Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Kelly T. (KT) Walsh (Canadian Numbering Administrator)

Ottawa, 26 May 2023

Our reference: 8621-C12-01/08


Kelly T. (KT) Walsh
CNA Program Manager
Canadian Numbering Administrator
150 Isabella Street, Suite 605
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5H3

Subject: NPA 709 Jeopardy Suspension Plan

Dear Kelly Walsh:

By letter dated 29 March 2023, the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) advised CRTC staff that area code 709 is in a jeopardy condition due to an advancement of 48 months in the projected exhaust date (PED), as indicated by the January 2023 Relief-Numbering Resource Utilization Forecast (R-NRUF). The January 2023 R-NRUF shows that the PED has advanced from November 2028 to December 2024. In response, Commission staff agreed that CNA should:

By letter dated 15 May 2023, the CNA advised staff that as a result of the April 2023 jeopardy NRUF (J-NRUF) and the modifications to the Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guideline approved in Telecom Decision 2023-141 – CISC Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering – Consensus report CNRE136A – Updating of the Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guideline including Appendices B and C, NPA 709 is no longer in a Jeopardy Condition.

As such, the CNA has requested staff’s concurrence with the following measures:

Commission staff notes that the April 2023 J-NRUF shows a PED of March 2025 for NPA 709/879 should forecast quantities not exceed the January 2023 G-NRUF quantities for 1 January 2024 (Form 1), and a PED of November 2024 should quantities not be limited to the January 2023 G-NRUF quantities forecasted for 1 January 2024 (Form 2). In both cases, the PED is above and beyond the 12 month threshold required for a Jeopardy Condition to be declared, per the Commission-approved modifications to the Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guidelines.

However, in order to ensure that NPA 709 does not slip back into a Jeopardy Condition, Commission staff agrees with the CNA that it would be appropriate to maintain the freeze. In light of this, staff agrees with the CNA’s assessment and concurs with the measures listed above.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation

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