matière de programmation serait considérablement réduit. Au lieu d'un rapport direct avec leur station locale, les citoyens devraient s'adresser à une grande corporation généralement située à des centaines de kilomètres et qui n'est pas ancrée dans leur réalité.
12306 Nous l'avons démontré lors des audiences pour le renouvellement des licences des généralistes, que chez les titulaires généralistes dans les régions autres que Montréal, les décisions éditoriales sont souvent le fait de la maison mère.
12307 Le CRTC a bien saisi cette problématique et l'a signalée dans sa décision suite aux audiences récentes pour le renouvellement des licences des généralistes.
12308 En conclusion, nous voulons réitérer que les nouvelles sommes d'argent remises aux généralistes, autant privées que publiques, pourraient être utilisées pour améliorer notre système de radiodiffusion en garantissant le financement de plus de programmation canadienne.
12309 Les grandes stations de télévision généralistes au pays ont frappé un mur, le mur des stations spécialisées. Celles-ci grugent chaque année des parts de marché, donc des parts de publicité, aux dépens des généralistes, tout en profitant seules des redevances.
12310 Selon Statistique Canada, les stations généralistes privées ont réalisé en 2008 une marge bénéficiaire avant intérêt et impôt inférieure à 1 pour cent, la plus modeste des 30 dernières années. En revanche, les chaînes facultatives, incluant les VSD, ont réalisé plus de 99 pour cent des bénéfices de la télévision privée.
12311 L'argent pour les généralistes ne doit pas provenir des poches des consommateurs, mais un rééquilibrage des sommes déjà disponibles.
12312 Les EDR, comme on l'a mentionné plus tôt, jouissent de marges de profit plus qu'intéressantes grâce à la distribution de télévision, mais aussi grâce à la distribution d'Internet, et jusqu'à ce jour, les profits de ce secteur d'activités n'ont jamais servi à la production canadienne.
12313 En effet, le Conseil a choisi d'exempter de son règlement les services de radiodiffusion pour les nouveaux médias et dit qu'il surveillera l'évolution des tendances. Mais pour le CPSC, la tendance est claire : de plus en plus de Canadiens consomment leurs produits audiovisuels sur Internet, que ce soit pour leur divertissement ou encore pour s'informer.
12314 Nous préconisons l'implantation d'un mécanisme de contribution des entreprises de radiodiffusion exemptées, la télévision mobile, la distribution Internet, et caetera, au financement de la production d'émissions canadiennes, d'information journalistique et de contenu canadien destinée aux plates-formes des nouveaux médias.
12315 Cette contribution serait établie en pourcentage de leur revenu, sur le modèle de la contribution des distributeurs par câble et par les SRD au Fonds des médias.
12316 Nous savons que tel n'est pas l'enjeu de cette audience. Par contre, il faut en tenir compte, selon nous, quand on voit les riches EDR tenter, encore une fois, de refiler la facture aux consommateurs.
12317 Je vous remercie de votre attention, et nous sommes disponibles pour vos questions.
12318 LE PRÉSIDENT : Merci de votre présentation.
12319 À la page 3, troisième paragraphe, vous dites :
« Mais si le Conseil choisit d'octroyer ces sommes, il ne faut en aucun cas que la facture soit refilée aux consommateurs, qui paient déjà suffisamment aux EDR... »
12320 Comment on réalise ça? Parce que vous avez écouté les EDR. Elles ont dit absolument clairement, s'il y a une charge octroyée, on va la relier aux consommateurs.
12321 M. LABELLE : Ce qu'on pense, c'est ce qu'on devrait aussi redéfinir les redevances qui sont actuellement payées aux télévisions spécialisées, établir des fourchettes, et on pense qu'avec une réduction... parce qu'on sait que là, les télévisions spécialisées ont accès à la publicité, ont le meilleur des deux mondes, et elles vont très bien.
12322 Alors, il y aurait peut-être moyen de regarder si on ne peut pas réduire les redevances qui sont versées aux spécialisées, et avec cet argent-là qui serait économisé, bien, ça pourrait servir justement aux câblos pour éviter de refiler aux consommateurs une facture indue.
12323 LE PRÉSIDENT : Et vous avez la confiance que les EDR, dans ce cas-là, ne vont pas augmenter les frais aux consommateurs?
12324 M. LABELLE : Bien, la fourchette devrait être définie par le CRTC, selon nous, d'une part, et très réglementée pour éviter justement toute forme de dérapage.
12325 LE PRÉSIDENT : O.K. Merci.
12326 Suzanne.
12327 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Merci, Monsieur le Président.
12328 Bonjour. Merci d'être tous ici ce matin. J'avais planifié mes questions en fonction de votre mémoire. Vous avez repris différents aspects de votre mémoire dans la présentation, dans un ordre différent. Alors, je vais plutôt me fier un petit peu plus sur votre présentation et compléter par la suite.
12329 Je veux continuer un petit peu sur ce que vous avez commencé avec monsieur le président au niveau de la tarification et l'établissement de la juste valeur marchande des signaux des télévisions conventionnelles, parce que je ne comprends pas très bien ce que vous expliquez, et dans votre mémoire et dans votre présentation.
12330 Bon, j'ai compris ce que vous avez dit, vous estimez que les tarifs devraient être réglementés. Mais de la façon que vous le proposez, vous dites :
« ... [un] premier palier déterminerait les valeurs marchandes des stations généralistes qui seront distribuées obligatoirement... »
12331 Ça, jusque là, ça va.
« Dans les autres paliers... »
12332 Et dans votre mémoire, vous faites référence à un palier supérieur, que vous appelez supérieur, et encore là, vous dites :
« ...les prix seraient supérieurs, et on y retrouverait les services facultatifs. »
12333 Et là, vous venez de dire que, selon vous, il pourrait avoir un rééquilibrage en diminuant les tarifs des services spécialisés. Alors, je ne comprends pas ce que vous proposez ici.
12334 M. BEAUDET : Dans le fond, on prend un système que les redevances du câble, on irait en fonction... on disait tantôt, il y aurait une fourchette et que cette fourchette-là devrait tenir compte, est-ce qu'il y a de la production, est-ce qu'il y a de la production locale, c'est quoi l'investissement qui est fait là-dedans.
12335 Ces normes qui seraient établies là, bien, c'est là qu'on viendrait à déterminer c'est quoi le coût de ce qu'on met en ondes, c'est quoi la valeur de ce qu'on met en ondes, de là à déterminer, écoute, si la TV généraliste produit beaucoup localement, fait beaucoup de productions canadiennes, elle aura accès à des crédits, au même titre que la TV spécialisée, si elle a beaucoup de productions canadiennes, elle a beaucoup de productions locales, aurait accès à ces mêmes crédits.
12336 Mais on part en fonction des redevances qui sont disponibles, puis on les redistribue. Il y aurait une négociation qui serait faite pour déterminer quelle est la valeur du signal, mettons, la valeur de ce qui est mis en ondes. Cette négociation-là serait faite entre l'EDR et les postes de télévision. S'il n'y a pas entente, un système d'arbitrage, puis éventuellement, ça va rouler tout seul.
12337 À la limite, on pourrait dire qu'ils pourraient convenir qu'il y aurait une règle de trois qui va s'instaurer. J'ai tant de minutes, tant d'heures de production locale, j'en ai tant de canadiens, la valeur de mon produit, c'est tant.
12338 Puis si la TV spécialisée veut avoir plus de redevances de câble, elle pourrait faire plus de productions locales, pourrait faire plus de productions canadiennes.
12339 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Je ne sais pas si vous étiez ici au début de la semaine quand Astral a présenté, et Astral, qui a de nombreux services spécialisés aussi dans le marché francophone, précisait que présentement, les tarifs de gros entre Astral et les EDR sont négociés et que, normalement, ça devrait refléter la valeur que le public y attache.
12340 Pourquoi est-ce que vous voyez la nécessité de revisiter ou de modifier cet aspect-là?
12341 MME BLAIS : Présentement, ce qu'on constate, c'est qu'il y a des spécialisés qui sont sur le service de base, il y a des spécialisés qui sont sur les étages. Dépendamment des formules qui sont employées par les cablôdistributeurs ou les EDR, il y a des étages ou non. Mais il y a des spécialisés qui sont sur le service de base et qui, donc, reçoivent des redevances et peuvent, en plus, obtenir des revenus publicitaires.
12342 Nous, ce qu'on dit, c'est que le service de base devrait être réservé à des généralistes, qui recevraient, comme ils seraient sur le service de base, des redevances qui seraient moins importantes que ce qu'on retrouve sur les paliers supérieurs, qui, eux, demandent à la clientèle de s'abonner.
12343 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : De choisir, donc.
12344 MME BLAIS : De choisir.
12345 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Donc, vous seriez en faveur de la restriction de l'accès au service de base?
12346 MME DJEVAHIRDJIAN : Oui, exactement, et on évalue ça en disant que s'ils sont sur le service de base, ça vaut quelque chose. Tout le monde va l'avoir. Donc, c'est pour ça qu'il n'y aurait pas besoin d'avoir autant de redevances ou les montants n'ont pas besoin d'être aussi élevés pour les services facultatifs qui sont dans les paliers supérieurs.
12347 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Mais ça ne serait pas nécessaire que les services facultatifs qui sont choisis à la carte, qui sont dans les paliers supérieurs, aient nécessairement des redevances plus élevées que ce qu'il y a sur le service de base?
12348 MME DJEVAHIRDJIAN : Pas nécessairement...
12349 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Pas nécessairement.
12350 MME DJEVAHIRDJIAN : ...parce que ça va dépendre de ce qui est produit aussi.
12351 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Merci. Je comprends bien maintenant.
12352 M. BIBEAULT : Peut-être donner quelques exemples pratiques.
12353 Disons qu'on aurait le service de base, on met la fourchette entre 10 cents et 30 cents par abonné pour les... mettons au Québec, les 10 généralistes francophones et anglophones qui sont là.
12354 Donc, le service de base, c'est réservé aux généralistes, et ce qui déterminerait entre 10 cents et 30 cents, ça serait les critères qui sont dans le paragraphe... les critères utilisés seraient :
« quantité de programmation locale, les dépenses en programmation locale, et la programmation originale. »
12355 Évidemment, un canal qui diffuse seulement ou qui produit seulement pour huit heures de programmation par jour n'aurait pas le même montant qu'un canal qui produit beaucoup plus de programmation originale et locale. Quelqu'un qui achète des séries et qui met ça en rediffusion ne pourrait pas avoir les mêmes montants.
12356 Après ça, on tomberait sur une deuxième étage, parce qu'il y a comme des étages populaires que les EDR offrent. Deuxième étage, là, la fourchette pourrait être entre 20 cents et 50-60 cents ou 90 cents. Ça, on ne le détermine pas présentement. Mais encore là, la valeur de ce que ça vaudrait, il faudrait qu'il y ait quand même des critères objectifs qui diraient qu'est-ce qui vaut plus et qu'est-ce qui vaut moins.
12357 Évidemment, maintenant, il y a des récepteurs numériques qui permettent d'acheter des canaux à la pièce. Ça, ça n'empêche pas que quelqu'un qui a un décodeur numérique qui veut payer $ 1.00, $ 1.50 ou $ 5.00 dollars pour un canal pourrait le faire.
12358 Mais quand on offre des packages populaires, les fourchettes de prix qui seraient à négocier seraient déterminées par le Conseil en regard de s'assurer que la facture totale au consommateur resterait égale ou inférieure à ce qu'elle est présentement.
12359 Même si on disait qu'il y a 10 généralistes au Québec qui auraient 30 cents par abonné par mois, ça ferait $ 3.00 par mois. Présentement, c'est quoi la facture du service de base, $ 20,00, $ 25.00. On pense même que ça pourrait faire baisser la facture du service de base.
12360 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Je vais vous dire franchement que la difficulté que j'ai à suivre vos propos découle du fait que dans votre mémoire ainsi que dans votre présentation, vous avez établi des points de principe, ce qui est très valable, mais, par contre, dans votre soumission finale du 14 décembre, si vous pouvez nous proposer des scénarios et des critères spécifiques, un peu comme vous venez de faire maintenant, ça, ça nous aiderait beaucoup dans notre analyse.
12361 Alors, vous voudrez sûrement le considérer, et je vais relire la transcription aussi, ne soyez pas inquiet.
12362 Maintenant, si on parle un petit peu plus de programmation locale, vous soutenez qu'une grosse partie de la programmation locale, c'est l'information, qui coûte cher à produire. On a quand même eu des représentants de radiodiffuseurs indépendants de petits marchés qui, eux, soutenaient que oui, effectivement, l'information, c'est une grosse partie de la programmation locale, mais qui faisaient aussi d'autres types de production locale. Alors, je tenais à vous le signaler.
12363 Mais est-ce que vous n'estimez pas qu'au niveau de la représentation des régions, justement en information, le processus décisionnel sur le choix de l'information qui se fait en région, est-ce que vous n'estimez pas que le Fonds d'amélioration de la programmation locale permet justement d'adresser une partie de cette problématique-là?
12364 M. LABELLE : On va l'espérer grandement. Je vous dirais, pour l'instant... j'ai hâte de voir les résultats, parce que, bon, les résultats vont se faire attendre.
12365 Pour l'instant, et on l'a souligné le printemps dernier, on avait un problème avec ça, c'est la maison mère qui décidait. Moi, je représente des stations régionales, je travaille dans une station régionale, et je peux vous dire que l'autonomie des stations régionales, c'est un euphémisme pour l'instant. La maison mère nous dicte pas mal la grille horaire, même des fois le contenu éditorial des bulletins de nouvelles et des trucs comme ça.
12366 Par contre, les stations régionales ont déjà beaucoup produit. Vous parliez de stations régionales, effectivement, qui ne sont pas affiliées à des réseaux. Je vous rappellerais qu'avant que, par exemple...
12367 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : En fait, qui sont effectivement affiliées à des réseaux.
12368 M. LABELLE : Pardon?
12369 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Qui sont effectivement affiliées à des réseaux...
12370 M. LABELLE : Oui.
12371 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : ...quand on parle de Télé Inter-Rives ou qu'on parle de RNC.
12372 M. LABELLE : Oui, exact.
12374 M. LABELLE : Exact. Exact.
12375 Mais je fais un petit historique. Patonique, avant d'être achetée par TVA, les stations régionales produisaient beaucoup. On produisait même dans un seul avant-midi... avant même d'arriver à un bulletin de nouvelles, on avait quatre heures de production locale, « Café chaud » et « Mongrain de sel »... Mongrain qui a commencé à Sherbrooke, soit-dit en passant.
12376 Alors, au bout de la semaine, on avait déjà 20 heures de programmation locale, uniquement en avant-midi là. Je ne compte même pas les bulletins de 18 h 00 et de midi. Donc, il y avait une rentabilité là. Ça marchait.
12377 Bon, les réseaux nous ont achetées. Ça l'a fait que notre programmation s'est effritée, et puis est partie au vent, et que nous, on reste avec pas grand-chose maintenant aujourd'hui.
12378 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Aussi, au niveau de la demande, au fond... et vous soulignez que c'est vrai qu'il y a de plus en plus de Canadiens qui prennent leur information, aussi leur divertissement, sur Internet, surtout les jeunes, mais pas seulement là.
12379 M. LABELLE : Moi aussi.
12380 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Moi aussi. Exactement.
12381 Mais vous soulignez que qu'est-ce qu'il ne faut pas oublier, par contre, c'est que les internautes cherchent à s'informer de l'actualité et qu'ils retrouvent cette actualité-là sur, en fait, les sites des médias traditionnels.
12382 Et vous dites que... vous avez ajouté là, ce qui n'est pas dans texte, que vous avez de la recherche qui démontre ça. Cette recherche-là, est-ce que vous pouvez la partager avec nous et la déposer au Conseil?
12383 M. LABELLE : Oui.
12385 M. LABELLE : Il y a une recherche, entre autres, qui a été faite récemment aux États-Unis, entre autres, et qui révélait que -- et ça paru dans les journaux, d'ailleurs -- que les blogs personnels étaient en chute, pas libre mais presque, et que les gens avaient tendance à aller s'informer sur les médias reconnus, crédibles, New York Times, CBS, NBC, ABC, et que les blogs... parce qu'ils se rendaient compte que là, il y avait beaucoup de... c'était moins objectif, à leurs yeux, c'était plus tendancieux, c'était plus teinté d'opinions personnelles, alors que les gens avaient l'impression qu'en allant sur les sites, comme ils le font avec TVA et Radio-Canada, il y avait une information qui était beaucoup plus crédible. Et c'est une tendance qui va de plus en plus dans ce sens-là.
12386 Mais on essaiera de vous produire les...
12387 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Oui, si vous pouvez, ça serait utile.
12388 M. LABELLE : Oui. Oui. Oui.
12389 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Au niveau de la conversion numérique, dans votre mémoire, vous faites une affirmation qui me surprend un peu. Alors, vous pouvez peut-être me l'expliquer.
12390 Vous dites être d'accord avec la proposition hybride, c'est-à-dire que pas nécessairement tous les émetteurs seraient convertis au numérique, et vous êtes conscient que... acceptez que le signal soit en définition standard au départ là, c'est quand même un pas dans la bonne direction.
12391 Mais lorsque vous parlez de l'accès de la population aux signaux, vous dites que, évidemment, les populations vivant près des stations originales auraient accès à ces signaux, comme c'est le cas présentement, sauf que dans les plans de conversion qui nous ont été soumis, il y a certains radiodiffuseurs qui ne prévoient pas nécessairement convertir tous leurs émetteurs. Ça, vous ne vous en êtes pas particulièrement préoccupé?
12392 M. LABELLE : Oui.
12393 M. BIBEAULT : Mais nous, on regarde plus la situation au Québec. On est conscient qu'au Canada, vu l'étendue du pays, il y a des situations particulières.
12394 Au Québec, en tout cas, pour TVA, il y a cinq stations régionales, et à ce qu'on sache, il n'y a pas de problème particulier à convertir les transmetteurs au numérique, et dans chacune...
12395 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Mais V avait quand même mentionné lors de sa présentation qu'il songeait sérieusement là à ne pas nécessairement convertir tous ses émetteurs.
12396 M. BIBEAULT : C'est sûr que si on ne les oblige pas, ils ne le feront peut-être pas. Ça, c'est certain.
12397 Mais est-ce qu'on veut que les gens puissent avoir le même service qu'ils avaient avant et quel est le coût associé? Dans toutes ces stations-là, il peut avoir plusieurs entreprises qui se mettent en commun et qui transmettent en SD pour partager le coût du transmetteur. On ne croit pas que c'est exorbitant.
12398 Comme on l'a expliqué dans les audiences la dernière fois, quand on vient vous dire, ah, bien, ça coûte très cher, la transition, oui, mais il y a des émetteurs analogues qui datent de 20-30 ans qui auraient dû être changés il y a quatre-cinq ans et qui retardent et qui retardent le changement, et il y a parfois un peu l'idée de se servir de la transition numérique pour ne pas les changer. Et si on ne les avait pas obligés, en analogique, peut-être qu'ils n'auraient pas voulu les changer non plus là.
12399 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : C'est spéculatif là, mais je comprends ce que vous expliquez.
12400 M. LABELLE: C'est qu'il y en a qui se plaignent que ça va leur coûter très cher, mais des fois il faut comprendre aussi que pendant 20 ans, il n'y a eu aucun investissement, alors que s'ils avaient investi de manière graduelle, bien, peut-être que l'arrivée au final coûterait beaucoup moins cher.
12401 Mais bien souvent on assiste à une situation de rattrapage important; c'est-à-dire que ce n'est pas rien qu'un émetteur qu'il faut changer, là, il faut tout changer alors qu'il y a d'autres chaînes qui, eux, l'ont fait graduellement. Ils sont venus voir le coût.
12402 Alors, ce qu'il reste à faire, c'est les émetteurs, mais tout le reste a déjà été fait au complet et déjà les émetteurs ont subi des transformations, mais il y en a d'autres qui n'ont rien fait, qui n'ont rien investi pendant, je dirais, 20 ans facilement. Moi, je l'ai vu dans les régions, entre autres.
12403 Alors, évidemment, là, le coup de barre est important à donner. Alors, on peut comprendre que, oui, mais pendant 20 ans, il ne s'est rien passé, par exemple.
12404 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE: Et toujours sur le sujet, là, de la conversion numérique, au niveau du modèle FREESAT au paragraphe 45 de votre présentation, vous parlez du récepteur qui serait fourni aux téléspectateurs et vous terminez en disant que vous craignez que... bien, en fait, en tout cas j'estime que c'est une crainte, là : «Que le récepteur risquerait ensuite d'être utilisé à d'autres fins mercantiles par le fournisseur du service de transmission supposément gratuit.»
12405 Elle est où votre crainte, là, qu'est-ce que vous... quel scénario est-ce que vous envisagez, là, quand vous faites cette affirmation-là?
12406 M. BIBEAULT: Mais on nous avait demandé après les audiences du mois de mai de se poser la question entre les deux méthodes laquelle était la plus... la mieux possible pour les téléspectateurs et c'est très difficile, c'est là qu'on dit: «laisse des questions sans réponse», c'est très difficile d'évaluer cette solution-là parce qu'il n'y a pas de détail.
12407 Vu qu'il n'y a pas de détail, on est obligé un peu de spéculer. À la lecture des documents de Bell qui ont été déposés depuis le début de cette audience, là on parle que ça ne serait pas juste sur un satellite, donc ça prendrait une antenne avec... une antenne qui coûte plus cher, qui prendrait... qui serait différente. Même les clients présentement de Bell, il faudrait qu'ils changent leur antenne s'ils voulaient avoir accès à ça.
12408 Donc, c'est un système qui n'est pas clair, mais il y a deux façons de permettre la réception des signaux gratuits. Ou tu le transmets gratuitement, tu ne le crypte pas ou tu le cryptes et, là, tu dis: «C'est moi qui vais vous vendre le décodeur. À quel prix? On ne le sait pas.»
12409 Parce que des décodeurs pour les signaux non cryptés, on sait les prix que ça peut coûter. Un décodeur que Bell va vendre, c'est Bell qui va déterminer sa valeur. Et un coup qu'il va te vendre un décodeur 100,00 $, 200,00 $, 300,00 $, on ne sait pas quel prix, il va certainement...
12410 Maintenant, c'est tous des petits ordinateurs, il va te mettre un petit logiciel là-dedans puis il va te permettre, peut-être, d'accéder à de la vidéo sur demande, un genre de club vidéo que tu peux... Avec Bell, il va t'offrir des services là-dedans, mais il ne le fera pas gratuitement.
12411 Mais c'est de la spéculation parce qu'on n'a pas de détail.
12412 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE: Donc, dans le fond, ce que vous reprochez, c'est le manque de détail au niveau de la proposition.
12413 M. BIBEAULT: Et quand il n'y en a pas, on peut présumer qu'il peut y avoir des intentions de.
12414 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE: Mais, en fait, normalement, on présume de la bonne foi des autres parties, là, mais, ça, c'est un autre débat.
12415 M. LABELLE: Ce que je vous rajouterais là-dessus c'est, on a une certaine méfiance. Moi, je suis abonné, entre autres, à un service par satellite et j'ai toujours, moi, une petite icone, à un moment donné, qui dit: vous avez du courrier et très souvent c'est quoi? C'est une offre promotionnelle et des trucs comme ça.
12416 On ne veut pas se retrouver avec des gens, par exemple, qui pourrait dire comme Bell, bon, bien, je vous offre ça gratuitement, même le décodeur, là, je vous le laisse gratuit à la maison et tout ça.
12417 Je ne connais pas une entreprise qui va me laisser quelque chose gratuit en n'espérant pas un jour en retirer un bénéfice quelconque. Alors, j'imagine que ces gens-là seraient assez inondés de toutes sortes de promotions tentantes probablement, des forfaits et des si et des ça, pour essayer de rentabiliser leur investissement.
12418 On n'a qu'à regarder ceux qui ont quitté Bell Canada dans la téléphonie pour voir combien de courriers on reçoit, même rendus anonymes maintenant, mais même plus le logo de Bell sur l'enveloppe où une fois qu'on l'ouvre, on découvre, ah! c'est Bell qui essaie encore de me rattraper et de me vendre encore quelque chose.
12419 Mais, là, l'enveloppe est rendue secrète, là, c'est anonyme. Alors, imaginez que Bell rentre des décodeurs dans toutes les maisons gratuitement, hum! on va être inondé de quelque chose et ça ne sera peut-être pas à la satisfaction du consommateur.
12420 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE: Le dernier sujet que je vais aborder avec vous, c'est celui de la production indépendante. Dans votre soumission, vous avez précisé que, selon vous, ça ne serait pas nécessaire d'imposer une exigence en matière... une exigence minimale en matière de production indépendante, que ça soit au niveau du nombre d'heures ou au niveau des dépenses.
12421 Et vous appuyez, là, votre argument sur le fait que, bon, l'industrie de la production indépendante s'est bien développée, ces gens-là ont une bonne expertise et qu'un diffuseur généraliste conventionnel pourrait vouloir utiliser son équipe maison pour produire... pour faire une certaine production.
12422 Par contre, ça, c'est votre opinion. On a eu d'autres représentants qui sont venus nous dire... hier l'ACTIS, que la production indépendante, c'est important. Évidemment, les représentants des producteurs indépendants, vous ne serez pas surpris, estiment aussi que c'est important.
12423 On a eu aussi hier APTN qui a fait valoir la plus value qui est apportée par la production indépendante qui permet justement à un réseau de faire des productions qu'autrement ils ne pourraient pas faire et encore ce matin S-VOX nous a vanté les mérites de la production indépendante.
12424 Et, moi, ce que je retiens de tous les arguments qui sont présentés, c'est que la production indépendante pour certain est garante, les exigences de la production indépendante seraient garantes de la diversité des voix d'une offre créatrice ajoutée dans le système.
12425 Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?
12426 M. BEAUDET: C'est justement; en terme d'offre créatrice, c'est déjà le cas. Nous sommes d'accord avec ça.
12427 La notion de production indépendante, elle est importante. On a donné des facilités voilà une vingtaine d'années pour qu'elle puisse émerger, qu'elle puisse faire un produit de qualité. C'est le cas.
12428 Les télédiffuseurs n'ont pas les ressources, n'ont pas les équipements et n'ont pas le know-how pour être capable de faire des séries lourdes, et caetera, c'est évident que ça va continuer de même.
12429 Mais obligé de dire, bien, écoute, en terme de loi du marché, j'ai des employés, j'ai les studios, j'ai l'expertise, j'ai le know-how pour faire une production et je n'ai pas le droit de le faire, je n'ai pas le droit de prendre mes employés.
12430 Puis le cas qu'on a souvent dit et qu'on a souvent amené ici, là, monsieur Arpin, on s'en est souvent parlé, quand on prend Virginie qui est un case concret, il y a une saison de Virginie pour être capable de faire le 30 minutes, ça coûte 68 000,00 $ pour 30 minutes à Radio-Canada, jusqu'au mois de juin. Au mois de septembre, bien, là, on a fonctionné avec un producteur indépendant pour avoir les subventions, et caetera, ça a tombé à 86 000,00 $.
12431 C'est les mêmes acteurs, c'est les mêmes producteurs parce qu'on a donné le contrat à Radio-Canada. Donc, le producteur indépendant, il dit: bien, moi, je ne veux pas casser le moule, là. On prend la même équipe technique, les mêmes cameramen, les mêmes accessoiristes, les mêmes éclairagistes, ça coûte plus.
12432 Pourquoi empêcher un télédiffuseur qui dit: je veux le faire moi-même? Moi, c'est dans ce sens-là qu'on dit, il y a encore possibilité, cette production-là, elle a sa raison d'être, mais elle a sa raison d'être en fonction de sa spécificité et sa spécialité. Mais quand le télédiffuseur est capable de le faire lui-même, pourquoi pas?
12433 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE: Donc, votre propos, c'est que l'industrie est arrivée à maturité et qu'à partir de ce stade-ci, des exigences minimales ne seraient plus nécessaires?
12434 M. BEAUDET: C'est en plein ça.
12435 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE: Ce sont toutes mes questions, monsieur le président. Merci beaucoup.
12436 LE PRÉSIDENT: Michel?
12437 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Merci, monsieur le président. Vous avez tantôt fait état que... vous avez parlé de fourchette de prix et dans la première fourchette, vous aviez établi que sur une base d'hypothèse qui pourrait totaliser jusqu'à 3,00 $ et, là, vous n'avez pas complété votre propos parce que, finalement, le câblodistributeur pourrait proclamer et charger seulement 4,00 $.
12438 Alors, qu'est-ce que vous incluriez dans le prix de base d'un câblodistributeur? Parce que, vous, vous avez mentionné 25,00 $ pour le service de base. Bon, il y avait un montant de 3,00 $.
12439 Vidéotron, quand ils ont comparu nous ont confirmé, et si on va sur leur site internet d'ailleurs, on le voit, que le service de base numérique est 14,99 $.
12440 Alors, c'est le service de base analogique qui est plus cher, qui est autour des 25,00 $, mais le service de base numérique est à 14,00 $ et aujourd'hui, bien, c'est 62 pour cent de leurs abonnés qui sont en numérique et ils vont tendre à 100 pour cent parce que le Conseil, à partir du jour où ils atteignent 85 pour cent, les autorise à forcer les autres abonnés à passer au numérique. C'est une décision qui a été rendue il y a une dizaine d'années. Et, donc, le service de base, à ce moment-là, il sera 14,99 $.
12441 Mais si vous mettez 3,00 $ pour les canaux... et il n'y a aucun canal spécialisé dans les 14,99 $ au service de base ou il y a les canaux dits 91H, là, ceux qui sont obligatoires suite à une décision du Conseil et qui sont essentiellement MétéoMédia pour un et puis Avis de Recherche pour un autre. Alors, ça totalise 0,29 $ les deux ensemble. Alors, le reste...
12442 M. LABELLE: Il n'y a pas RDI là-dedans, par hasard?
12443 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Non. RDI n'est pas...
12444 M. LABELLE: Il est en analogue.
12445 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Sur le service analogique. Il n'est pas sur le service numérique. Le Conseil a donné un statut 91H à RDI pour le hors Québec. Mais, cependant, vous me faites penser à Newsworld pour le Québec. Donc, Newsworld et là... mais encore là, à un montant relativement faible.
12446 Donc, est-ce que dans votre modèle le service de base passerait de 14 $ à 17 $?
12447 M. LABELLE: Bien, dans notre modèle, premièrement, il y aurait uniquement des télévisions généralistes et rien d'autre et, bon, si on établir une fourchette à 0,20 $, mettons, dire qui est distribué de redevances. Bon, prenons, je ne sais pas, moi, Vidéotron Montréal, par exemple, puis qui a 10 chaînes généralistes dans la région de Montréal, bien on arrive à peu près à 2,00 $.
12448 On ne pense pas que la facture doit augmenter pour le consommateur. On pense que les EDRs peuvent absorber une partie de ce 2,00 $ là. Pourquoi? Parce que, actuellement, c'est un signal qui leur coûte absolument rien, d'une part.
12449 Mme DJEVAHIRDJIAN: En fait, une question qu'on se pose, c'est que, oui, ça coût 14,95 $, mais pourquoi il n'y a pas une partie de cet argent-là qui est remis aux services généralistes qui offrent quand même ce service sur ses services de base et ils ne reçoivent rien.
12450 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Mais ça a été l'objet des discussions des trois dernières années, je ne vais pas recommencer à vous donner les opinions des uns et des autres, vous les connaissez aussi bien que moi, mais...
12451 Mme DJEVAHIRDJIAN: Mais, nous, nous croyons que les généralistes offrent un service important culturel autant au niveau de la programmation prioritaire, que ça soit pour les émissions pour enfants, que ça soit des documentaires, que ça soit pour les dramatiques et en échange de ce service-là ils devraient avoir le droit d'être rémunérés.
12452 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Mais vous mentionnez les émissions pour enfants, mais on entendra cet après-midi l'Alliance pour l'enfant et la télévision, ils peuvent confirmer qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'émissions pour enfants à la télévision généraliste.
12453 Mme DJEVAHIRDJIAN: Mais on est d'accord il devrait y en avoir plus.,
12454 CONSEILLER ARPIN: À l'exception de Téléquébec.
12455 Mme DJEVAHIRDJIAN: Il devrait y en avoir plus puis je pense que vous êtes positionné pour faire qu'ils en fassent plus.
12456 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Non, mais là on parle... vous me parlez du futur, moi, je vous parle du présent. Donc, ce n'est pas..
12457 M. BEAUDET: Mais parler du présent c'est un bon cas, c'est la mission de la télé généraliste de produire des émissions pour enfant et la seule source de financement de la télé généraliste c'est la publicité puis vous ne pouvez pas vendre de publicité qui s'adresse aux enfants.
12458 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Mais, ça, c'est...
12459 M. BEAUDET: Deux et deux font quatre, là.
12460 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Bien oui, effectivement, c'est le cas du Québec, mais ça, c'est la Loi sur la protection des consommateurs. Le CRTC, lui, a fait un cadre de référence pour la diffusion de publicité pour enfant, mais ce n'est pas... ce cadre-là n'est pas suffisant pour l'Office de la protection du consommateur.
12461 M. BEAUDET: Mais si vous me permettez, je vais aller en aparté un peu, mais c'est un beau cas. La télé généraliste est prise dans le fond, sa seule source de financement c'est la publicité.
12462 On voit avec l'exemple des émissions pour enfant que la publicité, ce n'est pas évident au Québec, on n'a pas le droit d'en vendre. Mais le phénomène de publicité qu'on vit présentement du 30 secondes qu'on a en fonction du 12 spots ou le 24 spots, dépendant, là, mais c'est un phénomène qui s'en va en s'atténuant.
12463 L'avenir de la publicité, ce n'est pas de développer le 30 secondes au huit ou dix minutes là. L'avenir de la publicité c'est quoi? C'est du placement de produit qui est à l'intérieur des émissions.
12464 Donc, il faut que la télé généraliste, y compris les spécialisés éventuellement, ait les moyens de produire des émissions parce que la source de revenu ne sera plus à la fin de l'émission ou en fonction des quatre ou cinq créneaux pour vendre la publicité.
12465 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Mais encore là, les télédiffuseurs francophones sont mieux services que les télédiffuseurs anglophones pour ça, parce qu'en diffusant les émissions américaines, le placement de produit est fait dans un autre pays. Il n'est pas fait ici.
12466 Tandis que chez les francophones, comme d'ailleurs l'Association canadienne des annonceurs qui a comparu cette semaine l'a souligné, la créativité publicitaire es nettement en avance au Québec, à la télévision francophone par rapport à la télévision de langue anglaise.
12467 Donc, ce que vous préconisez, c'est des choses qui sont déjà là. Ils ont des flexibilités qui sont... puis ils les utilisent, là. Je pense que dans... même à Radio-Canada, les téléromans avec des vendeurs ou un délivreur de chez J.C. Perreault là, donc ce n'est pas du placement de produit, ça.
12468 M. BEAUDET: Effectivement, c'est du placement de produit puis, effectivement, je pense que le Québec, compte tenu de notre marché plus fermé, les cotes d'écoute sont mieux puis on ne peut pas prendre des séries américaines tout le temps traduites. C'est bien que le consommateur québécois recherche à avoir des séries, des produits localement.
12469 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Absolument.
12470 M. BEAUDET: Mais ça reste qu'il y a quand même une limite. Il y a une limite au placement de produit, là. Ce n'est pas vrai que demain matin on va avoir Sophie Thibault avec un café Tim Horton's là, tu sais. On n'aura pas ça dans un bulletin de nouvelles.
12471 Mais c'est le fait, dans le fond, que les nouveaux créneaux ont été développés, bravo, puis je pense que ce n'est pas le choix, c'est l'avenir parce que la publicité, comme je vous disais tantôt, 30 secondes, avec le phénomène des enregistreurs numériques, et caetera, présentement, c'est embryonnaire, mais je vous dis que dans trois, quatre ans, à peu près tout le monde va en avoir un puis, là, on va «zapper» les publicités. Ça fait que les publicitaires puis les compagnies ne voudront pas payer le gros prix si, finalement, on est «zappé». Excusez le terme, là.
12472 Mais, par contre, il va falloir que la télé généraliste ait quand même certains moyens pour les produire ces émissions-là puis ce n'est pas le un ou deux produits -- si on prend Tim Horton's, ce n'est pas Tim Horton's qui a commandité Lance et Compte qu'il va être capable de payer au complet.
12473 Donc, il va falloir quand même qu'il y ait une autre source de revenu. Si on laisse ça tout le temps comme c'est là, bien, ça va être appelé à disparaître.
12474 M. LABELLE: Il y en a qui vont me trouver méchant un peu, mais j'ai fait une comparaison entre les distributeurs puis les pétrolières puis je disais que c'était un peu comme si on avait des pétrolières qui nous vendaient de l'essence, mais dont le produit original au Moyen-Orient ne leur coûterait rien.
12475 Alors, ils auraient à assumer seulement le transport du pétrole, la distribution, la construction de stations d'essence et des trucs comme ça, mais la source première qu'ils nous vendent ne leur coûte rien.
12476 Et ce qu'on vit avec les EDRs actuellement, c'est ça. C'est que, oui, on paie pour avoir un réseau de distribution, des fils dans les poteaux puis l'installateur qui vient chez nous et tout ça, mais je dis le produit qu'on nous vend...
12477 Et quand, d'ailleurs, les câblots ont commencé, tout ce qu'ils avaient à nous offrir parce qu'il n'y avait pas de chaîne spécialisée puis qu'il n'y avait pas grand-chose, c'était des généralistes. Alors, on nous offrait déjà un produit qui ne coûtait rien.
12478 À l'époque, ça faisait l'affaire des généralistes parce que l'assiette publicitaire ne s'était pas fragmentée et ça leur permettait d'aller chercher peut-être plus d'auditeurs. Moi, je reste à Sherbrooke où c'est vallonné comme ça, alors si vous essayez de prendre Télé-7, par exemple, avec des oreilles de lapin, bonne chance, c'est très difficile.
12479 Alors, le câble est venu résoudre en partie, aider ce diffuseur-là. Mais, là, on parle à une époque où l'assiette publicitaire n'était pas fragmentée comme aujourd'hui. Et maintenant, elle est tellement fragmentée que, là, ce n'est pas loin d'un sans issue.
12480 Alors, on revient à notre argument en disant, bien, ils doivent payer pour ce qu'ils ont, comme ils font avec les autres.
12481 CONSEILLER ARPIN: On a parlé un petit peu plus tôt du Fonds d'amélioration de la programmation locale. Vous êtes à Sherbrooke, vous, monsieur Labelle, le Conseil, quand il a renouvelé la licence de TVA leur a imposé d'accroître de trois heures et demie à cinq heures par semaine la production locale.
12482 Je présume que le Fonds d'amélioration va servir à ces fins-là?
12483 M. LABELLE: Je n'ai pas eu de nouvelle, je vous dirais, dans ce sens parce qu'on produisait déjà parce que l'engagement à l'époque était de trois heures dix, ça a monté à cinq heures et la plupart des stations produisaient à peu près quatre heures et quarante-cinq parce qu'il y avait une émission de 15 minutes.
12484 Le cinq heures que vous avez données est venu protéger ce 15 minutes-là par jour parce qu'il était déjà question qu'il saute à un moment donné. Les rumeurs couraient bon train dans ce sens-là.
12485 Mais ce que, moi, j'ai des échos, c'est qu'on ne fera pas d'émission nouvelle, là, en région. On va dire, bien, il manque 15 minutes par rapport aux quatre heures et quarante-cinq qu'on produisait déjà, bien, on va faire trois manchettes d'une minute par jour et puis ça va faire le 15 minutes et ça va faire -- excusez l'expression, là -- mais ça va faire la job.
12486 Mais c'est ça actuellement la réaction qu'on a. Écoutez, là, quand vous avez rendu cette décision-là, je peux vous dire que la plupart des directeurs généraux dans les stations régionales, c'était la panique, là, puis ça s'est renfermé pendant trois jours dans les salles de conférence puis, là, c'était... pour finalement sortir et dire: ouf! c'est pas pire, on va être obligé de faire rien que trois manchettes de plus par jour puis on va être correct.
12487 C'était ça leurs réactions et je pourrais vous dire... je vous dirai quelque chose après, mais je ne pense pas, là, que ça va aller, ça va changer quelque chose là parce qu'on ne sent pas une volonté de dire, on va produire plus en région et tout ça. Écoutez, c'était la panique, là, quand vous avez annoncé ça puis on était soulagé de constater qu'on ne produirait pas plus ou presque.
12488 Alors, là, actuellement, le scénario qui s'aligne pour les stations, moi, pour lesquelles je suis en tout cas, c'est que ça va être trois manchettes d'une minute par jour de plus. Alors, on va faire le 15 minutes par semaine.
12489 CONSEILLER ARPIN: Et dans votre présentation orale, la page 4, vous avez dit: «V», l'ancien TQS a même instauré une pratique inédite. Elle envoie en sous-traitance la mince production de nouvelles que le CRTC l'a obligé à conserver. Résultat: la population a perdu une vraie source d'information.»
12490 Les gens qui font ces nouvelles-là sont essentiellement les anciens employés de TQS qui se sont regroupés dans des entreprises. Pourquoi et sur quelle base vous pouvez affirmer que la population a perdu une vraie source d'information?
12491 M. LABELLE: Moi, je suis en région, je travaille comme cameraman à l'information. Je croise ces gens-là. Avant, je les croisais à tous les jours parce qu'on couvrait les mêmes événements avec la même diligence parce qu'il y avait un bulletin d'information locale à tous les jours à TQS à l'époque, comme il y en a un à Télé-7 et à Radio-Canada. Il n'y en a plus de ça.
12492 Alors, quand je les croise, ils sont des étoiles filantes. Nous, on va rester une heure à bien couvrir le sujet, faire une entrevue de fond pour faire un bon reportage étoffé et ce que ces gens-là que je croisais avant faisaient, nous disent: ah! regarde, je prends quelques images, peut-être une entrevue, mais ça, ça va passer dans une capsule samedi, ça fait que, regarde, on ne s'énerve pas trop, trop avec ça.
12493 Ça, c'est la réalité qui se passe actuellement dans les stations régionales de Trois-Rivières, entre autres, et de Sherbrooke. Et je vais laisser ma collègue renchérir parce que Montréal a une réalité aussi semblable.
12494 Mme DJEVAHIRDJIAN: Oui. Nathalie aussi veut ajouter là-dessus, mais c'est la même chose à Montréal.
12495 Les journalistes ne posent plus de question, ils ne sont plus là. Quand ils sont là, ils rentrent, ils prennent quelques images et filent puis si on regarde les émissions, c'est exactement ce qui avait été envoyé sur un fil de presse en partant. Il n'y a absolument aucune recherche, aucun contenu, aucune cueillette. C'est comme ce qu'on avait auparavant.
12496 LE PRÉSIDENT: Mais, est-ce que ça ne va pas avoir des réflections sur la popularité des programmes? Si V ne produisent pas des nouvelles et tous les sondages indiquent que la population veut des nouvelles locales ils vont payer le prix et vont perdre des auditeurs, n'est-ce pas?
12497 Mme DJEVAHIRDJIAN: Je pense que c'est le cas. Je pense que déjà à Québec ils réfléchissaient pour remettre justement l'émission de nouvelles parce qu'à TQS-Québec, c'était l'émission la plus populaire qu'il y avait en ondes à TQS. Ils ont tout jeté ça et puis, oui, évidemment, après ça, ils ont commencé à se dire: bien, peut-être qu'on a fait une erreur. Entre-temps, la Ville de Québec, maintenant, quand on va à des conférences de presse, il y a des conférences de presse organisées, il y a seulement deux personnes qui arrivent évidemment pour la télévision, mais TQS n'est plus là.
12498 Et, oui, je trouve que la population est moins bien servie puisqu'il y a une personne de moins qui pose des questions et qui vérifie.
12499 LE PRÉSIDENT: Et vous ne croyez pas que monsieur Rémillard va faire la même réflexion que vous et va réaliser que ça ne marche pas cette façon d'offrir des nouvelles et qu'il a perdu des auditeurs?
12500 Mme DJEVAHIRDJIAN: Écoutez, on l'espère, sauf qu'on a bien qu'il... ce qu'on a vu en ondes à TQS pour l'instant, ce n'est pas ça du tout. On l'espère, on peut que l'espérer.
12501 Mais je pense que, comme vous l'avez dit tout à l'heure, je pense qu'avec la personne avant, il y a quand même un marché. Je pense que vous parlez du CHCH à Hamilton qui faisait beaucoup de nouvelles locales et que, oui, il y avait un certain intérêt par la population et, donc, des publicitaires locaux.
12502 Oui, il y a des gens qui veulent vendre de la publicité pour ces émissions-là qui veulent acheter des temps d'antenne, mais il faut quand même qu'ils soient là et ils ne le font pas. On pense qu'ils ont fait une erreur. Peut-être que ça va revenir lentement, mais on l'espère.
12503 Entre temps on est ici pour que ça soit entendu les problèmes que vivent les régions. Nathalie, voulais-tu rajouter quelque chose?
12504 Mme BLAIS: Bien, simplement pour dire que, dans le fond, de donner des nouvelles à sous-contrat, l'inquiétude qu'on a par rapport à ça, c'est qu'en donnant à un sous-contractant la tâche de faire des nouvelles pour un généraliste, on subordonne le droit du public à l'information, à des considérations financières.
12505 V, en faisant ça, a des considérations financières et vu que ça lui coûte moins cher, ce sont les mêmes gens qui font les mêmes nouvelles qu'avant, vous avez tout à fait raison, mais ils ne sont plus payés au même salaire et ils n'ont plus la même indépendance qu'avant.
12506 Nous, on pense qu'un généraliste qui recevrait des redevances parce que, oui, ça coûte de l'argent faire des nouvelles et on pense que ça mérite d'être récompensé, devrait en contre-partie s'assurer d'avoir ses propres journalistes, sa propre salle de nouvelles et de couvrir correctement les informations locales puisque ce sont les seuls qui offrent des informations au niveau local à la télévision, de toute façon.
12507 LE PRÉSIDENT: Merci. Ce sont toutes nos questions pour vous et merci d'être venu.
12508 Madame la secrétaire, je crois qu'on peut prendre une pause et on va recommencer à 1315.
--- Upon recesing at 1209
--- Upon resuming at 1320
12509 THE CHAIRPERSON: Good afternoon. Commençons, Madame la Secrétaire.
12510 THE SECRETARY: We will now hear the presentation from the Directors Guild of Canada.
12511 Please introduce yourself and your colleagues and you will have 10 minutes for your presentation.
12512 Thank you.
12513 MR. ANTHONY: Chairman, Commissioners, Commission staff, my name is Brian Anthony and I am the National Executive Director and CEO of the Directors Guild of Canada.
12514 The DGC is a national labour organization representing key personnel in the film and television and digital media industry with over 3,800 members working in 47 key creative and logistical occupational categories.
12515 With me today, to my right is Surla Gunnerson, one of Canada's best-known and accomplished film-makers and President of the Directors Guild of Canada. To my left, Peter Murphy, our Manager, Policy and Research.
12516 Surrounding this hearing, as you will have no doubt noticed, there has been a great deal of animated discussion on the part of the conventional broadcasters of the negotiated value for signal and the response of the cable distributors to that call.
12517 Unfortunately, this heated public battle has all but overshadowed the question of how any resultant revenues would be assigned.
12518 We are here today because we would like to refocus the discussion to embrace the core question of Canadian content and the basic obligations under the Broadcasting Act of conventional broadcasters in that regard.
12519 Surla...?
12520 MR. GUNNERSON: Early in your mandate, Mr. Chairman, you made the following statement:
"The broadcasting system as envisioned in the Broadcasting Act is an instrument for protecting and nurturing Canadian identity and so we are going to have to find ways in this evermore borderless world to carve out a special place within the broadcasting system for Canadian voices, points of views and ways of expressing ourselves." (As read)
12521 We believe these words are even more relevant today than they were when they were first spoken three years ago. The rapid pace of tech change has made carving out a special place for Canadian voices even more vital and if this provides us with challenges it also offers us opportunities now and in the future.
12522 We heard on the opening day that this hearing is about the future. To that end, we must look at the programming we are creating and the life that this programming will be down the road. We must support the creation of programming with enduring culture value and potential for downstream revenues on which we can build and sustain an independent production sector.
12523 The digital environment provides the greatest opportunity in history to create a legacy of creativity and reflection for future Canadians. The future is the creative economy of which our industry is the key component. Investing in our creative class is simply good business and a necessary step in securing Canada's place in the new global economy.
12524 Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, we are a labour organization whose members represent the creative core of the industry. Our position is not about make-work projects, it's about the law and how the Broadcast Act can be fulfilled. It is also about the Canadian public, a public with a demonstrated appetite for diverse Canadian programming for whom the Act was specifically designed so that Canadians could hold up a mirror and see themselves in it.
12525 The starting point for any discussion of Canadian broadcasters' appropriate contributions to Canadian programming must always be the Broadcasting Act and the obligations it stipulates. Parliament has clearly recognized the importance of Canadian programming within the Canadian broadcasting system and through the Act Parliament affirmed that each component of the broadcasting system should support the creation and presentation of Canadian programming.
12526 The Act is clear on the issue of programming obligations, it calls for each element of the system to contribute to Canadian programming which should be varied and comprehensive, providing a balance of information, enlightenment and entertainment for men, women and children of all ages, interests, and tastes.
12527 Conventional broadcasters, as the cornerstones of the system and the principal beneficiaries of the regulatory environment must be required to support all types of Canadian programming, including in particular our area of specialty, authored programming, scripted programming such as drama, including children's drama and documentaries.
12528 The core principle here is to make a wide variety of programming available to Canadians as required by the Act, including the most popular form of programming, drama. Drama and documentaries are not lost in the Act and they should not be obscured in the current high-volume battle of the titans.
12529 MR. ANTHONY: At first blush, a simple overriding Canadian programming expenditure requirement per corporate group seemed an attractive framework for the broadcasting industry of the future. Upon further study of such a system, however, we concluded that this is probably not the best approach to take.
12530 Our written comments proposed a model of interrelated requirements designed to ensure support for under-represented programming and flexibility for the broadcasters It is a model we do believe is workable, however, for our presentation today we have taken to heart the notion of streamlined regulatory simplicity and are providing a stripped down variant of our proposal.
12531 We propose that the customized scheduling, niche and CPE levels for discretionary services be maintained. While we entered this exercise looking to craft a group-based approach, there are simply too many reasons not to change this particular aspect of the current regulatory framework.
12532 It is very difficult to pick an overall number that appropriately reflects the unique niche nature of most discretionary services. Just over a year ago the Commission rejected the idea of establishing broad genres with common spending and exhibition requirements, after a lengthy and in-depth proceeding on the discretionary services framework.
12533 A great deal of time and effort went into that proceeding and the decision ushered in a new framework for dealing with competitive genres. We see no need to discard the reasoning that led to that decision barely a year later.
12534 There was also the great danger that an overall CPE for discretionary services would result in the loss of content diversity. Such an approach would allow groups to shift resources away from these unique content niches to focus on the most lucrative ones. It would not be in the public interest to allow the owner of a service dedicated to drama programming for example to reduce spending in that genre in order to increase spending on a sports or news services.
12535 If individual CPEs of discretionary services were merged into a group CPE, the unique purpose and role of each particular service could be severely undermined.
12536 Perhaps most importantly, the current CPE framework in place for discretionary services has been enormous successful for BDUs, broadcasters and Canadian programming. We do not see any reason to endanger this success. Rather, this is the type of success we should seek to build on through specific Canadian programming expenditures on the OTA sector of the broadcasting industry.
12537 However, we do advocate some important adjustments to the discretionary services obligations and, indeed, to any future CPU requirements on other sectors.
12538 The first is the elimination of the CTF/CMF license fee tops up. No service should be permitted to satisfy its own obligations using other people's money.
12539 The second relates to a gaming issue and reflects the standard adjustments to a service's CPE in respect of its profitability.
12540 We referred to the need for the Commission to ensure that it addresses the management fee tactic which is used to reduce a services PBIT margins and, by extension, it's CPE requirements.
12541 We come then to the OTA sector. To create a framework for the future of Canadian programming we must learn from past mistakes.
12542 The past decade has been a disaster for indigenous high quality/high cost programming. The elimination of CPE requirements on OTA broadcasters in 1999 was an attempt to allow the market to drive the creation of Canadian scripted or authored programming. This attempt failed.
12543 In 2004 the Commission introduced a new policy to incent broadcasters to support Canadian drama programming and, unfortunately, this policy was also unsuccessful in achieving its goals and was abandoned.
12544 But the problem the Commission was trying to fix persists. We must find a solution that works, particularly as we will soon be entering a new seven-year license period. We simply cannot afford another lost decade.
12545 So while looking at the future we draw on the lessons of the past. The most simple and effective way to ensure that programs of national interest are produced and aired by the OTA sector is the use of CPE requirements.
12546 MR. GUNNERSON: The Commission has coined the term --
12547 THE SECRETARY: Please open your microphone. Sorry.
12548 MR. GUNNERSON: The Commission has coined the term "programs of national interest" and has included drama and documentary under this rubric.
12549 We couldn't agree more with labelling this type of programming in this way.
12550 In our view, these programs of national interest are those which are the most difficult to make yet are vital to Canadians, drama, documentary and children's programming. They are the programs which engage our minds, enlighten, educate and entertain. They demonstrate the enormous diversity of this country. They are the scripted programs, the authored programs, the programs in which our storytellers reflect the nature of our country back at us.
12551 In order to breathe life into the concept of programs of national interest, we need firm obligations to support them. So what CPA rate do we use to establish these programs?
12552 With respect to documentaries and children's programming the lack of figures, both dollars and hours, currently devoted to such programs prevents a firm recommendation on our part.
12553 In the case of drama, however, we believe a good starting point may be the goal set by the Commission's incentive plan in 2004, namely 6 percent of revenues. The data are available that show that all English-language broadcasters are still below this number. While the plan itself did not work, the goal it set remains valid today.
12554 To be fully effective there must be some scheduling rules in place for these programs of national interest.
12555 All new Canadian dramatic and documentary programming resulting from the requirement should be aired on conventional in the real prime time Sunday to Friday between 8:00 to 11:00.
12556 We believe these programs should be scheduled to reach the largest number of Canadians as possible and burying them somewhere in the schedule to accommodate the latest Hollywood series is contrary to the very idea of programs of national interest.
12557 New children's programming should be aired at an appropriate time when children could be expected to be watching in significant numbers.
12558 There are a number of benefits to such an approach. It builds on the success we have seen with the CPEs in the discretionary services sector. It ensures that programs of national interest are properly supported. It is about as streamlined and simple as regulation can be and both the broadcasters and the Commission understand its mechanics and how to administer it.
12559 Since it is expressed as a percentage of revenues,it automatically adjusts up and down based on financial results and provides flexibility, since there is no set number of hours attached to it. The broadcaster is free to choose the type of drama it supports, be it mini-series, movie of the week, one-hour drama, half-hour comedy. It allows each individual conventional broadcaster to customize the programming to fit its business plan and brand.
12560 MR. ANTHONY: The use of OTA expenditure requirements for scripted programming also allows for adjustments in current scheduling rules, providing more flexibility for the broadcasters. It would permit the Commission to lower the long-standing 60 percent overall rule and for Canadian content exhibition to 55 percent, as was suggested in the notice for this hearing.
12561 The 50 percent Cancon rule for prime time however should be maintained This is the time of day with the greatest number of Canadians watching. It would be inconsistent with the goals of the Broadcasting Act for OTA broadcasters to air a majority of non-Canadian programming during that period.
12562 The CPE requirements would also facilitate the elimination of the priority programming rules, again providing greater flexibility for broadcasters.
12563 Removal of the requirement for eight hours of Canadian programming in prime time gives the broadcasters more control over their schedules.
12564 These two adjustments, combined with a choice of programming available under the proposed CPEs, will provide the OTA broadcasters with the much needed flexibility to adapt to the ever-changing communications environment.
12565 As we have advocated, increased flexibility with the removal of priority programming Rules an updated independent production rule would have to be formulated. One of the goals in looking at an appropriate framework was to ensure that there was not a loss of diversity, ensuring that 75 percent of the new dramas, documentaries and children's programming and it's from independent producers is vital to maintaining this diversity.
12566 It is clear that a new framework is needed for the Canadian broadcasting system of the future. You, Commissioners, have the difficult task of finding the right balance for all the stakeholders.
12567 We have tried to propose a simple framework which learns from the past but looks to the future, one which provides benefits for the broadcasters, the production and the creative industries and the Canadian audience.
12568 We would like to thank you very much for your attention and we would be pleased to answer any questions you may have at this time.
12569 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you for your submission.
12570 Let me just make sure I understood you correctly. You are suggesting that we put in a CPE for the over the air broadcaster. You say a 50 percent Canadian content rule for prime time. You remove the eight hour requirements for prime time programming right now.
12571 Just Canadian content, so as far as you are concerned drama is looked after by providing the 6 percent has to be spent on drama, but there is no exhibition requirement for drama, is there?
12572 MR. MURPHY: Yes, but we have the requirement that all new programs coming from that CPE would have to air on the OTA in prime time.
12573 THE CHAIRPERSON: Yes, I understand that.
12574 So all new content, it doesn't have to be drama, it could be a documentary for instance?
12575 MR. MURPHY: Yes.
12576 THE CHAIRPERSON: What about entertainment programming?
12577 MR. MURPHY: We think that they would still be making those themselves without a requirement to put them on.
12578 THE CHAIRPERSON: No, but I'm just trying to understand the ambit of your proposal.
12579 I see the flexibility by removing the eight hour programming prime time, substitute it for 50 percent Cancon in prime time, but you are mostly interested in drama obviously, given your -- so if I understand you correctly you feel drama is being looked after by insisting that 6 percent of the CPA for OTA is to be spent on drama?
12580 MR. ANTHONY: That's our view, Mr. Chairman, but if you would like to delve deeper into the detail to give a more fulsome response to your question, we could certainly follow up in writing by the 14th.
12581 THE CHAIRPERSON: No, no. I am a 10,000 feet level guy, I just want to understand what the big picture is that you are putting before us.
12582 MR. ANTHONY: Well, in general terms we do believe the expenditure requirements would take care of drama, which is the most popular form of programming.
12583 THE CHAIRPERSON: Second, you reject completely the idea of an overall CPA for the group and you basically say just go back to 1999 and bring in a CPE for over the air television.
12584 You have heard others here saying we need flexibility and we need the ability to shift some of the obligation from one group to another depending on what the market is or what we are producing, et cetera.
12585 You heard Astral suggesting that there would be a 15 percent shift you could do. You have to then catch up next year.
12586 CTV on the first day also suggested that if you have a Canadian program expenditure for over the air and you also have here are all the Canadian program expenditure for the various specialties, there should be a bit of trading or accounting, et cetera.
12587 What is your feeling on that? Is that flexibility required by the broadcasters or not?
12588 MR. ANTHONY: Well, I think we were careful, Mr. Chairman, to say that we weren't rejecting a group-based approach. We indeed feel that one could be made to work, but at this stage we felt we would come forward with a rather simple approach.
12589 We agree that flexibility is a desirable thing but, on the other hand, we don't want to open the door to gaming.
12591 MR. ANTHONY: So we spent a lot of time trying to respond to your request for coming forward with all sorts of ideas and the more we delved into the group-based approach the more complex it became and, as I say, while we think it could be made to work we couldn't find a way to be able to answer all the questions that our inquiry into it raised.
12592 Is that a fair assessment?
12593 MR. GUNNERSON: Yes.
12594 THE CHAIRPERSON: I noticed you carefully stayed away from what happened to be the prime issue for the first week, which was value for signal.
12595 Do have a position on that?
12596 MR. ANTHONY: On value for signal?
12598 MR. ANTHONY: We have been, throughout this great cash and carry debate, careful to avoid getting embroiled in it.
12599 Our view has been that should additional sources of revenues be directed towards OTA broadcasters such as whatever we are calling it, recompense for redistribution, then that's fine and we would like to see a portion of those revenues be directed to Canadian programming for scripted, authored programming and our 6 percent would capture that.
12600 THE CHAIRPERSON: You know what, we have heard from practically every member of the creative community that a value for signal for over the air broadcasters is legitimate, but it shouldn't come at the expense of subscribers, of the BDUs or the satellites, and the only -- whenever I ask well, how do we avoid that, that there be a parcel, if there is you have to pay for it, the BDU will charge its customers.
12601 The only idea I have heard so far is well, we regulate BDU rates, which is not a terribly appetizing thought.
12602 Do you have any views on this?
12603 MR. ANTHONY: Well, Mr. Chairman, you are going to be holding additional hearings on the possible impact on the consumer of such a measure.
12604 THE CHAIRPERSON: That is a hearing in order to make a report to the Minister. This is a hearing to decide policy. So the policy we will make will be as a result of this hearing, so if you have any views on that now is the time to express them.
12605 MR. ANTHONY: What do you think, is this our time?
12606 THE CHAIRPERSON: If you don't have any, that's fine. I just want to know where you stand on it.
12607 MR. GUNNERSON: Well, we have been sort of trying to keep it simple and I'm not sure this is our dog, this one.
12608 My only comment would be that the numbers that I have been reading about in the newspaper that would potentially be passed on to consumers seem highly inflated to me.
12609 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Thank you.
12610 Elizabeth, I believe you have some questions.
12612 Good afternoon. I do have a few questions here.
12613 I just wanted to ask you, programs of national interest I think it's broader than just drama, documentary and childrens.
12614 Do you agree with that?
12615 I was just wondering what else you would include in it.
12616 MR. GUNNERSON: Well, we have spent a lot of time talking about what exactly it is that we are talking about and I believe what we are talking about is authored work, work that -- you know, authored, whether it's a documentary film, a dramatic series, it is work that has been processed by a creative mind.
12617 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Okay. Thank you.
12618 The first question I had related to the license fee top ups and you mentioned it again here. You are saying that they should not be included.
12619 My understanding is that the industry's current practice is to reduce the expenses by the amount of these top ups so they wouldn't be included in that instance. And if we did the CPE requirement as a percent of revenue they wouldn't be included then.
12620 Would you agree with that? Is that your understanding as well?
12621 MR. GUNNERSON: I'm not sure that I can speak to that specifically, but the idea is, yes, we don't want other people's money being used to complete their obligations.
12622 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Okay. You are talking about a CPE level that is as a percent of revenue; right?
12623 MR. GUNNERSON: Yes.
12624 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: I notice that you told us that for 2008 it would be around 26 percent, but you went on to say that we should probably start -- base the starting point on the average of the previous three years and I was just curious to know whether you had calculated what that was, if it is significantly different from the 26 percent?
12625 MR. MURPHY: I don't have that calculation here. This is on the overall OTA from our written submission. I don't have it with me right now.
12626 I don't believe it would be much different than 26 percent, but I think that we advocate that as an absolute floor, but I think we would prefer it to be a higher number.
12627 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Oh, I'm getting to the higher.
12628 MR. MURPHY: Okay.
12629 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: I just wondered if the fact your recommendation was over three years and then you quoted the number for just 2008, if there was any reason for that.
12630 So your position is a three year average?
12631 MR. MURPHY: Yes.
12633 MR. MURPHY: As a starting point.
12635 So then you suggest new revenues like value for signal and the LPIF would also be included.
12636 I don't know if you were here the other day, Vice Chairman Arpin asked ACTRA if you would be correct to include the LPIF because it is intended for a specific purpose.
12637 So would that be a problem for you that was excluded or do you have an argument why we should include it?
12638 MR. ANTHONY: We have had a lot of discussion about this and we did take the point that Commissioner Arpin made and also the point that the Chairman raised in this regard.
12639 Our general view is that the 6 percent should apply to all sources of revenue. However, in this specific case it is a dedicated fund for a specific purpose and we would be quite happy to be flexible on that and not count it.
12640 If, on the other hand, we could have a decision that upheld the notion that the top ups could be adequately dealt with and not be -- other people's money not be counted toward CPE requirements.
12641 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Okay. I understand your point there.
12642 So you recommend that the CPE requirements for Category A specialties be left at their current limit, which you are saying here again today. You had two adjustments and I just wanted to discuss those. You mentioned those here again, too, in your brief today.
12643 I'm just wondering, you are saying the CPE should be adjusted so they don't include any license fee top up allocations from CTF and you indicate this is an important adjustment and that it should be done at licence renewal.
12644 I was wanting to understand, I didn't believe the CMF would have been included in those expenses. I thought it was deducted from the expenses. So if we are doing a calculation based on revenue it would be excluded anyway.
12645 Is that correct?
12646 MR. MURPHY: Yes, but I think in terms of it's being used as to complete their obligations, though, under their contributions to the CPE.
12647 So, for example, if they are using it to make a program they are using the top up fee as counting towards the contribution when they are already getting this money, you know, almost as a subsidy coming in and then using it to fulfil their obligation.
12649 So I think, though, would you agree with me that if it was calculated based on revenue and the CTF contributions weren't recorded as revenue, then they would be excluded?
12650 And then on the expense side, I understand that --
12651 MR. MURPHY: Yes. It has to be on the expense side, yes.
12653 MR. MURPHY: Yes.
12654 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Because on the expense I understand they are credited.
12655 MR. MURPHY: But if we are using them for revenue then they want to -- but I don't think we are using them as revenue to calculate the CPE percentage.
12656 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: The CPE is going to be calculated as a percent of revenue.
12657 MR. MURPHY: Of gross revenues, yes.
12658 But I don't believe that the CMF contributions are included in that revenue number.
12659 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Are they included in the expenses or reduced?
12660 MR. MURPHY: I believe they are included in the expense.
12661 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: Okay. I will check on it on our end then, just to make sure that I'm not confused.
12662 MR. GUNNERSON: They definitely are not revenue. They are not revenue.
12663 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: No. I know they are not revenue, no.
12664 I understood they were applied as a credit to expense and I just wanted to make sure of that. But, as I say, I can check here just to make sure that I'm not misunderstanding anything.
12665 You also said that you want the CPE numbers adjusted, and I understood this more from your written brief than what you said today, for the increasing profitability levels which was introduced at their last license renewals -- this was for specialty services -- so it would be reasonable to assume that that would continue on, you just want to make sure that yes, indeed it does continue on.
12666 But I also wonder, do you think we should adopt a similar approach if we were to introduce a CPE requirement for OTA's, that it would be incremental based on profitability or...?
12667 MR. ANTHONY: Well, it is a percentage of gross revenue, so as revenues fluctuate so --
12668 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: I think on the other the percent actually increases as well.
12669 MR. MURPHY: Yes.
12670 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: On the specialty two things are increasing, the revenues --
12671 MR. MURPHY: Yes. I think it would be great if that was the same for the OTA. If we could increase the percentage then we wouldn't have an objection.
12672 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: On the specialties, I understand that they go the full seven years and then the increase applies. I mean in the meantime it is applying to their increasing revenues, but the percentage increase is after the seven years.
12673 So I'm just wondering if you think that should be a different approach.
12674 MR. MURPHY: I can't speak to the exact details of that question actually, I'm sorry.
12676 So what I'm saying is that we already allow for the percentage to increase at the beginning of the next license term, so for seven years that same percentage applies.
12677 Do you think that the percentage should increase gradually over the seven years instead of being put in place for a seven-year period?
12678 MR. ANTHONY: Oh, I think -- we haven't developed a view on that, but we are very creative people and we will develop one on the spot.
12679 We think it should be applied right away and applied for the full seven-year period, from the outset,
12680 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: To your advantage I think, yes.
12681 Okay. Thank you.
12682 THE CHAIRPERSON: Why have it at all?
12683 I mean if it's a percentage, if the company is profitable you get more; if the company is not it's less.
12684 Why do you have to tie it to profitability? I don't understand that.
12685 If it's a percentage of revenues, why do you have to make any consideration for profitability?
12686 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: What happened, Mr. Chairman, with the specialties, as I understood it, there was two aspects to the increasing revenue, one was that the revenues themselves would increase and that the other was that the percentage would increase, so there was --
12687 THE CHAIRPERSON: No, I understand that, but that was specialties. When we brought them in it was a nascent industry, et cetera. Here we are talking about conventional television that has been around for years and if you are a percentage of revenues I don't know why you would want to have a profitability index as well.
12688 MR. GUNNERSON: I agree. This is a question we hadn't pondered before this moment, but what we liked about approaching this with this level of simplicity is that we are trying to get out of other people's kitchens here and if we are increasing the percentage as profitability increases in fact it's a disincentive to profit.
12689 What we want to do is we want to attach -- we want to tie our star, hitch our star to the broadcaster's success. We want to see Canadian programming occupy a centrepiece of their business plan, we want it to be something they want to do, something that they make money doing and we want to grow with them.
12690 COMMISSIONER DUNCAN: That's great. I just tied it into your point about the CPEs for specialty. So that's fine.
12691 Thank you very much.
12692 Those are my questions, Mr. Chairman.
12694 Are there any other questions?
12695 One last question before you go, your 6 percent, you want that devoted to drama?
12696 Would it make any difference to you if we said drama and documentaries?
12697 MR. GUNNERSON: We are talking about sort of the rubric of programs of national interest which in our minds includes drama, documentary, authored programs.
12698 THE CHAIRPERSON: Authored programs, okay.
12699 Thank you very much. You have until December 14th to supplement further written submissions and if some thoughts come to you in light of our questioning.
12700 Thank you.
12701 MR. GUNNERSON: Thank you all very much.
12702 THE CHAIRPERSON: Madame la Secrétaire, let's proceed with the next one.
12703 THE SECRETARY: Thank you.
12704 I would now invite The Alliance for Children and Television --
12705 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Let's take a five-minute break.
12706 THE SECRETARY: Okay.
--- Upon recessing at 1351
--- Upon resuming at 1356
12708 THE SECRETARY: We will now hear the presentation from the Alliance for Children and Television. Please introduce yourself and your colleague and you will have 10 minutes for your presentation.
12709 Thank you.
12710 MR. MOSS: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission and staff.
12711 My name is Peter Moss. I am the Chair of the Board of The Alliance for Children and Television.
12712 Before we begin our presentation I would like to introduce my colleague, Caroline Fortier, who is the Executive Director of the Alliance.
12713 At the outset we wish to thank the Commission for having invited us to take part in this important public hearing. The Alliance considers the present policy review to be critical to ensuring the Canadian Broadcasting System continue to fulfil its responsibilities in relation to the objectives of the Broadcasting Act and, in particular, to meeting the needs of Canadian children and youth.
12714 Much of what has been going on in the last few weeks with BDU and broadcaster national ads on an almost daily basis has left Canadian télévision viewers confused and not knowing who to believe anymore. As a result, Canadians ultimately expect the CRTC to fulfil its mandate and set policies and regulations which will best serve the objectives of the Broadcasting Act and, most importantly, meet the expectations of Canada's avid télévision viewers who spend on average 30 hours a week watching their favourite programs.
12715 As the Commission knows, the members of the Alliance are strong believers in our national broadcasting system and its great potential to generate increased interest in Canadian programming among Canadian consumers.
12716 The ACT has appeared a number of times before this Commission in recent years to stress the important role the Commission has in ensuring a strong presence of original Canadian children's and youth programming within the different sectors of the Canadian broadcasting system.
12717 Although many think our youth are busy texting and twittering and spending countless hours on the computer, to the detriment of watching télévision , recent data shows exactly the opposite. In Canada we know our children and youth are spending on average 25 hours a week -- That's two to 17 year olds. This is BBM information from the spring of '08 -- compared with 30 hours a week at school.
12718 In a recent U.S. study released by Nielsen it shows that young people are not abandoning télévision for new media. In fact, they watch more TV than ever, 6 percent up over the last five years. Again, this is recent Nielsen from June '09.
12719 It's clear our young audiences are not abandoning télévision. It remains a powerful influence in their lives.
12720 So this begs the question, are we providing them with quality Canadian content to watch? It seems not.
12721 Since the overall production of Canadian children's télévision programming for 2007-08 has fallen to 257 million from 389 million in 1999-2000. This is the lowest level in the last 10 years and, in our view, this decline is a direct result of the 1999 CRTC change in policy removing children's programming from the list of priority requirements.
12722 Since this change in policy at the Commission, our research shows that children and youth production has moved from representing 21 percent of the total Canadian télévision production to 12 percent in '07-'08. This is a drop of 40 percent.
12723 The CTF annual report of '07-'08 -- and this in itself is significant -- shows that collectively all broadcasters contributed just 29.5 percent of the total budget to the financing of English-language children and youth programming. Pay and specialty provided 24.4, conventional private broadcasters 1.7, CBC at 2.7 and educational broadcasters 0.7 percent.
12724 On the French-language side broadcasters play a more important role with a 40.3 percent share with educational broadcasters taking the lead at 20 percent, SRC at 8.2 percent, specialty at 11.1 percent and conventional broadcasters at 0.2 percent.
12725 In terms of broadcasting children's and youth programming, a recent study undertaken for the Alliance by the Centre for Youth and Media Studies at the University of Montreal found that it's the educational and specialty services in Canada that account for more than 90 percent of children's programming on air and 41 percent and 49 percent respectively; followed by public broadcasting 9 percent and private conventional broadcasting 1 percent.
12726 We consider this a very, very unhealthy balance.
12727 Against this background of declining resources since 1999, we see a welcome embrace of children's and youth programming by the audience. The CTF reported for '07-'08 that children and youth productions continue to generate the largest amount of hours tuned by genre among CTF-funded programming. In addition, Canadian children's and youth programming has consistently shown strong international sales potential generating over $103 million in export revenue in '07-'08.
12728 If, as the above data seems to show, Canadian children and youth programming is so successful with its core audience both domestically and internationally, why are conventional broadcasters neglecting this key segment of Canadian programming?
12729 We believe that children's and youth programming is not just a genre. It speaks to an audience that represents 24 percent of our population whose needs are specifically referred to in the Broadcasting Act and who should be considered as citizens despite their young age.
12730 I must leave this question for a moment and get back to the more immediate question the Commission is considering at this hearing.
12731 MS FORTIER: Thank you, Peter.
12732 With regard to the main issues raised by the Commission's public Notice, the Alliance wishes to comment on the following:
12733 On the questions of whether there should be group-based Canadian programming expenditure requirements or group-based exhibition obligations, we believe it is important within the present evolution of the concentrated and vertical integrated ownership structures in Canadian broadcasting and distribution that the Commission review the overall revenue situation of broadcast licensees. In doing so, the Commission will be in a better position to determine the capacity of each broadcaster to invest in developing and broadcasting Canadian content.
12734 The Alliance was pleased to hear essentially all of the conventional broadcasters that appeared at this proceeding agreeing to the Commission establishing a Canadian program expenditure requirement for all conventional télévision broadcast entities, including many group-based corporate undertakings.
12735 In our view, such a CPE should include very specific requirements for under-represented types of Canadian programming which are missing from conventional télévision program offerings. More to the point, we strongly believe that private broadcasters should be challenged as to the limited or total lack of interest in Canadian children and youth programming.
12736 In addition, the Alliance was quite surprised again when reviewing the Commission's documentation relating to this hearing, more precisely in the section discussing needed measures to ensure appropriate financial support for the production of programs of national interest such as dramas and documentaries. The ACT respectfully suggests that children and youth programming should also be included in this short list of potentially-regulated priorities the Commission should be considering.
12737 We have mentioned this before, and we will do it again. In our view, the Commission should seriously consider reintroducing children's programming within the priority programming category.
12738 On the question of establishing fair market value for local conventional télévision signals, we are in agreement that such a value should be determined and that whatever new revenue is generated by such market value should be earmarked for the development and production and exhibition of Canadian content including children's and youth programming.
12739 With regards to another question the Commission has put forward, should the carriage of the U.S. 4+1 signals be contingent on the successful negotiation of fair market value for Canadian signals, the ACT supports any initiative the Commission would like to consider, such as the proposed above if the outcome will result in more revenue for Canadian conventional télévision broadcasters and that such new funding will especially be used to produce more Canadian content.
12740 Peter.
12741 THE SECRETARY: Please open your mike.
12742 MR. MOSS: Mr. Chairman and members of the Commission, children's télévision is one of Canada's success stories, with Canadian producers and broadcasters drawing on an incredibly diverse cross-section of talented Canadian creators and artists to produce programming that is relevant to Canadian children.
12743 We at the Alliance sincerely hope the different industry stakeholders involved in the present proceedings will, as you have mentioned on a number of occasions in the last two weeks, get together and come up with a viable solution for the benefit of Canadian consumers and ultimately the Canadian broadcasting system.
12744 However, if this cannot be achieved quickly within the next six months we believe the Commission will have to assert its authority and clearly determine the responsibilities of each sector of the broadcasting system, conventional broadcasters, specialty services; particularly broadcast distribution undertaking.
12745 The Alliance joins with many other groups that have appeared before you in these proceedings in acknowledging the important role conventional télévision broadcasting has played in Canada's past and we believe it still has an important contribution to make to Canada's way of life.
12746 So in conclusion, Alliance calls on the Commission to be diligent when you get to reviewing the licenses of conventional broadcasters in the coming months and whether it's through a group-based approach or an individual approach we ask you to think of our children's needs and what conventional broadcasters can be doing for this important component of the audience. If you treat young audiences with respect when they are young they will return the compliment when they are adults.
12747 This completes our oral presentation and we look forward to responding to any questions you may have.
12748 Thank you.
12749 THE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you.
12750 On page 3 where you give a whole series of figures showing the decline on children's programming, is this overall or is this only the OTA sector we are talking about?
12751 MR. MOSS: This is overall.
12752 THE CHAIRPERSON: This is overall.
12753 MR. MOSS: I mean this in light of the fact that conventional broadcasters are responsible for 1 percent of the children's télévision .
12754 THE CHAIRPERSON: On page 6 you say:
"Children's télévision is one of Canada's success stories with Canadian producers and broadcasters drawing on an incredibly diverse cross-section of talented Canadian actors, creators and artists to produce programming that is relevant to Canadian children."
12755 THE CHAIRPERSON: Absolutely correct. And we have outfits like Corus for instance who specialize in children's programming and are very successful selling it domestically and abroad.
12756 If we have these very successful producers why then do we have to also impose priority programming requirements?
12757 MR. MOSS: There are so many reasons.
12758 First of all, we think that it's unhealthy that the largest and most successful broadcasters in the country are allowed to ignore this section of the population. They show leadership and they show attention and they bring focus. They bring audiences of two million people to bear and they actually show the nation that we care about this genre of programming, to begin with.
12759 Because they do that, they show the kind of leadership which says that their role in addressing the country's issues through the programming that is given to children is given the kind of focus and is given the kind of attention that brings the nation together to watch.
12760 We feel that Canadian broadcasters need to tell stories that underpin society's values and when you are leaving that in the hands of two broadcast entities, Corus and Astral, which are basically the only two in the country that really do that on a private basis, you are putting an inordinate burden on them to actually carry the entire responsibility for the entire genre, for the entire section and for the entire element of the industry.
12761 When they feel that their advertising revenues are shrinking, the entire industry suffers. When they feel that their margins are not high enough the entire production industry suffers. And it's not fair to say that they are the only ones who have the responsibility of addressing these needs for those reasons.
12762 MS FORTIER: If I may add? When we are speaking about conventionals actually we are speaking about général ists. How can you pretend to be a général ist if you are not doing children?
12763 MR. MOSS: We also say there are sports channels, there are comedy channels, there are channels that provide movies and we don't say to the conventional channels, "Well, you don't have to do that. We do have a lot of channels that actually serve that".
12764 THE CHAIRPERSON: You said -- quoted figures on page 3 suggesting that kids watch as much télévision as adults. As you undoubtedly know, most kids are multitasking. They usually do two or three things at the same time. They watch télévision . They tweet to their colleagues or they play games, et cetera, et cetera. Your figures obviously can't reflect that. They only reflect that --
12765 MR. MOSS: I don't think --
12766 THE CHAIRPERSON: Let me just finish. Maybe l'm wrong. I would have thought your figures don't show that kids are at the same time tweeting or not, but maybe they do.
12767 But secondly, to what extent do we know how much of the attention of the children we actually get? The children's program may be on but is it being absorbed, et cetera? Should we, in light of new media and the obvious attraction it has for children, look at these figures with a big dose of caution?
12768 MS FORTIER: One thing we know from the recent research that we have conducted is, first, that for instance the English market, when we look at the 10 most popular programs, three out of 10 are coming from Canada and in the French market it's six out of 10.
12769 And if the CTF itself says that they do listen to the most number of hours tuned, I mean, this speaks for itself that our children are watching our programs, programs that we do especially for them and they obviously most prefer to listen to Canadian programming than anything else.
12770 MR. MOSS: Just to answer your question more specifically, I don't think we can ever make that assumption. That's common wisdom, perhaps. The media certainly would like us to believe that. Certainly, the ISPs and the people who sell us that information would like us to believe that.
12771 But can you tell whether a couple who are watching a drama or watching a hockey game are talking to each other and talking about what they are going to do tomorrow or whether they are focused entirely on the télévision ?
12772 I think the fact that the télévision is there and the number of hours that it's on in front of them is significant. They go to school for 30 hours a week. Do you expect or do we expect them to be entirely focused on the teacher for all of those 30 hours and would we criticize the school if they weren't?
12773 THE CHAIRPERSON: Do we have any figures on how much time they spend online, how much time they spend on their cell phones?
12774 MR. MOSS: We have certain information. We can certainly give it to you. The information that I have found was very ambiguous because there was no way of separating domestic use from school use. And so school use works under homework time and domestic use works under game time, and it's not quite clear.
12775 What does seem to be clear when we are looking at the number of hours that kids spend in front of the télévision is that it's not -- unfortunately, and I say this as a former broadcaster and a producer -- unfortunately it's not télévision that's suffering. It's sports, reading, games, outdoor play that's suffering. It's not a question of new media taking the place of télévision .
12776 MS FORTIER: If I may add, apparently since the PPM -- you know, the specific device -- apparently they have noticed a raise of audience watching of the range of 14 percent in kids.
12778 MR. MOSS: And that might account for the multitasking, being in the kitchen when the télévision is on.
12779 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Rita?
12780 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Thank you very much.
12781 I don't have specific questions with regards to your recommendations because they are quite clear. But I just would like to continue on with the conversation that the Chairman started with you.
12782 And l'm going to be a little bit of a devil's advocate and maybe it's the black leather that's bringing out the rebel in me, but of all the genres of programming -- and Mr. Moss, you said it. You are a former broadcaster -- children's programming is perhaps the most enviable. It's highly efficient. It has a long shelf life. It can tolerate a much higher repeat factor than just about any other genre of programming. You have dedicated funds for the production of children's programming in this country such as the Shaw Rocket Fund.
12783 We have talked about the dedicated specialty channels, and they are important to note because I have just been doing a check and all of the major BDUs, satellite and cable include those channels within their basic package so they are widely available.
12784 You have provincial educational broadcasters that dedicate most of their day to children's programming as they follow a curriculum and these services provide a safe haven for children and parents where you know you can turn on the TV and the next hour there isn't going to be something on that's potentially offensive to children.
12785 So with all of the other issues that we have facing over-the-air -- and please don't feel you have to repeat some of the answers that you gave to the Chair, but why is it so essential to you, remembering everything that I just said, that children's programming be available on conventional télévision ?
12786 MR. MOSS: Let me just read you something, and that might do it:
"Children and youth are this country's greatest asset. Alliance members consider TV programming to be one of the most effective tools for assisting in their development. We believe that providing them with interesting, stimulating audiovisual content can play a role in their social, cultural and intellectual growth. By telling stories they can identify with we can help them both develop their imaginations; strengthen their sense of belonging, give them a sense of understanding what it means to be Canadian.
We also feel that Canadian broadcasters have a unique role to play in addressing our country's growing ethno-cultural diversity. By providing stories that underpin our society's values, Canadian programming is a powerful force for social cohesion and integration. Because many Canadian children are themselves the reflection of this new ethno-cultural reality our broadcasters have a responsibility to help them grasp our culture through innovative programming that sheds light on our country's rich diversity. By striving to provide both our youth with common cultural references, we help to forge their own Canadian identity and become proficient in the country's official languages, the vivid lasting cultural imprint that results in an excellent foundation for getting our children to embrace the wider world." (As read)
12787 MR. MOSS: What you described is a very good reason to be in the kids business. It isn't necessarily a very good reason to provide children's content. It's true. You can do a repeat program forever and when those programs are bought cheaply because they are older, because they have lost their value, because they are American programming or foreign programming that you bring in, there is no end to the programming and the number of times you can do that.
12788 It's also significant that most of the qualities that you speak to are for preschool programming. For six to nine year olds, from grades 1 to 3, from 10 to 12 year olds, grades 4 to 6, there is very, very little programming on air from Corus, from Astral, from Télétune and between the two.
12789 And so it isn't a question of saying are there places that are safe havens in the broadcast universe? Of course there are. There is Treehouse, there is YTV, there are all those.
12790 It's a question of saying do we have available to us the very best programming that serves our cultural needs as well as our entertainment needs, as well as our safe haven needs? I think it's unfair to expect private specialty broadcasters to service all of those needs. They service some of those needs and they do it particularly well.
12791 Conventional broadcasters, public broadcasters and général ists ought to be serving it as well. And they ought to be looking at the citizenship issues as a function of using the public airwaves and making a profit.
12792 So to say, yes, it is doing well is not the same thing as to say, yes, it's doing what it ought to do.
12793 COMMISSIONER CUGINI: Well, thank you very much. Those are all my questions.
12794 Thank you.
12795 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay, thank you.
12796 Len?
12797 COMMISSIONER KATZ: I want to follow up on that last statement "what it ought to do". And back to your discussion with the Chairman on page 3 where you have identified the percentages, you basically indicate that on the English-language side the educational broadcasters are contributing 0.7 percent but on the French-language side it appears as though the educational broadcasters are contributing 20.8 percent which is a major, major difference.
12798 Have you taken a look as to why that is?
12799 MR. MOSS: I think that it's -- I mean the short answer is Michel Fortin. I mean Télé-Québec has done a spectacular job in presenting children's programming and dedicating their efforts and their resources to children's programming and prioritizing their role as a purveyor of original quality children's programming that is socially relevant and that helps their audience.
12800 I think that that isn't to say that TVO and B.C. Knowledge Network and Access Alberta don't do it, but they don't do it to the same extent and in the same way.
12801 COMMISSIONER KATZ: Well, 0.7 percent is certainly not the same extent. l'm just wondering whether that's where the challenge should be and the target should be equal, if not more than the challenge of trying to get more out of the conventional private broadcasters.
12802 MR. MOSS: I think what you are going to find is that we can try and shift the balance to provincial broadcasters but if we look at where the funding comes from to make up 100 percent of children's programming these statistics are from the CTF '07-'08. The fund puts 19.1, conventional broadcasters 1.7 percent, educational 0.7, CBC 2.7, specialty and pay 24.4; and that's 29.5 percent.
12804 MR. MOSS: So to say that provincial broadcasters have to kick up a bit more I certainly wouldn't disagree with you but conventional provincial educational broadcasters, and in Ontario it comes out of -- it's funded by the educational authority, not the communications authority. I think B.C. Knowledge Network is in the same situation -- can't be expected to pick up the same kind of slack that a conventional broadcaster with their many billions of dollars are putting up 1.7 percent of all production in English-language Canada and 0.2 percent in French-language production.
12805 So yes, there is a source of revenue from the educational broadcasters perhaps if they can be coerced into providing more, but there is an opportunity for the CRTC to do this on a national basis and ask conventional broadcasters to --
12806 COMMISSIONER KATZ: But clearly, by definition, an educational broadcaster's genre is education and may stem from the youth up to the adults but the focus is on education. You think that if there is such a dichotomy between the French and the English that one of the targets should be looking at the provincial support or whatever for educational TV on the English side?
12807 MR. MOSS: I mean, if you are asking do we lobby in that way, absolutely. But if you are asking this is a provincial jurisdiction; it's their decision whether they want to create a program of public affairs called agenda or whether they want to spend their resources by creating programs for children, it doesn't seem to be within the purview of the CRTC to actually interfere with whether the education -- I mean it's the Ontario Educational Communications Authority.
12808 They do over-the-air broadcasting to schools. They do educational in its strictest sense. They have a preschool block that they do in the afternoon. I am most familiar with TVO so I can tell you -- which they are -- you know make as much as they can of their limited resources. We are always saying, "Please give us more".
12809 COMMISSIONER KATZ: Is there a target percent that you are looking at that you think is what we should all be striving for?
12810 MR. MOSS: We feel that if children's programming was reintroduced as priority programming that would be sufficient. In that instance those over-the-air broadcasters would make their decisions accordingly, but understanding that some to whatever extent that they feel comfortable doing this, has to be spent on children's programming. It has to be made available to children's programming. At the moment they can simply turn their back on it and do nothing.
12811 COMMISSIONER KATZ: Those are my questions, Mr. Chairman.
12812 THE CHAIRPERSON: Okay. Those, I believe, are all our questions. Thank you very much for coming. Thank you for your presentation.
12813 Madame la Secrétaire, on peut procéder avec la prochaine, s'il vous plaît.
12814 THE SECRETARY: Yes, thank you, the last presenter.
12815 J'aimerais maintenant inviter l'Union des Artistes et SARTEC.
--- Pause
12816 LA SECRÉTAIRE : S'il vous plaît vous présenter et présenter vos collègues, après quoi vous aurez 15 minutes pour votre présentation. Merci.
12817 MME LUSSIER : Merci.
12818 Bonjour, Monsieur le Président, Messieurs, Mesdames Membres du panel.
12819 Mon nom est Sylvie Lussier. Je suis la présidente de la Société des auteurs de radio, télévision et cinéma, la SARTEC.
12820 Aujourd'hui, je suis accompagnée, à ma droite, de Raymond Legault, président de l'Union des Artistes, et de Sylvie Brousseau, directrice des communications de l'UDA; et à ma gauche d'Yves Légaré, directeur général de la SARTEC.
12821 La SARTEC est un syndicat professionnel regroupant plus de 1 250 scénaristes oeuvrant dans le secteur audiovisuel francophone. L'UDA est un syndicat professionnel représentant plus de 7 500 artistes actifs et 4 350 membres stagiaires oeuvrant en français, partout au Canada.
12822 L'objectif de l'instance initiée par l'Avis de consultation CRTC 2009-411 est, et je cite :
« d'établir un cadre de réglementation général qui donnera à tous les groupes de radiodiffusion la latitude nécessaire pour s'adapter à l'évolution rapide du milieu des communications tout en assurant que le contenu présenté par le système canadien de radiodiffusion ait un caractère distinctement canadien. »
12823 Selon le Conseil, cet objectif implique que les parties intéressées privilégient les facteurs suivants :
12824 - le rôle capital des créateurs et des producteurs canadiens dans le système de radiodiffusion;
12825 - les différentes conditions d'exploitation dans lesquelles fonctionnent les radiodiffuseurs de langue française et anglaise, ainsi que leurs besoins différents, qui existent malgré des points communs; et
12826 - le rôle du radiodiffuseur public dans un univers des communications en constante évolution.
12827 Aussi, comme vous le savez, la Loi sur la radiodiffusion déclare que, et je cite :
« toutes les entreprises de radiodiffusion sont tenues de faire appel au maximum, et dans tous les cas au moins de manière prédominante, aux ressources - créatrices et autres - canadiennes pour la création et la présentation de leur programmation à moins qu'une telle pratique ne s'avère difficilement réalisable en raison de la nature du service... »
12828 M. LEGAULT : L'UDA et la SARTEC veulent apporter un éclairage positif à la consultation du Conseil. Nous croyons que c'est une excellente idée de convoquer les groupes de propriété conjointement, avec tous leurs services télévisuels présents, pour pouvoir discuter de l'ensemble de la contribution de chaque groupe aux objectifs de la Loi sur la radiodiffusion. Dans le secteur francophone, cela veut dire convoquer ensemble Radio-Canada, Quebecor Media/TVA et TQS/V.
12829 Nous avons cependant l'impression que l'approche par groupe de propriété proposée par le Conseil est la résultante des difficultés de certains groupes qui oeuvrent dans le secteur de la télévision anglophone.
12830 Étant donné le très petit nombre de groupes de propriété faisant partie de la télévision française, et comme le permet l'article 3(1)c) de la Loi sur la radiodiffusion, nous considérons que le secteur francophone mérite un traitement distinct. Chacun des trois groupes de propriété oeuvrant en télévision généraliste francophone diffère l'un de l'autre et chacun mérite un traitement au cas par cas.
12831 De façon générale, les francophones demeurent fidèles à leur télévision, et le secteur francophone a toujours connu un grand succès. Malgré l'augmentation du nombre de services télévisuels disponibles et du choix qui en découle, les auditoires regardent davantage les services canadiens et la programmation canadienne. En fait, plus l'offre d'émissions canadiennes dans les catégories prioritaires est grande, plus les téléspectateurs francophones s'en prévalent.
12832 Comme nous l'avons expliqué dans notre mémoire, c'est la télévision généraliste publique et privée qui, en grande majorité, est le déclencheur du financement des émissions prioritaires auprès des institutions financières, et cette situation continuera dans un avenir prévisible.
12833 Par exemple, comme le démontre le tableau 1 de notre mémoire, en 2007-2008, 94 pour cent du financement des dramatiques de langue française initié par les télédiffuseurs auprès du Fonds canadien de télévision a été fourni par les télévisions généralistes, principalement Radio-Canada et le réseau TVA.
12834 Il n'en reste pas moins que la situation financière de la télévision généraliste, et particulièrement celle de Radio-Canada, a contribué à la modification de la nature des émissions prioritaires diffusées par les services généralistes. Le nombre de dramatiques scénarisées figurant dans les 10 émissions les plus populaires diminue depuis une dizaine d'années.
12835 Déjà en 2003, l'importance des émissions comme « Occupation double » et « Loft Story » était frappante. Il semblerait que, au cours des dernières années, l'abandon graduel des chaînes généralistes par le public, et la compétition qui s'en est suivie, a incité les chaînes privées à réduire leurs coûts pour maintenir leur rentabilité.
12836 Cette réduction de coûts a affecté négativement les dépenses reliées aux émissions à grand budget, telles les dramatiques, particulièrement les séries lourdes, en faveur d'émissions moins chères, comme les télé-réalités et les concepts étrangers.
12837 Dans un environnement de convergence, ces derniers ont aussi été privilégiés par certains services généralistes à cause de leur potentiel de distribution sur plusieurs plateformes.
12838 Dans la décision de radiodiffusion CRTC 2009-410 renouvelant les licences du réseau TVA et de six de ses stations affiliées, le Conseil note :
« que TVA a tendance, depuis quelques années, à diffuser des émissions développées à partir de concepts étrangers et produites à l'interne ou par des producteurs indépendants canadiens comme, par exemple, « Star Académie », « Le Banquier », « Le Cercle » et « La Classe de cinquième ». Le Conseil note également que cette tendance est aussi présente chez les autres télédiffuseurs traditionnels de langue française que sont SRC avec « Tout le monde en parle » et « Pyramide », et TQS/V, « Wipeout », « Le mur », « Call TV ». »
12839 Tout comme le Conseil, nous sommes préoccupés par cette tendance qui s'accentue au détriment du développement du talent créatif canadien et québécois.
12840 Qui plus est, l'acteur le plus important, Groupe TVA, affiche, par rapport à la même période l'an dernier, une augmentation du produit d'exploitation et du bénéfice d'exploitation dans le secteur de la télévision au cours des neuf mois se terminant le 30 septembre 2009.
12841 Mis à part TVA, la télévision généraliste connaît des difficultés non seulement au Québec et au Canada mais également aux États-Unis et ailleurs dans le monde.
12842 Appuyé par le groupe Quebecor Media, présent dans tous les médias et dominant dans plusieurs, TVA a réussi à trouver des façons d'attirer de larges auditoires -- du moins pour l'instant. Il n'en reste pas moins que TVA connaîtra probablement le même sort que les autres services généralistes à plus ou moins brève échéance.
12843 Pour leur part, Radio-Canada et TQS/V éprouvent des difficultés financières depuis quelque temps. Le cas de Radio-Canada nous préoccupe particulièrement car, historiquement, son dynamisme dans le secteur des dramatiques a eu un effet d'entraînement crucial sur les autres acteurs du secteur privé.
12844 L'environnement des télédiffuseurs francophones possède ses propres caractéristiques qui diffèrent de l'environnement anglophone, et il nous semble que le nombre restreint d'acteurs présents dans le milieu francophone nécessite une approche au cas par cas.
12845 MME LUSSIER : Pour permettre aux services généralistes de rétablir leur santé financière, l'UDA et la SARTEC appuient le principe d'une juste valeur marchande pour tous les services généralistes et éducatifs, et croient que le CRTC devrait instaurer un régime pour la négociation de la juste valeur des signaux des stations locales de télévision en direct pour aider à couvrir les coûts des émissions canadiennes, particulièrement les émissions prioritaires qu'elles diffusent.
12846 À quelques exceptions près, le montant que chaque diffuseur obtiendrait d'un tel régime devrait reposer sur sa part de marché.
12847 Certains acteurs, tels Radio-Canada et Quebecor, ont proposé des critères additionnels, mais considérant la forte présence d'intégration verticale et horizontale de la télédiffusion de langue française, la SARTEC et l'UDA se demandent comment des négociations pourraient avoir lieu sur la base de critères autres que la part de marché, sans causer de préjudice aux plus petites entités publiques comme Télé-Québec et TFO.
12848 En contrepartie d'un tel tarif pour tous les services généralistes et éducatifs, publics et privés, le Conseil devrait exiger des obligations additionnelles en matière de DEC et de diffusion des émissions prioritaires que nous allons maintenant décrire.
12849 Dans l'Avis de consultation 2009-411, le Conseil souligne que diverses parties, tout particulièrement des représentants des créateurs, ont fait le lien entre la suppression des obligations en matière de dépenses pour les stations de télévision traditionnelle et la baisse du nombre de productions dramatiques canadiennes, en même temps qu'une hausse marquée dans les dépenses allouées à la programmation non canadienne.
12850 Par conséquent, le Conseil a annoncé qu'il étudiera comment une obligation unique par groupe de propriété en matière de dépenses obligatoires au titre des émissions canadiennes serait appliquée de façon globale et de façon suffisamment souple pour permettre de compter les dépenses en matière de DEC pour toutes les plateformes des entreprises intégrées, y compris la vidéo sur demande, le cas échéant.
12851 La SARTEC et l'UDA sont en faveur de nouvelles obligations de dépenses obligatoires au titre des émissions canadiennes et appuient l'ouverture du Conseil à ce sujet. Cependant, nous avons de grands doutes quant à l'utilité d'une obligation unique en matière de DEC pour l'ensemble des entreprises intégrées.
12852 De fait, dans le secteur privé francophone, il n'y a qu'une seule entreprise intégrée, soit Quebecor Media.
12853 V Interactions n'est ni un grand groupe ni une entreprise intégrée en ce qui concerne la radiodiffusion, et bien qu'elle est censée revenir en audience publique du Conseil au cours de l'an 2011 pour discuter ses émissions prioritaires, elle détient déjà une licence allant jusqu'au 31 août 2015.
12854 La société publique Radio-Canada, dont nous nous attendons un niveau de performance plus élevé que celui de la télévision privée, constitue un cas complètement à part.
12855 Par conséquent, il nous semble que chaque service de télédiffusion francophone devrait être assujetti à une obligation en matière de DEC taillée à sa mesure.
12856 Un service de télévision réglementé par le Conseil devrait contribuer au système de radiodiffusion et à la programmation canadienne en fonction de sa capacité et des bénéfices nets qu'il retire de la réglementation.
12857 Le tableau que nous présentons en Annexe A au document devant vous propose une obligation générale en forme de grille progressive qui pourrait être appliquée à l'ensemble des services généralistes, spécialisés et payants, y compris la VSD, sur une base annuelle.
12858 Elle est calquée sur l'obligation différentielle imposée à certains services spécialisés, et proposée sommairement dans notre mémoire du 14 septembre dernier.
12859 Notre proposition repose sur le bénéfice net avant impôts et intérêts de chaque service et comporte l'avantage de prendre en considération sa rentabilité ou son efficacité financière, plutôt que sa taille.
12860 Selon cette proposition, un service en difficulté financière, comme V, n'aurait pas d'obligation en matière de DEC tant qu'il ne jouirait pas d'une certaine santé financière.
12861 Dans le cas de Quebecor Media, par contre, le réseau TVA et ses stations affiliées, ainsi que chacun de ses services spécialisés et payants, tels que Mystère, Prise 2, Canal Indigo et Première Loge, auraient une obligation en matière de DEC.
12862 Toute obligation de cette nature serait appliquée aux services télévisuels individuels, stations et réseaux, sans la possibilité du transfert d'une obligation d'un service à l'autre.
12863 Nous recommandons que ce genre d'obligation soit imposé par le Conseil à chaque service généraliste comme condition de licence sur la base de l'année 2009-2010 de radiodiffusion.
12864 Calculée sur la base des informations contenues dans le rapport annuel de chaque service au CRTC, une telle obligation serait relativement facile à gérer pour le titulaire et à contrôler par le Conseil.
12865 Dans le cas de Radio-Canada, il faudra trouver une autre formulation, calquée possiblement sur le rapport recettes publicitaires sur revenus totaux, parce qu'un tel service public n'a pas de revenus nets ou de bénéfices.
12866 Toute nouvelle obligation concernant les dépenses obligatoires au titre des émissions canadiennes devrait s'ajouter aux obligations particulières en matière de DEC qu'ont certains services par rapport aux émissions prioritaires.
12867 M. LEGAULT : L'UDA et la SARTEC continuent de croire que la solution aux problèmes de la programmation originale francophone, surtout les catégories de programmation sous-représentées ou prioritaires comme les dramatiques, les documentaires et les émissions jeunesse, réside dans des conditions de licence précises et ciblées, service par service, catégorie par catégorie.
12868 Ce principe s'applique aussi bien à des groupes de propriété comme Radio-Canada et TQS/V qu'à un grand groupe comme Quebecor Media/TVA.
12869 En ce qui concerne les dramatiques canadiennes, dans la décision CRTC 2000-2 renouvelant les licences des services de télévision de Radio-Canada, le Conseil a accepté l'engagement de la Société de diffuser, en moyenne, un minimum de sept heures par semaine de dramatiques, dont une moyenne d'au moins cinq heures et demi en période de grande écoute.
12870 Dans la décision CRTC 2001-385 qui renouvelait la licence du réseau TVA, et reconduite par la décision 2009-410, le Conseil s'attendait à ce que TVA diffuse le même nombre d'heures en dramatiques retransmises durant la saison automne-hiver 2000-2001. TQS/V n'a pas d'obligation en ce qui concerne les dramatiques.
12871 En ce qui a trait aux émissions jeunesse, selon la décision CRTC 2000-2, le Conseil s'attend que Radio-Canada remplisse son engagement de diffuser 20 heures par semaine d'émissions destinées aux enfants et aux jeunes et qu'elle dépasse cet engagement si possible.
12872 Cette décision stipule aussi, par condition de licence, que Radio-Canada doit diffuser, en moyenne, au moins quatre heures par semaine par année d'émissions originales canadiennes destinées aux enfants de moins de 12 ans. TVA et V n'ont pas d'obligation en ce qui a trait aux émissions pour enfants.
12873 Quant au volume de dramatiques ou d'émissions jeunesse que chaque service généraliste devrait diffuser, ce genre de précision devrait se faire au moment du renouvellement de chaque licence concernée. Il n'en reste pas moins que chaque service généraliste devrait maintenir ou accroître ses obligations courantes.
12874 Enfin, au lieu de créer, comme par le passe, des obligations à la suite des engagements de chaque titulaire, le Conseil pourrait annoncer d'avance qu'il s'attend à ce que les titulaires s'engagent dans un certain nombre de domaines et, par la suite, imposer des obligations en fonction des engagements et des capacités de chacun.
12875 Ce principe pourrait s'appliquer aux télévisions généralistes aussi bien qu'aux services spécialisés et payants, dont la grille horaire comprend, disons, plus de 20 pour cent d'émissions prioritaires.
12876 MME LUSSIER : En tant que représentants de deux associations d'artistes et de créateurs oeuvrant principalement au Québec, permettez-nous de conclure en vous rappelant l'importance primordiale que revêt la télévision produite chez nous pour les spectateurs francophones du Québec et du reste du Canada.
12877 Nous bénéficions d'un succès d'écoute qui fait l'envie de plusieurs. Il a été démontré à maintes reprises que lorsque des émissions francophones sont offertes, le public les regarde de préférence à toute autre, et ce, autant en télévision jeunesse que pour les autres genres d'émission.
12878 M. LEGAULT : Il est certain que le système de radiodiffusion et les habitudes d'écoute sont en train d'évoluer. Ce qui ne change pas, c'est la nécessité de fournir un cadre réglementaire équitable qui permettra, entre autres, aux télévisions généralistes de continuer à jouer leur rôle central auprès de notre système de radiodiffusion.
12879 Les télévisions généralistes sont à l'origine des émissions prioritaires qui contribuent à forger notre identité culturelle. Il faut leur assurer les moyens de continuer à déclencher la production de ces émissions qui sont au coeur de cette identité.
12880 MME LUSSIER : Au bout du compte, c'est le public qui finit par payer la facture de la télévision. Assurons-nous qu'il reçoive des oeuvres de qualité, celles que nos membres veulent continuer à créer et qui continuent à captiver le public.
12881 M. LEGAULT : Mesdames, Messieurs, Membres du Conseil, ceci complète notre présentation. Merci de votre attention. Il nous fera plaisir de répondre à vos questions.
12882 LE PRÉSIDENT : Merci. Si je comprends bien, vous êtes en faveur qu'on établisse un système où les radiodiffuseurs conventionnels sont payés pour leurs signaux par les EDR?
12883 MME LUSSIER : Exactement.
12884 LE PRÉSIDENT : Le grand problème, comme vous la savez, et qu'on a discuté et qu'on a vu sur les annonces publicitaires, est que les EDR menacent que chaque dollar qu'ils doivent payer va passer au consommateur.
12885 Qu'est-ce que vous suggérez qu'on fasse pour éviter ça, que le consommateur ultime va recevoir une facture plus haute que maintenant?
12886 M. LEGAULT : Le problème n'est pas... Je reviens de Los Angeles et de Londres, où on parlait de la télévision de façon générale à travers le monde, et ce, autant du côté américain que du côté anglais, que du côté australien et du côté français. Les recettes publicitaires ont diminué. Donc, la télévision gratuite, telle qu'on l'a connue, est de plus en plus compliquée puisqu'il reste que ce sont les annonces publicitaires et c'est la publicité, de façon générale, qui payaient pour le contenu.
12887 Dans un contexte où cette télévision-là est de moins en moins gratuite ou, en tout cas, la difficulté d'assurer la gratuité de cette télévision-là ou du contenu de la télévision est de plus en plus mise à mal, je ne pense pas qu'il faille aller complètement d'une... il y a probablement un équilibre.
12888 Est-ce que l'équilibre viendrait à revoir un peu comment l'argent est... les redevances sont redonnées, pour peut-être faire profiter un peu plus les télévisions généralistes publiques et privées d'une partie de cet argent-là et peut-être une autre partie qui pourrait provenir d'une hausse? Parce que je ne vois pas comment le faire autrement.
12889 Je sais que l'année dernière, Vidéotron a augmenté de $ 1.00 ses services en général, et je ne pense pas qu'il s'est fait non plus de révolution, et les consommateurs ont absorbé ce coût-là.
12890 Je pense qu'il y a probablement l'équilibre, et c'est probablement... il n'y a pas qu'une solution, ni d'un côté, ni de l'autre. Je pense que c'est probablement un équilibre entre les deux, à la fois possiblement une hausse, mais je ne pense pas qu'il faille qu'elle soit de l'ordre de $ 10.00, ni de $ 5.00.
12891 LE PRÉSIDENT : Mais la question clé est qu'est-ce que nous comme réglementateurs peuvent faire pour nous assurer qu'on va avoir cet équilibre duquel vous parlez?
12892 MME LUSSIER : C'est très difficile, effectivement, parce que tout le monde tient à protéger ses acquis. C'est certain que la voie d'une offre de base, de changer les bouquets ou les menus offerts par les cablôdistributeurs pourrait être une option ici, mettre dans le service de base les services généralistes obligatoirement et le reste en options. Ainsi, le consommateur aurait un plus grand choix, aurait plus de pouvoir sur ce qu'il choisit de regarder et ce qu'il choisit de payer.
12893 LE PRÉSIDENT : Et je ne suis pas sûr, est-ce que vous êtes en faveur que, si on établit un régime, que ça s'applique aussi aux radiodiffuseurs publics comme Radio-Canada et TFO?
12894 M. LÉGARÉ : Oui, assurément. Ce qui nous préoccupe, c'est la contribution au système canadien de radiodiffusion. Or, la contribution des radiodiffuseurs publics à notre système est fort importante. La valeur du signal est également importante. Je pense que c'est une donnée sur laquelle on doit se baser.
12895 Et pour le public qui reçoit le signal de Radio-Canada ou qui le reçoit de TVA, il reçoit du contenu canadien, et, en ce sens-là, nous ne faisons pas de distinction entre le diffuseur public ou privé.
12896 LE PRÉSIDENT : C'est le principe que nous avons appliqué pour le Fonds d'amélioration de la programmation locale.
12897 Mais nous avons écouté beaucoup les représentations ces dernières semaines, que, franchement, le financement des organismes publics comme Radio-Canada, Télé-Québec ou TFO, c'est quelque chose qui appartient au gouvernement, ce n'est pas votre rôle de trouver des nouvelles sources de revenus pour ces organismes-là. C'est, généralement, la moitié des représentants qui ont dit, non, ce n'est pas... vous ne devez pas vous occuper avec ce problème-là.
12898 Évidemment, vous n'êtes pas d'accord du tout avec cette position?
12899 M. LÉGARÉ : Notre préoccupation est peut-être différente de ceux détiennent une autre position. C'est-à-dire c'est sûr qu'ils sont en concurrence, en tant que tel.
12900 Nous, ce que nous regardons, ce n'est pas la concurrence de ces secteurs-là, mais ce que le système produit, et on voit que le mode de financement actuel -- et Raymond Legault l'a souligné -- n'est plus capable de produire autant d'émissions. Or, ces émissions-là, dans le système francophone, elles sont souhaitées, elles sont écoutées, et le public veut que ce système soit maintenu, il veut que ces émissions soient produites.
12901 Or, notre préoccupation est à l'effet, justement, que le public continue à pouvoir avoir accès à ce contenu national.
12902 LE PRÉSIDENT : O.K. Merci.
12903 Suzanne, tu as des questions?
12904 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Merci, Monsieur le Président.
12905 Bonjour.
12906 M. LEGAULT : Bonjour.
12907 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Merci d'être ici cet après-midi.
12908 Je dois avouer que votre présentation cet après-midi a éclairci certains points qui me semblaient nébuleux dans votre soumission. Alors, je ne reviendrai pas sur ces points-là.
12909 Mais, par contre, ça me donne aussi d'autre matière pour poser des questions parce que vous avez élaboré sur d'autres points. Donc, je vais me servir surtout de votre présentation en termes de structure pour poser mes questions.
12910 Dans la section de votre présentation sur l'état de la télévision aujourd'hui, vous notez le changement de cap au niveau du choix des émissions, où est-ce que, depuis 2003, on a moins de dramatiques, on a plus d'émissions de type télé-réalité, et vous imputez ce changement de cap-là surtout à des questions financières de réduction de coûts.
12911 Mais quelle part de ce changement de cap-là, d'après vous, est-ce qu'on pourrait imputer aux choix des consommateurs et des auditeurs, qui auraient évolué au cours de ces années-là?
12912 M. LEGAULT : Bonne question.
12913 M. LÉGARÉ : Il est sûr que des phénomènes parfois qui arrivent, comme la télé-réalité, sont très populaires en tant que tels, mais il est sûr aussi que ces télé-réalités là sont moins coûteuses à produire, donc, plus intéressantes pour le diffuseur, et le diffuseur en fait souvent une promotion excellente, et ces télé-réalités peuvent se décliner de différentes façons.
12914 Si vous prenez un exemple comme « Occupation double », « Occupation double » est non seulement une émission hebdomadaire mais quotidienne, et on peut la voir aussi... ils en parlent dans les journaux, on en parle dans les magazines. Donc, la promotion qui entoure ces séries-là est très bonne, est très facile à faire, et c'est plus difficile pour une dramatique, qui est plus coûteuse.
12915 Donc, oui, effectivement, certaines émissions parfois attirent encore du public, et elles sont populaires, on ne le nie pas. Mais d'une certaine façon, les émissions sous-représentées, elles, ont un financement de moins en moins grand, et il est important justement que ces émissions-là soient appuyées. Or, on se rend compte qu'on a des budgets de plus en plus restreints, et depuis des années, les budgets ont diminué plutôt qu'augmenté, et il faut satisfaire le public avec une concurrence d'émissions étrangères de très grande qualité.
12916 Lorsque le public voit des émissions américaines qui sont produites à coût de plusieurs millions l'épisode et que nous avons $ 300 000 ou $ 400 000 pour produire une heure, la compétition est féroce.
12917 Donc, c'est un peu ce phénomène-là. C'est-à-dire oui, le public, on lui propose une grande variété, et, en même temps, le paysage audiovisuel, où il y a une fragmentation du marché, mais justement, la concurrence est souvent induite par le coût de production moindre qui fait que les diffuseurs favorisent ces émissions-là.
12918 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Et si je comprends bien aussi une partie de votre réponse, vous estimez que la question de la promotion des émissions aussi a une grosse influence sur la popularité qu'elles peuvent avoir?
12919 MME LUSSIER : Sur les choix aussi de diffusion, puisqu'on parle de « Occupation double ». C'est certain qu'à partir du moment où... tu ne pourrais pas... en tout cas, difficilement faire ça avec une émission dramatique traditionnelle. Les gens ne peuvent pas suivre ce qui arrive à leurs personnages 24 heures sur 24 sur Internet ou, en tout cas, ça prendrait... ça serait le fun, ça prendrait un gros pool d'auteurs pour arriver à faire ça. On peut faire ça. On peut proposer ça. Ça serait bien... et de comédiens. Alors qu'avec « Occupation double », c'est possible de faire ça.
12920 C'est donc avantageux pour un groupe comme Quebecor, qui, à ce moment-là, son service illico sur Internet ou Canoë, je ne sais pas... en tout cas, je pense que c'est sur la plateforme Canoë qu'on peut suivre les concurrents matin, midi et soir.
12921 C'est des émissions qui sont plus faciles à décliner sur plusieurs plateformes et qui sont faciles à promouvoir leurs péripéties amoureuses en première page de toutes les revues du groupe aussi. Je pense que c'est... c'est des exemples qu'on a sous les yeux chaque fois qu'on va à l'épicerie, en fait.
12922 M. LÉGARÉ : Mais je vous dirais, pour compléter, que lorsqu'on compare une dramatique avec une autre dramatique, les émissions québécoises prennent la tête. Les télé-réalités, c'est un phénomène particulier, mais si on pense, par exemple, à « Grey's Anatomy », c'est diffusé le samedi soir. Ce n'est pas diffusé en heures de grande écoute en semaine. Donc, à quelques exceptions près ou à très peu d'exceptions près, les émissions dramatiques québécoises ont plus de succès que les émissions américaines.
12923 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Maintenant, en ce qui concerne l'appui aux télédiffuseurs généralistes sur le plan des revenus là, j'ai, évidemment, bien écouté votre conversation avec monsieur le président, mais je veux revenir sur certains points de votre discussion.
12924 Vous proposez que si un tel régime devait être mis en place que les négociations pour la juste valeur du marché soient principalement basées sur les cotes d'écoute, et vous soulignez, de façon tout à fait lucide, que c'est probablement le critère le plus facile et le plus objectif à utiliser pour ça. Mais vous concluez en disant que d'autres critères que la part de marché pourraient causer préjudice aux entités publiques comme Télé-Québec et TFO.
12925 Mais est-ce que les parts du marché, si on l'utilise comme critère, est-ce que ça non plus, ça ne crée pas un préjudice indirectement, compte tenu de la nature particulière de la programmation qu'ils fournissent?
12926 M. LÉGARÉ : D'une certaine façon, oui, mais c'est un critère objectif en tant que tel, et il est sûr que si on avait pris d'autres critères qui avaient été suggérés, comme les dépenses de programmation, bien là, les capacités de dépenses de Télé-Québec ou de TFO sont, encore là, très, très limitées. Donc, on s'est basé sur un critère qui est quand même objectif.
12927 Il y a des critères subjectifs comme la valeur culturelle qui ne peuvent pas être pris en compte par un organisme comme le CRTC. La part de marché nous semblait le critère le moins facile à contester.
12928 Encore que pour TFO, il faudrait trouver quelque chose d'autre puisque, dans ce cas-là, n'étant pas calculé dans les BBM, on ne pourrait pas identifier la part de marché.
12929 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Et des critères, par exemple, comme le nombre d'heures originales de contenu canadien diffusées dans une année ou le nombre d'heures de contenu canadien, tout court, diffusées dans une année, est-ce que vous pensez que ça pourrait être intégré dans un type de calcul ou d'équation pour essayer de baliser les négociations si le concept était retenu?
12930 M. LÉGARÉ : On n'est pas fermé à d'autres modes de calcul. Nous, on a suggéré celui-là. On n'est pas non plus...
12931 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Parce que c'était le plus évident?
12932 MME LUSSIER : On essayait de vous simplifier la vie.
12933 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Oui, oui, je comprends. Je comprends. Je ne vous en veux pas.
12934 M. LÉGARÉ : Mais si voulez vous la compliquer, on peut vous suggérer...
12935 MME LUSSIER : Ah, oui! On est bon aussi, il n'y a pas de problème.
12936 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Au niveau des dépenses obligatoires au titre des émissions canadiennes, vous avez bien fait la démonstration de ce qui se fait présentement et, selon vous, ce qui devrait se faire, mais il y a un point sur lequel j'achoppe un peu dans votre présentation.
12937 À la page -- elles ne sont pas numérotées -- bien, la page où est-ce qu'il y a la note de bas de page numéro 5, le dernier paragraphe. Vous expliquez votre proposition qui est en annexe, qu'on voit très, très bien que c'est un modèle d'augmentation annuelle, compte tenu de la santé financière de l'entreprise.
12938 Mais vous parlez du cas de Quebecor Media, « le réseau TVA et ses stations affiliées ». Les stations affiliées de Quebecor n'appartiennent pas à Quebecor. À ce moment-là, est-ce que vous estimez que Télé Inter-Rives et RNC devraient être traitées de la même façon que TVA sous le modèle que vous proposez?
12939 MME LUSSIER : En fait, je ne connais pas ces deux émissions. Ce qu'on voudrait éviter, c'est un transfert des obligations d'une à l'autre, même à l'intérieur des mêmes groupes de propriété.
12940 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : O.K. Je comprends. Merci.
12941 Maintenant, comme vous le soulignez vous-même là, vous dites que dans le cas de Radio-Canada, à qui vous voudriez que des objectifs de dépenses en émissions canadiennes soient aussi imposés, il faudrait trouver une autre formulation, et vous pensez peut-être là à un rapport entre recettes publicitaires et revenus totaux.
12942 Mais à ce moment-là, de quels revenus est-ce que vous parlez ici? Est-ce que vous incluriez le Fonds d'amélioration de la programmation locale, et comment est-ce que vous feriez la distinction, compte tenu de l'appropriation parlementaire, entre ce qui est dévolu à la télévision française, Radio-Canada, et ce qui est dévolu au reste de la Société Radio-Canada?
12943 M. LÉGARÉ : On s'est surtout attardé à l'autre proposition qui est en annexe. Pour Radio-Canada, on n'a pas voulu embarquer dans un détail aussi précis. Donc, on pourra peut-être le regarder et vous revenir là-dessus.
12944 C'était simplement qu'on considérait que la proposition qu'on vous faisait dans l'Annexe A ne pouvait pas s'appliquer à Radio-Canada, et donc, on s'est dit, les revenus totaux... on ne les a pas définis en tant que tel, mais cette proposition, elle est très, très peu détaillée. C'était simplement une suggestion.
12945 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Une chose à laquelle je vous amènerais peut-être à réfléchir, même en ce qui concerne la proposition pour TVA et V, c'est un point que monsieur le vice-président Arpin a soulevé avec d'autres intervenants, à savoir que si les revenus qui viennent du Fonds d'amélioration de la programmation locale sont inclus dans les revenus qu'on considère pour établir le montant de dépenses d'émissions canadiennes, que ça pervertit peut-être un petit peu l'objectif de ce Fonds-là, qui est d'améliorer la programmation locale. Donc, vous voudrez peut-être y penser.
12946 M. LÉGARÉ : Oui.
12947 MME LUSSIER : Oui, l'exclure des calculs, effectivement.
12949 Maintenant, en ce qui concerne le minimum d'heures d'émissions prioritaires, confirmez-moi que ce que vous définissez comme émissions prioritaires, ce sont les émissions scénarisées, les dramatiques? Est-ce que ça inclut aussi les documentaires et les émissions jeunesse?
12950 MME LUSSIER : Oui.
12951 M. LÉGARÉ : Oui.
12952 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Oui. Et on est d'accord que pour les émissions jeunesse, les heures de grande écoute ne sont pas nécessairement les mêmes que pour les autres?
12953 MME LUSSIER : Non, effectivement.
12954 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Vous avez fait référence dans une intervention avec monsieur le président à l'effet que les heures de grande écoute... En fait, c'est peut-être un petit peu plus avec moi, lorsque vous avez parlé de « Grey's Anatomy », que vous avez dit, ça passe le samedi soir, ce n'est pas en heures de grande écoute.
12955 Donc, vous considérez que les heures de grande écoute excluent le samedi soir carrément?
12956 M. LÉGARÉ : Bien, généralement, on les perçoit plus comme la semaine, effectivement.
12957 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Parce qu'on a eu d'autres intervenants du côté anglophone qui préconisaient que la définition des heures de grande écoute soit restreinte du dimanche au vendredi, donc, excluant le samedi. Est-ce que c'est une position sur laquelle vous avez une opinion?
12958 MME LUSSIER : On ne s'est pas penché là-dessus dans le cadre de cette consultation-là. Quand on vous dit que ça... en fait, nous, on se base sur les cotes d'écoute du samedi soir, à savoir que quand j'écris une fiction, je n'aimerais pas ça qu'elle soit programmée le samedi soir, mais il n'y pas une étude plus approfondie que ça pour le moment.
12959 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Finalement, en ce qui concerne la production indépendante, dans votre mémoire, au paragraphe 35, vous faites un point qui, moi, apparaît un petit peu contradictoire. Alors, je voudrais l'éclaircir.
12960 Vous dites d'abord qu'en télédiffusion, la production originale importe plus que l'endroit où est-ce qu'on va, effectivement, la faire, et je comprends bien ce que vous dites. Mais vous considérez quand même acceptable que le pourcentage de productions indépendantes demeure à 75 pour cent?
12961 MME LUSSIER : Oui.
12962 M. LEGAULT : Au moins, et je crois qu'il est plus élevé que ça en ce moment, il me semble, en tout cas, dans l'ensemble. Pour nous, c'est un seuil en bas duquel il ne faudrait pas descendre.
12963 M. LÉGARÉ : Et c'est en réponse aussi... vous nous demandiez s'il y avait des obligations de dépenses qui devraient être fixées. Nous, on a dit, non, pas besoin de fixer d'obligations de dépenses. Mais il reste que le 75 pour cent est, effectivement, une règle qui nous convient.
12964 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Qui vous convient présentement?
12965 M. LÉGARÉ : C'est ça, et on ne voulait pas se commettre à fixer des obligations ou à chiffrer des obligations en termes de dépenses.
12966 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Et l'autre chose, si je comprends bien, qui vous convient aussi, c'est qu'au niveau du cadre réglementaire pour les télévisions francophones et les groupes de propriété francophones, qu'on s'en tienne à ce qu'on fait présentement, qu'on ne change pas la recette et qu'on continue à y aller au cas par cas au moment où les licences sont renouvelées et qu'on n'essaie pas de faire un cadre général, un format pour tous?
12967 M. LEGAULT : Mais je pense que chaque... elles sont tellement spécifiques. Radio-Canada vraiment a son rôle, TVA a son rôle, le 5 a son rôle. C'est difficile de demander à l'un, puis de ramener ça... est-ce qu'on veut trois chaînes généralistes exactement les mêmes? Non, je pense qu'elles ont chacune leur fonction.
12968 Donc, on ne peut pas les juger de la même façon et on ne peut pas imposer les mêmes conditions à chacune. Je ne pense pas que ce serait une bonne solution.
12969 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Donc, vous juger que, de cette façon-là, on peut maintenir une offre diversifiée dans le marché francophone, qui pourrait attirer tout un chacun au moment opportun?
12970 M. LEGAULT : Puis les structures sont différentes.
12971 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Les structures sont différentes.
12972 M. LEGAULT : Elles sont extrêmement différentes d'une à l'autre. Alors, je trouve ça difficile de faire une règle pour, finalement, faire des exceptions pour chacune. Ça revient à traiter chaque cas séparément.
12973 CONSEILLÈRE LAMARRE : Ce sont toutes mes questions. Merci beaucoup, Monsieur le Président.
12974 LE PRÉSIDENT : Merci.
12975 Michel?
12976 CONSEILLER ARPIN : Merci, Monsieur le Président.
12977 Vous préconisez que la valeur du service soit établie à partir d'un critère de la cote d'écoute. Évidemment, la cote d'écoute présente favorise Quebecor, avec autour d'à peu près 28, 29 parts de marché, et V, avec 7 parts de marché.
12978 Est-ce que, selon vous, il n'y a pas un danger que c'est, finalement, de faire en sorte que le plus petit des diffuseurs soit, ad vitam eternam...
12979 M. LEGAULT : Le plus petit.
12980 CONSEILLER ARPIN : ...le plus petit et puis voué à la médiocrité par rapport à son concurrent principal, puis Radio-Canada étant à mi-chemin entre les deux? Est-ce que c'est quelque chose que vous aviez considéré quand vous avez fait votre recommandation?
12981 M. LEGAULT : Moi, je dirais, comme les financements sont différents, et c'est là où... je sais que le financement ne nous regarde pas, le financement public. Télé-Québec a des sources de financement aussi qui proviennent du gouvernement du Québec. Radio-Canada a des sources de financement qui proviennent du gouvernement canadien.
12982 Donc, je pense que c'est un critère simple. C'est un critère, en même temps, qui reflète ce que les gens veulent voir. Je dirais, c'est surtout... c'est la simplicité du calcul qui se fait à partir de ça, et compte tenu aussi de chacun...
12983 Oui, c'est possible, mais V... ça ne veut pas dire que V va toujours rester dans la cave. C'est sûr que s'il y a plus d'argent... mais il va falloir qu'ils mettent plus d'ingéniosité à trouver de meilleures émissions qui rejoignent encore plus leur public.
12984 La part de marché est comme un critère plus objectif, et compte tenu... et puis là, je parle du marché francophone. Je veux dire que...
12985 CONSEILLER ARPIN : Enfin, la part de marché, c'est sûr que c'est le critère le plus facilement mesurable. Les données sont publiées hebdomadairement, et puis les consolidations sont faciles à faire.
12986 MME LUSSIER : En fait, ce n'est pas qu'on endosse la cote d'écoute ou la part de marché comme valeur absolue d'un produit, mais dans ce cas-ci, c'est une des façons de financer les produits. Il y a des fonds, il y a d'autres façons qui pourraient corriger, si on veut, cette tendance-là, qui, dans ce cas-ci, dans le cas de cette partie de financement là tiendraient compte de la cote d'écoute.
12987 CONSEILLER ARPIN : TVA avait proposé une mesure un peu plus complexe avec trois variables, que V a endossée, pour l'instant du moins. Et vous, vous revenez, vous dites, la variable la plus importante, finalement, et la plus facile à mesurer, c'est la cote d'écoute, et puis on devrait s'en tenir à cette mesure-là, à cette variable-là, effectivement, pour les fins de tous les calculs?
12988 M. LEGAULT : Écoutez, on n'est pas des experts autant que peuvent l'être ces personnes-là sur la façon de calculer les choses. On a pris connaissance aujourd'hui, je veux dire, de certaines positions. Il y a beaucoup de consultations présentement, autant du côté du Fonds des médias que...
12989 CONSEILLER ARPIN : Absolument.
12990 M. LEGAULT : Alors, ça fait beaucoup, beaucoup de chose à considérer, ce qui ne veut pas dire que les méthodes proposées ou par TVA ou par Radio-Canada, parce que Radio-Canada aussi en a fait une façon où ça pouvait se calculer...
12992 M. LEGAULT : On pourrait vous revenir et donner un avis là-dessus.
12993 CONSEILLER ARPIN : Non, non, mais je veux m'assurer de voir que votre réflexion a bien tenu compte de ces...
12994 M. LEGAULT : Bien, on en a pris connaissance aujourd'hui.
12996 M. LEGAULT : Donc, s'il y a d'autres méthodes de calcul qui pourraient être encore plus justes que celle-là ou qui pourraient satisfaire l'ensemble de ceux qui sont touchés par ça, mais je ne pense pas que TVA parle de Radio-Canada. En tout cas, s'ils en parlent, c'est...
12997 CONSEILLER ARPIN : Non, non. C'est pour dire rien.
12998 M. LEGAULT : Bien, c'est ça.
--- Laughter
12999 CONSEILLER ARPIN : Rien à Radio-Canada...
13000 M. LEGAULT : Oui, oui, oui.
13001 CONSEILLER ARPIN : non rien de Radio-Canada.
13002 M. LEGAULT : Non, non. C'est ça.
13003 MME LUSSIER : Effectivement.
--- Laughter
13004 M. LÉGARÉ : C'est quand même pour établir la valeur d'un signal en tant que tel.
13006 M. LÉGARÉ : Et sur quoi établir la valeur de ce signal-là, sinon sur une donnée qui est...
13007 MME LUSSIER : Objective.
13008 M. LÉGARÉ : ...objective. C'est-à-dire...
13009 CONSEILLER ARPIN : Est facilement mesurable.
13010 M. LÉGARÉ : est sûr que si V avait 33 pour cent plutôt que 7 pour cent, la programmation de V serait sans doute meilleure. Mais je ne pense pas que l'équilibre qu'on cherche dans le système soit pour compenser justement les lacunes de programmation de l'un, mais plutôt l'absence de revenus, le problème de la publicité, et le fait justement qu'ils n'ont pas accès à des redevances.
13011 CONSEILLER ARPIN : De toute façon, il n'y a pas d'équation entre le succès d'une émission et le coût de sa production, parce que s'il y en avait une, on n'aurait pas de problème, tout le monde aurait la formule.
13012 M. LÉGARÉ : Oui.
13013 CONSEILLER ARPIN : D'accord.
13014 C'est tout, Monsieur le Président.
13015 M. LEGAULT : Merci, Monsieur Arpin.
13016 LE PRÉSIDENT : O.K. Merci beaucoup. Ce sont toutes nos questions. Merci d'être venus.
13017 M. LEGAULT : Merci.
13018 LE PRÉSIDENT : Madame, je crois que c'est terminé pour aujourd'hui, et on recommence demain matin à 9 h 00.
--- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 1503, to resume Friday, November 27, 2009 at 0900
____________________ ____________________
Lynda Johansson Madeleine Matte
____________________ ____________________
Monique Mahoney Beverley Dillabough
- Date modified: