ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter adressed to Samer Bishay (Ice Wireless)
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Ottawa, 30 March 2016
Our reference: 8620-J106-201601633
Mr. Samer Bishay
President & CEO
Ice Wireless
675 Cochrane Drive, 6th floor, East Tower
Markham, Ontario L3R 0B8
RE: Part 1 application by Ice Wireless Inc. relating to Rogers Communications Inc. attempt to disconnect Ice Wireless Inc. and the proper interpretation of Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Request for information
Dear Mr. Bishay:
In order the Commission to make a decision on the relief requested by Ice Wireless Inc. (Ice Wireless) in the above-mentioned application, Ice Wireless is to provide the Commission with its responses to the following questions by 4 April 2016.
Please repeat the questions in your response.
- In your application, you indicate that Sugar Mobile Inc. (Sugar Mobile) is a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) that is an affiliated company of Ice Wireless and is hosted on Ice Wireless’ network.
- Describe the ownership, governance and operational structure of Sugar Mobile.
- Explain the affiliation of Sugar Mobile with Ice Wireless, filing any relevant signed agreement(s).
- Describe the legal basis for the MVNO relationship between Sugar Mobile and Ice Wireless. If the relationship has been formalized in writing, file a copy of this written agreement. If the MVNO relationship has not been formalized in writing, explain why not.
- Describe in detail the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the MVNO relationship unless this information is set out in the written agreement to be filed with the Commission.
- Provide any available statistics on the usage (e.g. total MB used by all customers, average customer usage, etc.) by Sugar Mobile customers on:
- Ice Wireless’ radio access network (RAN),
- Rogers’ RAN, and
- Wi-Fi network(s).
- Ice Wireless submitted that Sugar Mobile SIM cards have been distributed across Canada. Please provide the following information with respect to these SIM cards:
- Number of additional SIM cards that have been shipped either to partners or customers since the response provided on 1st March 2016.
- Provide a breakdown of the number of SIM cards shipped either to partners or customers by province and territory. Indicate how many of these SIM cards were shipped to partner locations or customers within Ice Wireless territory.
- As of 30 March 2016, how many active customers are there of:
- Ice Wireless service?
- Sugar Mobile’s regular service?
- Sugar Mobile’s free service?
- For each of the categories in c) above, how many customers:
- provided an address for service located within Ice Wireless’ territory?
- are using a telephone number with an “867” area code? Note that with respect to Sugar Mobile’s regular service, the number of customers provided should be based on the telephone number the customer chose through the App and not the number associated with the SIM card.
- Ice Wireless submitted that Sugar Mobile end-users can select a telephone number from any Canadian area code.
- Explain how Sugar Mobile gains access to Canadian phone numbers that are outside of Ice Wireless’ territory for its customers.
- If access to these phone numbers is obtained through agreement(s) with other carriers, please file such agreement(s).
Please file your response with the Commission using the secured service “My CRTC Account” (Partner Log In or GCKey), serving a copy on all parties copied with this letter.
Original signed by
Kay Saicheua
Director, Competition and Emergency Service Policy
Telecommunications sector
c.c.: Christian Tacit,
David Watt,
Geoffrey White,
John Lawford,
Philippe Gauvin,
Nathalie MacDonald,
Jean-François Mezei,
William Sandiford,
Dennis Béland,
Josh Tabish,
Kim Wardle,
Josiane Lord,
- Date modified: