Compliance and Enforcement and Telecom Decision CRTC 2019-402-1

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Reference: 2019-402, 2019-402-2

Ottawa, 13 December 2019

Public record: 8621-C12-01/08 and 8665-C12-201507576

CISC Network Working Group – Status of implementation by telecommunications service providers of authentication/verification measures for caller identification


  1. The Commission is making a correction to paragraph 35 of CISC Network Working Group – Status of implementation by telecommunications service providers of authentication/verification measures for caller identification, Compliance and Enforcement and Telecom Decision CRTC 2019-402, 9 December 2019. For ease of reference, the original text is reproduced in its entirety below, with the correction highlighted in bold italics:

    35. Finally, the Commission requests that each TSP submit an implementation report to it by 30 November 2020, providing a short overview of STIR/SHAKEN implementation, including the following information:

    • the status and results of the STIR/SHAKEN implementation;
    • the percentage of authentication/verification-enabled trunks used for IP voice traffic out of the total number of voice trunks;
    • tracking by level of authentication (i.e. trusted, partial trust, or no trust) for calls delivered to customers; and
    • technical and economic limitations.

Secretary General

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