Simplified application to renew a broadcasting radio licence – Form 311

Sample form only: do not complete

This form is for reference purposes only. It is not to be completed in this format.

To complete this form online and submit it to the CRTC, log in to My CRTC Account via the Broadcasting Online Form and Cover Page.

1. General information

Part 1 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure, Broadcasting and Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-958 provides the basic structure for a written proceeding that is initiated by an applicant who files an application with the Commission. The Commission posts these applications on its website. The public is given an opportunity to file submissions as Interveners or Respondents within 30 days, and the applicant is given an additional 10 days to respond. The Commission examines all of the written submissions and issues a decision. These proceedings are generally referred to as “Part 1 proceedings.”

If you are seeking amendments to your station's licence, you will need to submit a separate application using the appropriate form(s) [i.e.  Form 301 for changes to conditions of licence and  Form 303 for technical changes]. Please note that any amendment application may be processed separately from the renewal application.

Applicants that have any questions related to this application may contact a Commission specialist at 1-866-781-1911.

Important notice: All information with an * is required.

1.1 Type of station

* Call sign:

* Select the type of station: ( ) AM undertaking ( ) FM undertaking

* Select the sub-type of station: ( )
Commercial ( )
Commercial (Ethnic) ( )
Campus ( )
Community ( )
Indigenous (Type B Native) ( )
Specialty Audio ( )
Tourist ( )
Religious (Church) ( )
Satellite subscription radio ( )
Radio Network ( )

( ) Other * Please specify:

1.2 Identification of applicant

* Name of licensee:

* Address:

* City / Town:

* Province / Territory:

* Postal Code (A1A 1A1):

* Telephone (999-999-9999): Ext:

Facsimile (999-999-9999):

* Email (

1.3 Contact person representing the applicant

* Name:

* Title:

* Email (

* Telephone (999-999-9999): Ext:

1.4 Sent by

* Name:

* Telephone (999-999-9999): Ext:

* Email (

1.5 Designated representative

* Is there a designated representative?
( ) Yes ( ) No

I, the applicant,
hereby designate [designated representative] as my representative for and on my behalf and in my name to sign, file and complete (if necessary) an application with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and to sign and file a reply with respect thereto and I do hereby ratify, confirm, and adopt as my own act, such application and all replies made thereto.

* Applicant Name:

* Designated Representative:

*Signature date (yyyy-mm-dd):

*At (Example: city, province):

*Address of designated representative:


*Telephone (999-999-9999):

Facsimile (999-999-9999):

*Email (

1.6 Declaration of the applicant or its designated representative

I, solemnly declare that:

  1. I am the designated representative of the applicant named in this application and as such have knowledge of all matters declared therein.
  2. The statements made in this application, or any document filed pursuant to any request for further information by the Commission, are (will be) to the best of my knowledge and belief true in all respects.
  3. The opinions and estimates given in this application, or any document filed pursuant to any request for further information by the Commission, are (will be) based on facts as known to me.
  4. I have examined the provisions of the Broadcasting Act, the broadcasting regulations and policies relevant to this application.   
  5. The applicant understands and is aware of its obligations under the Broadcasting Act and the Radio Regulations, 1986 as well as other policies relevant to its operability.

* Name:

* Signature date (yyyy-mm-dd):

Witnessed by:

* Name:

* Signature date (yyyy-mm-dd):

* At: (Example: city, province)

I, solemnly declare that:

  1. The applicant is in compliance with the ownership requirements including the Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility of Non-Canadians) and the Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility to Hold Broadcasting Licences), that the ownership information is up to date with the Commission, and that the applicant has not implemented any changes to the undertaking’s ownership structure or to its broadcasting licence that required prior approval by the Commission in accordance with the Radio Regulations, 1986.
  2. The applicant is in compliance with the provisions of the Broadcasting Act and the Radio Regulations, 1986 relevant to its operations as well as its conditions of licence, expectations and encouragements, including its obligations relating to reporting requirements.
  3. The applicant operates in accordance with the applicable broadcasting policies such as: best practices for cultural diversity, the implementation of an employment equity and on-air presence plan.

If you are unable to complete this section of the declaration due to non-compliance, please provide a detailed description of the non-compliance and steps taken to rectify it.  You may then complete the declaration, which is understood to be made with the exception of the identified non-compliance.

* Name:

* Signature date (yyyy-mm-dd):

Witnessed by:

* Name:

* Signature date (yyyy-mm-dd):

* At: (Example: city, province)

1.7 Obtaining a copy of the application

* Submit a website address or email address where an electronic copy of the application may be requested:

( ) Website ( ) E-mail

* Website (

* Email (

1.8 Standard conditions of licence

Please refer to the appropriate Broadcasting Regulatory Policies or Public Notice applicable to radio stations:

* The licensee is hereby requesting the renewal of the licence under the same terms and conditions as those in the current licence and under the terms and conditions noted in the applicable policy or notice listed above.

( ) Yes ( ) No

* If you are seeking amendments to your station's licence, you will need to submit a separate application using the appropriate form(s) [i.e. Form 301 for changes to conditions of licence and Form 303 for technical amendments]. Note that any amendment application may be processed separately from the renewal application. Please explain your amendment(s):

1.9 Other application(s) before the Commission

* Are there one or more applications before the Commission regarding this undertaking?

( ) Yes ( ) No

* Specify the application number(s) and provide a short description of the application(s) (e.g. technical amendment, amendment to conditions of licence, ownership transaction).

2. Employment equity / On-air presence

Information relating to employment equity is available in Implementation of an employment equity policy, Public Notice CRTC 1992-59, 1 September 1992, and Amendments to the Commission's Employment Equity Policy, Public Notice CRTC 1997-34, 2 April 1997.

The Commission requires that the applicant respond to questions regarding employment equity on behalf of the undertaking as a whole, with reference to all of its employees in aggregate; that is, employees of all undertakings for which it holds licences.

Information relating to on-air presence and voice-overs is set out in Consultations Regarding On-air Job Categories to be Included in the Employment Equity Plans of Broadcasters, Public Notice CRTC 1994-69, 10 June 1994, and Amendment to Reporting Requirements for Employment Equity in On-air Positions, Public Notice CRTC 1995-98, 19 June 1995.

* Please select one of the following:

( ) The licensee is subject to the Employment Equity Act (applicable to federally-regulated employers with 100 or more employees). The licensee keeps a record of the total number and percentage of on-air employees (full-time, part-time and temporary), including voice-overs, from each designated group, as well as the total number of all on-air employees who were employed in the last year. A copy of this record is available upon request.

( ) The licensee has less than 100 employees and has in place an employment equity plan that includes policies and procedures relating to on-air presence and voice-overs. This plan is available upon request.

3. Cultural diversity

When the Commission refers to cultural diversity, it is referring to the inclusion of groups that have been traditionally under-represented in broadcasting: ethno-cultural minorities, Indigenous peoples, as well as persons with disabilities. Such under-representation includes these groups' presence and portrayal on the air and their participation in the industry.

As set out in Canadian Association of Broadcasters Best Practices for Diversity in Private Radio; Reporting requirements on cultural diversity for commercial radio operators, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2007-122, 2 November 2007 (Broadcasting Public Notice 2007-122), the Commission expects all radio broadcasters to follow the Canadian Association of Broadcasters' best practices for diversity in radio in order to incorporate and reflect the reality of Canada's ethno-cultural minorities, Indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities in their programming.

* For the purpose of meeting the reporting requirements established in Broadcasting Public Notice 2007-122 and in accordance with the definitions set out in paragraph 22 of the same notice, what is the size of the radio operator? The radio operator shall comply with the corresponding reporting requirement.

( ) Large (annual revenues above $50 million)

( ) Medium (annual revenues above $20 million)

( ) Small (annual revenues below $20 million)

4. Implementation of best practices

* For informational purposes and in order to better understand how licensees are reflecting best practices with respect to employment equity / on-air presence and cultural diversity, please provide details on what steps the applicant has taken to implement these best practices and what the applicant has planned in the next licence term with regard to these initiatives.

***End of Document***

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