Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Mr. Eric Smith (Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association)

Ottawa, 15 January 2020

Our reference: 8665-C12-202000280


Mr. Eric Smith
Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association
80 Elgin Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6R2

RE: Unauthorized Mobile Telephone Number Porting in Canada

Dear Mr. Smith:

The Commission has become aware that certain Canadian mobile customers have been subject to fraudulent activity involving unauthorized porting of their mobile phone numbers.

Given the seriousness of this issue and the negative impact on Canadians, Commission staff requests that the CWTA provide a written update on the Canadian mobile industry’s plans to implement effective solutions to this problem. This update should include:

This update is requested to be filed with Commission staff by 14 February 2020.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.: CRTC registered Wireless Carriers
Ursula Grant
Bill Mason

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