ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission letter addressed to Mr. Stuart Wilson (North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Ltd.)

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Ottawa, 25 November 2019

Our reference: 1011-NOC2017-0033


Mr. Stuart Wilson
North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Ltd.
50 Medford Street, R.R.#2
Kitchener, ON N2N 2J1

Subject: Request for information – Obligations with respect to Message Relay Services

Dear Mr. Wilson:

As noted in Telecom Regulatory Policy (TRP) CRTC 2018-466 titled Review of the regulatory framework for text-based message relay services, various categories of telecommunications service providers, including local exchange carriers (LECs), are required to provide message relay services to their retail customers, and may meet this obligation by:

Commission staff notes that North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Ltd. (North Frontenac) is currently registered with the Commission as a competitive LEC and as a small incumbent LEC.

In light of the importance of message relay services to the Canadian public, the Commission is working to ensure that LECs are adhering to regulatory obligations set out in TRP 2018-466.

Accordingly, Commission staff requests a response to this letter by 9 December 2019 using the secured service “My CRTC Account” (Partner Log In or GCKey).

In your response, indicate whether North Frontenac:

If you have any questions, please contact Bradley Gaudet at

Yours sincerely,

Nanao Kachi
Director, Social and Consumer Policy
Consumer, Research and Communications

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