Canada’s Anti-Spam
Legislation (CASL)

Actions carried out by the CRTC between
April 1, 2018 and September 30, 2018

View next time period

Enforcement Highlights


$100,000 total compensation paid

CRTC staff launched an investigation after Canadians filed complaints with the Spam Reporting Centre (SRC) relating to text messages sent by 514-Billets. As part of an undertaking, 514-Billets agreed to pay $100,000 including consumer compensation.

Datablocks and Sunlight Media

$100,000 and $150,000 AMPs

The Chief Compliance and Enforcement Officer of the CRTC issued notices of violation that include administrative monetary penalties of $100,000 and $150,000 respectively, in relation to both companies’ involvement in the distribution of malicious software through online ads. The matter is now before the Commission for decision.

Enforcement Measures

Administrative Monetary Penalties

Since CASL came into force in 2014, enforcement efforts have resulted in penalties totalling nearly $1.2 million. Of this amount, $568,000 has been paid as part of negotiated undertakings.Footnote 1

Complaints to the Spam Reporting Centre

Between April 1, 2018 and September 30, 2018

Over 137,000 complaints to the Spam Reporting Centre.

That’s over 5,000 per week.

Only 4,000 of these complaints were submitted using the online form, which represents only 3% of total complaints. The remainder of complaints were sent by email at spam@fightspam.gc.ca to the Spam Reporting Centre.

The CRTC encourages Canadians to use the Spam Reporting Center online form in order to collect as much information as possible.

Email spam is the #1 reason why people submit complaints and text message spam continues to rise

Sources of spam

SRC complaint reasons donut chart
SRC complaint reasons donut chart legend

Based on complaints filed with the SRC

Long description:
  • Email: 62%
  • Text message (SMS): 28%
  • Instant message (IM): 1%
  • Unspecified: 9%

Lack of consent
is still the
#1 reason
that triggers complaints

Reasons why Canadians complain

Triggers for complaining donut chart
Triggers for complaining donut chart legend

Based on complaints filed with the SRC

Long description:
  • Lack of Consent: 54%
  • Deceptive Marketing Practices: 26%
  • Identification of Sender: 19%
  • Software and Malware: 1%

Consent issues continue to represent the highest proportion of issues reported to the SRC.


A fifth of Canadians who submitted a complaint relating to consent continued receiving emails more than 10 business days after unsubscribing.


The Compliance and Enforcement team made seven presentations to Canadian companies, associations and organizations to raise awareness about regulations.


The CRTC has forged many partnerships with organizations across the globe in order to better fulfill its mandate.

The CRTC is part of the Unsolicited Communications Enforcement Network (UCENET). The 30 members from across the globe promote international spam enforcement cooperation and address problems relating to spam and unsolicited telecommunications.

Agreements with International Partners

Agreements with International Partners world map

List of Memorandums of Understanding with organizations and countries.

Long description:

Useful Resources

Check out recent fraudulent activities uncovered by the RCMP.

Looking for cyber safety tips?

Competition Bureau Canada

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Are you still receiving spam?

Report it and we’ll have a look.

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