Financial Summary - Radio
Community Type A and Type B stations reporting in 2006, 2007 and 2008 - French-language stations

Markets with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants (2006 Census)

Route reference: Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-418-3

  2006 2007 2008
($) Reporting Units 29   29   29  
Revenue   Var %   Var %   Var %
Local Time Sales 5,125,235 9.76 4,984,713 -2.74 5,273,615 5.80
National Time Sales 1,624,987 30.96 1,693,324 4.21 1,618,031 -4.45
Network Payments 710 -56.57   -100.00 0  
Syndication-Production 29,693 37.01 19,946 -32.83 26,158 31.14
Other Revenue 5,489,639 13.34 5,163,264 -5.95 6,042,805 17.03
Total Revenue 12,270,264 13.85 11,861,247 -3.33 12,960,609 9.27
Program 3,642,698 8.84 3,524,832 -3.24 3,591,217 1.88
Technical 538,733 35.77 593,939 10.25 399,903 -32.67
Sales and Promotion 1,737,401 13.87 1,712,103 -1.46 1,769,393 3.35
Administration and General 5,290,907 7.71 5,479,363 3.56 6,016,421 9.80
Total Expenses 11,209,739 10.10 11,310,237 0.90 11,776,934 4.13
Operating Income 1,060,525   551,010   1,183,675  
Depreciation 418,579 4.64 405,081 -3.22 509,317 25.73
P.B.I.T. 641,946   145,929   674,358  
Interest Expense 73,008 -0.49 49,197 -32.61 59,386 20.71
Adjustments -25,734 -66.60 98,486 -482.71 -167,274 -269.85
Pre-tax Profit 543,204   195,218   447,698  
Programming (%)            
Prog Expense/Expense Total 32.5   31.2   30.5  
Prog Expense/Revenue Total 29.7   29.7   27.7  
Total Salaries 6,307,511 12.27 6,061,789 -3.90 6,691,395 10.39
Avg Staff Count 203.20 4.03 188.30 -7.33 200.00 6.21
Avg Salary ($) 31,041 7.92 32,192 3.71 33,457 3.93
Salaries/Expense Total (%) 56.3   53.6   56.8  
Profitability (%)            
Operating Margin 8.6   4.6   9.1  
P.B.I.T. Margin 5.2   1.2   5.2  
Pre-tax Margin 4.4   1.6   3.5  

Source: CRTC - Financial Database System

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