Appendix 2A

Sample form only: do not complete

This form is for reference purposes only. It is not to be completed in this format.

To complete this form and submit it to the CRTC, download the form.

Section A

Name of the Applicant


2.1 Authorized Securities

Describe all categories of shares authorized to be issued.

Security Type Number of Votes Per Share Convertible
Participating Definition 6
Number of Shares Authorized Number Issued and Outstanding

2.2 Shareholding

Supply the details for each shareholder holding 10% or more of the voting shares Definition 5, of the voting rights (if different from the voting shares), and of any other category of shares identified in the common shares Definition 6 definition. For the remaining shareholders, (those holding less than 10%) supply the total shares under "Others Canadian" and "Others Non-Canadian".

Security Type Shareholder Name Definition 1 Complete Home Address or Legal Entity Jurisdiction Canadian Definition 2
Number of Shares Held %

2.3 Directors and Officers

Supply a list of the current/proposed directors and officers of the corporation Definition 3 Definition 4

Name of Directors/Officers Definition 1 Complete Home Address Canadian Definition 2
Directors Date of Appointment Officer Position


The applicant hereby confirms that :

date of filing of last complete update: __/__/__

Section B

Name of the Shareholder Corporation


2.1 Authorized Securities

Describe all categories of shares authorized to be issued. 

Security Type Number of Votes Per Share Convertible
Participating Definition 6
Number of Shares Authorized Number Issued and Outstanding

2.2 Shareholding

Supply the details for each shareholder holding 10% or more of the voting shares Definition 5, of the voting rights (if different from the voting shares), and of any other category of shares identified in the common shares Definition 6 definition. For the remaining shareholders (those holding less than 10%), supply the total shares under "Others Canadian" and "Others Non-Canadian".

Security Type Shareholder Name Definition 1 Complete Home Address or Legal Entity Jurisdiction Canadian Definition 2
Number of Shares Held %

2.3 Directors and Officers

Supply a list of the present/proposed directors and officers of the corporation Definition 3 Definition 4

Name of Directors/Officers Definition 1 Complete Home Address Canadian Definition 2
Directors Date of Appointment Officer Position

For an additional Appendix 2A, copy tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 on a new page


Definition 1

Director/Shareholder: If any of these persons hold public office, by election or appointment, indicate the office held under the name of the person(s).

Return to definition 1 referrer

Definition 2

Canadian: Specify if Canadian or Non-Canadian. If a person, CANADIAN means a Canadian citizen, ordinarily resident in Canada, and as defined in the Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility of Non-Canadians) P.C. 1997-486 as amended by P.C. 1998-1268. If a corporation, CANADIAN means a "qualified corporation" as defined in the Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility of Non-Canadians) P.C. 1997-486 as amended by P.C. 1998-1268.

Return to definition 2

Definition 3

Directors: Means a person who is a member of the board of directors of a corporation or, where the corporation has no directors, a person performing functions that are similar to the functions performed by directors, as defined in the Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility of Non-Canadians) P.C. 1997-486 as amended by P.C. 1998-1268.

Return to definition 3 referrer

Definition 4

Officers: Those persons designated as Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice-President, General Manager, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, Comptroller, Treasurer, Assistant-Treasurer or any others under similar titles.

Return to definition 4 referrer

Definition 5

Voting shares: The shares to which are attached one or more votes, and includes securities that are convertible into such shares at all times at the option of the holder.

Return to definition 5 referrer

Definition 6

Common shares: The shares that represent the residual equity in the earnings of the corporation, and includes securities that are convertible into such shares at all times at the option of the holder and the preferred shares to which are attached rights to participate in the earnings of the corporation with no upper limit.

Return to definition 6 referrer

Definition 7

Applicant/Shareholder: If a person, refers to a person who has reached the age of majority.

Return to definition 7 referrer

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