There are currently no open calls for applications for funding from the Broadband Fund; the period to submit applications is over.

Broadband Fund
How to Use CartoVista to Select and Export Data for your Application

1. Viewing eligible area data

From the Maps of Areas to Enhance Broadband Access web page select “View the map of eligible satellite dependent communities, fixed Internet access geographic areas and transport communities in full screen”.

Figure 1: Full-screen view of the Satellite dependent communities, fixed Internet access geographic areas and transport communitiesScreenshot of CartoVista map showing the map on the left and the layers and legend options on the right.

From the Maps of Areas to Enhance Broadband Access web page select “View the map of the eligible mobile wireless areas in full screen”.

Figure 2: Full-screen view of the eligible mobile wireless areas map

Screenshot of CartoVista map showing the map on the left and the layers and legend options on the right.

In the top left corner of the map are the mapping tools used to interact, control and select objects. Each of these tools will be explained in the subsequent sections. On the right side of the map are the layers pane and legend. Located at the bottom of the map in grey is the data and selection pane where information is displayed about the layers or selected objects.

1.1 Mapping Tools

The mapping tools, located in the top left corner are used to interact with the online map to determine where the eligible areas for funding are located and to help you select objects from the map. The mapping tools are described below:

Figure 3: Mapping tools.

Screenshot of the mapping tools from CartoVista. Explanatory infographic outlining the main individual selection tools available from the CartoVista map.

Long description
  • Initial Extents: Click to zoom out to display the full map
  • Zoom In/Out: Click to zoom in/out or draw a rectangle to zoom in on a particular area
  • Pan: Click and drag to re-center the map
  • Ruler: Click to add points and measure the distance in between points. Double click to end the current measurement
  • Info: Click on an object on the map to display the data for the object
  • Selection: Select map objects by clicking on objects. To select multiple objects on the map, hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard while selecting each object.
  • Click Unselect All to unselect all map features.

1.2 Data and Selection Pane

The data and selection pane, located at the bottom of the map, appears if clicked on or if objects have been selected on the map.

Figure 4: Data and selection pane. From left to right, highlighted in red, are the layers drop down list and the data and selection tools

Screenshot of the data and selection pane from CartoVista. Explanatory infographic outlining individual selection tools available from the Data and Selection Pane.

  • Data: View the data set for each layer of the map. Select the layer of interest from the drop down list highlighted in red in the top left corner of the data and selection pane.
  • Selection: View the data for only the selected objects on the map.

There are data and selection tools which can provide additional information, adjust the settings and can be used to export the data. The data and selection tools are located in the top right corner, highlighted in red in Figure 4 above and are described below.

Data and Selection Tools

  • Copy data to clipboard: Copy all of the data for the layer of interest or the data from the selected objects on the map to the user’s clipboard. This information can then be pasted to another application.
  • Statistics: View the statistics of each layer or of the selected objects on the map.
  • Clear all filters in layer: Remove all the filters which have been applied to the map.
  • Export: Download a spreadsheet, including all the data from each layer or from the selected objects on the map. The spreadsheet will download to the default download location on your computer.
  • Settings: Adjust the setting for each layer on the map.

1.3 Layers and Legend

Figure 5: Displays all the layers on the map. By default all layers are visible.

Screenshot of the layers section from CartoVista.

Screenshot of the layers section from CartoVista.

From the layers pane, on the right hand side of the map, it is possible to make layers visible or hide layers by clicking on the checkboxes next to the layer name.

Figure 6: Legend displaying the icons for each type of object on the map.

Screenshot of the layers section from CartoVista.

Screenshot of the layers section from CartoVista.

The legend, seen in Figure 6 above, located on the right side of the map displays the icons for each type of object on the map for each applicable layer. If, for example, the Satellite-dependent communities layer has not been selected, the icon for satellite-dependent communities will not appear in the legend. Once the layer has been selected again, the icons will reappear on the map and in the legend.

2. Selecting and Exporting Data

It is only possible to select objects and export data from one layer at a time. Below is an example of how to select and export data for the Satellite-dependent communities layer. The same principles of selecting and exporting data can be applied to community points, road segments and hexagons. This data can then be copied and pasted into the Application Workbook.

2.1 Configure the map

  1. Hide all the layers except for the base layer Geographic Map by using the checkboxes in the layer panes.
  2. In this example, select the Satellite-dependent communities layer. See Figure 7 (below).
Figure 7: Full-screen view of the map with only the Satellite-dependent communities layer selected.

Screenshot of the CartoVista map with only Satellite-dependent communities and the Geographic Map selected in the layers section.

  1. Using the mapping tools it is possible to zoom in on a targeted area for easier selection.
  2. Select objects on the map using the selection tools. Note it is possible to select multiple objects at once using the rectangular, circular or polygon selection tool or by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and clicking on each object individually.
Figure 8: Selecting satellite-dependent communities on the map.

Screenshot of a select number of Satellite-dependent communities selected on the CartoVista map.

2.2 Export the data

  1. Once a selection has been made, the data and selection pane will open as in Figure 8 (above).
    • Use one of the data and selection tools, identified in Figure 4, to export the data to be used in the Application Workbook.
  2. The data which appears in the data and selection pane at the bottom of the map is the data which will be copied to the clipboard or exported to a spreadsheet.

Using a similar method, data can be exported for community points, road segments and hexagons by hiding the Satellite-dependent communities layer and selecting a new layer.

3. Additional Support

For more detailed instructions and guidance on using the CartoVista tools click on the question mark icon in the top right corner of the webpage (highlighted in red in Figure 9 below) or visit the CartoVista website directly.

Figure 9: CartoVista support

Screenshot of the Help button available in the top right of the CartoVista interface.

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