The Television Service Provider Code, simplified
Terms in bold italics are defined in the Glossary section at the end of the Code.
Clarity - General
I. Communicate in plain language in either French or English
- A television service provider (TVSP) must communicate with a consumer using plain language.
- A TVSP must advise a consumer if it is unable to serve that consumer in both French and English.
II. Clarity of offers
- A TVSP must ensure that any offers made to consumers are clearly explained in all communications with consumers, including during telephone calls and in its promotional material.
- The explanation of an offer must clearly state the following:
- the duration of the offer;
- in the case of an offer that includes a time-limited discount or other incentive, the price of the service at the end of the time-limited discount or incentive;
- any associated obligations on a consumer in relation to accepting the offer, including the minimum commitment period during which an early cancellation fee can be applied.
III. Promotion of packaging options
- A TVSP must ensure that consumers are aware of the availability, price and content of its entry-level service offering.
Agreements and related documents
IV. Plain language agreements
- A TVSP must ensure that any written agreements and related documents are written in a way that is clear and easy for a customer to read and understand.
V. Language of written agreement
- A TVSP must advise a customer if it is unable to provide a written agreement and related documents in either English or French, as chosen by that customer.
VI. Prices in the written agreement
- A TVSP must ensure that the prices set out in a written agreement are clear and must indicate whether these prices include taxes or other charges. This includes the prices of any packages and individual channels to which a customer subscribes.
- A TVSP must ensure that any additional charges are clearly itemized, detailed and explained in a written agreement to provide the service. Such charges may include, but are not limited to, equipment rental fees, installation fees, and access fees.
VII. Fixed-term agreements
- A TVSP must offer a customer a permanent copy of the written agreement and related documents at the time that the agreement is made. Should a customer accept the TVSP’s offer to receive a permanent copy of the agreement and related documents at that time, the documents must be provided to the customer at no charge within the following timeframes:
- If the agreement is made in person, the TVSP must give the written agreement and related documents to a customer immediately after that customer agrees to it.
- If the agreement is not made in person (i.e. if it is agreed to over the phone, online, or otherwise at a distance), the TVSP must send the written agreement and related documents to a customer within 15 calendar days of that customer accepting the agreement. If a TVSP fails to do this, or if the terms and conditions of the permanent copy of the agreement conflict with the terms and conditions that a customer agreed to, that customer may, within 30 calendar days of receiving the permanent copy of the agreement, cancel the agreement without paying an early cancellation fee or any other penalty.
- The TVSP must also provide a customer with a permanent copy of the agreement in the format of the customer’s choosing (electronic or paper) upon request at no charge, at any time during the commitment period.
- A TVSP must provide a customer with a copy of the agreement in an alternative format for people with disabilities upon request, at no charge, at any time during the commitment period.
- Written agreements must set out all of the information listed below in a clear manner:
- a list of the individual channels or packages of channels selected by a customer at the time the agreement is made;
- rates for individual channels or packages of channels selected by a customer at the time the agreement is made, which should clearly indicate any promotional offer, the expiry date of the promotional offer, and the ongoing price after the offer expires;
- the monthly charge for providing the service at the time the agreement is made, which should clearly indicate any promotional offer, the expiry date of the promotional offer, and the ongoing price after the offer expires;
- all additional costs, including but not limited to, installation fees, itemized separately;
- the monthly charge for any equipment included in the agreement;
- the commitment period, including the start and end date of the agreement;
- the terms under which the agreement will be renewed, including whether the agreement renews automatically, and if so, starting on what date and for how long;
- if applicable,
- the total early cancellation fee;
- the formula for calculating the early cancellation fee during the commitment period;
- the date on which a customer will no longer be subject to the early cancellation fee;
- if equipment is provided or rented as part of the agreement,
- the retail price of the equipment if it is available for purchase (outright or through a rent-to-own option);
- the amount a customer has paid or will pay for the equipment during the commitment period or on a going-forward basis;
- a description of the different options under which the equipment can be acquired by a customer (including rental and rent-to-own options) and;
- a description of where a customer can find information about any fees associated with an equipment upgrade.
- an explanation of all related documents, such as privacy policies;
- whether upgrading equipment or otherwise amending an agreement term or condition would extend a customer’s commitment period or change any other aspect of the agreement;
- if applicable, the amount of any security deposit and any applicable conditions, including the conditions for return of the deposit; and
- where a customer can find information about:
- rates for individual channels and packages of channels;
- how to remove or add individual channels or packages of channels and what, if any, charges would apply;
- the equipment manufacturer’s warranty, if applicable;
- tools to help customers manage their bills;
- to contact the TVSP’s customer service department;
- how to make a complaint about services and the different options available for recourse, including how to escalate complaints within the TVSP and how to make a complaint to the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS); and
- the Television Service Provider Code.
- If the commitment period is set to renew upon expiry, a TVSP must notify the customer 90 calendar days before the end of the initial commitment period of any applicable changes to the agreement that will take effect upon its renewal.
Trial Period
VIII. Trial period for persons with disabilities
- When a customer who self-identifies as a person with a disability or who indicates that a member of the household to which the service is to be provided has a disability accepts an agreement, the TVSP must offer the customer a trial period lasting a minimum of 30 calendar days to enable the customer to determine whether the service and equipment meet their needs.
- The trial period must start on the date on which service begins.
- During the trial period, customers may cancel their agreement without penalty, installation fees or early cancellation fees if they have returned any gift with purchase and equipment provided by the TVSP in near-new condition, including the original packaging, if applicable.
Critical Information Summary
IX. Critical Information Summary
- A TVSP must offer a Critical Information Summary to a customer when it offers a permanent copy of the agreement for services. This document summarizes the most important elements of the agreement for a customer.
- The Critical Information Summary is a document that is independent from the written agreement, whether it is provided as an entirely separate document or as the first pages of the written agreement. Information provided in the Critical Information Summary does not replace or fulfil any requirements to provide the same or similar information within the actual written agreement.
- A TVSP must ensure that the Critical Information Summary contains all of the following:
- a list of the individual channels or packages of channels selected by a customer at the time the agreement is made;
- rates for individual channels or packages of channels selected by a customer at the time the agreement is made, which should clearly indicate any promotional offer, the expiry date of the promotional offer, and the ongoing price after the offer expires;
- the monthly charge for television services at the time the agreement was made, which should clearly indicate any promotional offer, the expiry date of the promotional offer, and the ongoing price after the offer expires;
- all additional costs, including but not limited to, installation fees, itemized separately;
- the monthly charge for any equipment included in the agreement;
- the commitment period, including the start and end date of the agreement and the terms under which the agreement could be renewed; and
- how to make a complaint about services, and the different options available for recourse, including how to escalate a complaint within the TVSP and how to make a complaint to the CCTS.
- A TVSP must ensure that the Critical Information Summary:
- accurately reflects the content of the agreement;
- is either provided as a separate document from any written agreement or included prominently on the first pages of any written agreement;
- is clear and concise, uses plain language, and is in an easily readable font; and
- can be provided in an alternative format for people with disabilities upon request, at no charge.
Changes to programming options
X. Changing programming options
- A TVSP must enable a customer to change individual discretionary channels or packages of discretionary channels. A TVSP may, however, offer an individual discretionary channel or a package of discretionary channels that cannot be changed for a specific time period if a customer is clearly informed and accepts the terms and conditions set out in a written agreement.
- When a TVSP receives a request from a customer to change individual or discretionary channels, the TVSP must:
- inform the customer as to whether they will be able to return to their previous set of selected individual channels or their previous package, and whether the same rate(s) will apply; and
- offer to send the customer a written summary of the changes.
XI. Notice for changes to programming options
- With respect to services subscribed to by a customer, a TVSP must give a customer at least 30 calendar days’ notice in the event of changes to:
- the price of individual channels or packages of channels;
- the packaging of channels; and
- the price of equipment.
- This notice must clearly explain any change and when it will take effect.
- The notice must clearly explain the options should a customer no longer wish to subscribe to any of the TVSP’s changed services.
- A TVSP may make a change to a customer’s programming options during the commitment period without the customer’s express consent if it benefits the customer by either:
- reducing the rate for a service or package; or
- providing a service for no additional fee.
Service calls
XII. Service calls including visits to residences for installation and repairs
- A TVSP must provide a customer with a timeframe for when a service call to a residence will begin.
- Before any service call to a residence, a TVSP must specify the potential charges associated with the service call, including any minimum charge, if applicable.
- Before any service call to a residence, a TVSP must explain to a customer how both the TVSP and the customer may cancel or reschedule the appointment, including any associated charges.
Service outages
XIII. Service outages
- A TVSP must explain to a customer in any written agreement or related documents its policy for service outages and how rebates will be applied.
XIV. Disconnection
- A TVSP must explain to a customer in any written agreement or related documents its policy for disconnection of service, including:
- the grounds for disconnection;
- when and how disconnection may occur;
- what notice will be provided before disconnection occurs;
- when a customer can and cannot be disconnected when disputing charges;
- when a customer’s account may be referred to a collection agency for missed payment; and
- the cost to reconnect the service, if applicable.
A binding arrangement between a TVSP and a customer to provide television services.
Commitment period
The term or duration of an agreement. For fixed-term agreements, the commitment period is the entire duration of the agreement. For indeterminate agreements, the commitment period is the current month or billing cycle.
Any person in the market for a product or service.
A person who is liable for payment for programming services that are distributed by a TVSP. It does not include the owner or operator of a hotel, hospital, nursing home or other commercial or institutional premises.
The termination of services by a TVSP.
Early cancellation fee
A fee that may be applied when a customer’s service is cancelled before the end of a commitment period.
Entry-level service offering
A package of programming services, also known as basic service, that a TVSP is required to distribute by the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations.
A device or combination of devices necessary to receive a service provided by a TVSP, such as a set-top box, remote control or satellite dish.
Fixed-term agreements
Agreements that have a set duration beyond one month.
Gift with purchase
An item offered to the customers by the TVSP to motivate or encourage them to choose their service(s) (e.g. smart TVs, laptops, game consoles, prepaid credit cards, etc.).
Indeterminate agreements
Agreements that do not have a set duration. They typically automatically renew each month.
Permanent copy
An inalterable copy (e.g. a paper copy or PDF version) of the agreement that is free of hyperlinks that can be changed by TVSPs, as of the date of signing or the date of the latest amendment.
Plain language
Language that is clear and easy to understand.
Privacy policy
A policy that explains how a TVSP will handle a customer’s personal information.
Related documents
Any documents referred to in the agreement that affect a customer’s use of a TVSP’s services, including its privacy policy.
Television service provider (TVSP)
An undertaking that provides subscription television services to Canadians. It typically redistributes programming from conventional over-the-air television and radio stations and distributes pay audio, pay television, pay-per-view (PPV), video-on-demand (VOD), and specialty services. TVSPs include cable, Internet Protocol television (IPTV) and national satellite direct-to-home (DTH) service providers.
Written agreement
A written instrument that expresses the content of the agreement.
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