ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter Addressed to Gurpal Singh Garcha
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Ottawa, 7 April 2016
Gurpal Singh Garcha, President
89.3 Surrey City FM Ltd.
216 -12830 80th Ave
Surrey, BC
V3W 3A8
By e-mail:
Re: VF2686 FM Surrey, BC (Tourist Information), Monitoring Report, Week 4-10 January 2016
Dear Mr. Garcha,
Thank you for providing the material requested in our letter of 24 December 2015 pertaining to the programming broadcast by your undertaking and the program schedule received on 14 January 2016.
We note that VF2686 started operating on 1 January 2016 and that you therefore provided the audio files for the week of 4-10 January 2016 instead of for the week of 13-19 December 2015.
However, we also note that there appears to be discrepancies between the programming schedule provided and the actual audio recordings for the week of 4-10 January 2016.
The Commission has reviewed the recordings which you provided of the programming broadcast on VF2686 during the week of 4 to 10 January 2016. Based on our review of the audio files for Monday 4 January 2016 to Wednesday 6 January 2016 and your program schedule for the week, it appears that the various programs on VF2686 contain programming that is inconsistent with paragraphs 4 and 7 of Broadcasting Order 2014-447.
- The programming provided by the undertaking consists of live or pre-recorded messages which provide the public with information about local traffic, weather and marine conditions, road and boating conditions, highway construction and closures, airport arrival and departure information, ferry and train schedules, current border crossing regulations and wait times, conditions on bridges and in mountain passes, advisories of approaching large vehicles (example: logging, construction, road maintenance and other large vehicles) and any other locally relevant information relating to attractions and events of interest to tourists.
- The undertaking does not broadcast programming that is religious or political in nature.
In particular, we note that the following programming appears to be in non-compliance with these provisions:
- News (local and regional news in Punjab and Vancouver)
- International news
- Business news
- Segments on other countries (e.g. Myanmar/Burma) religion, history, etc.
- Segments on singers in Punjab
- Movies released in Québec
- Political events
- Political discussions (open-line programming)
- Stories
- Surveys
- Worldwide historical events that happened on a specific day
- Talk shows/discussions on subjects such as tourism benefits, terrorism, racial discrimination, hate crime, games and children, peer pressure, toothpaste, Universities, selfies/twitter, etc.
- Technology
A detailed review of our analysis of the programming broadcast on Monday 4 to 7 January 2016 is attached at Appendix 1. Please note that all programming that appears to be non-compliant with paragraphs 4 and 7 is in red.
Please provide any comments on the Commission’s analysis of the recordings no later than 15 April 2016.
We ask that you repeat the above information (as well as information in Appendix 1) and requests in your reply.
The Commission requires that documents be submitted electronically by using the secured service “My CRTC Account” (Partner Log In or GCKey) and filling the “Broadcasting and Telecom Cover page” or the “Broadcasting Online Form and Cover Page” located on this web page. Also on this web page you will find information on the submission of applications to the Commission “Submitting applications and other documents to the CRTC using My CRTC Account”.).
A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions, please contact Catherine White at 819-997-4672 or by E-mail at
Joe Aguiar
Acting Director, Radio Policy and Applications
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