Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to the distribution list

Ottawa, 1 May 2023

Our reference: 1011-NOC2022-0147


Distribution list

Subject: Telecommunications in the Far North, Phase II, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2022-147: Call for comments on the public opinion research on telecommunications services in the Far North and additional external resources

As part of the Telecommunications in the Far North, Phase II, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2022-147 proceeding (the Phase 2 Notice), the CRTC commissioned a public opinion research (POR) project to gather the opinions of persons living in the Far North. The research, conducted by Environics Research, consisted of focus groups in eleven northern communities and gathered views on actions the CRTC should take to improve the state of telecommunication services in the Far North.

This letter is to advise that the report of research findings has been placed on the public record of the proceeding. The report is available here.

This letter is also to advise that a number of publically available external resources, which are relevant to the issues being examined in this proceeding, are also being placed on the public record. These are:

Parties to the proceeding are invited to provide comments on the POR and the external resources noted above as they pertain to matters within the scope of this proceeding. The deadline to provide comments is 31 May 2023.

Consistent with paragraph 110 of the Phase 2 Notice, parties are encouraged to continue to monitor the record of the proceeding for new information.

A copy of this letter will be placed on the public record of this proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Lisanne Legros
Director, Telecommunications Networks Policy
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.: Nicolas Gatto, CRTC,
Celia Millay, CRTC,
Iva Jurisic, CRTC,
Simon Wozny, CRTC,
Filsan Gure, CRTC,
Rebecca Hume, CRTC,
Karen Soriano Ley, CRTC,
Sarah McMaster, CRTC,

Attach (1) Distribution List


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