Telecom - Commission Letter adressed to the Kelly T. Walsh (Canadian Numbering Administrator)

Ottawa, 18 November 2021

Our reference:  8621-C12-01/08


Kelly T. Walsh
CNA Program Manager
Canadian Numbering Administrator
150 Isabella Street, Suite 605
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5H3

RE: Jeopardy Condition Suspension for Area Code Complex 343/613

Dear Kelly T. Walsh:

By letter and email dated 16 November 2021, the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) advised CRTC staff that based on the results of the October 2021 Jeopardy Numbering Resource Utilisation Forecast (J-NRUF), area code complex 343/613, is no longer in a jeopardy condition.

In its letter, the CNA indicated that it will:

The CNA also indicated that it will restrict central office (CO) code assignments based on the October 2021 J-NRUF to ensure that area code complex 343/613 does not slip back into a jeopardy condition before the introduction of the new relief area code.

CRTC staff agrees with the CNA’s approach to suspending the jeopardy condition in area code complex 343/613 as noted in the foregoing.


Original signed by

Étienne Robelin for
Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:  Bill Mason, CRTC,
Suresh Khare, CNA,

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