ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Various Parties

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Ottawa, 27 July 2015

Our references: 8669-C12-01/01 & 8621-C12-01/08


To: Distribution list

Re:  Wireless enhanced 9-1-1 Phase II location accuracy requirements

Dear Sirs:

In August 2014, the Commission issued Telecom Decision 2014-415 in which it approved the recommendations made by the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee’s Emergency Services Working Group (ESWG) in Consensus Report ESRE0064 regarding wireless enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) Phase II location accuracy requirements for Canada, including the establishment of national benchmarks to measure improvements in location accuracy.  The Commission also directed all wireless carriers, operating where wireless E9-1-1 Phase II services are deployed, to report to the Commission and to the ESWG, their performance in meeting the requirements outlined in the decision.

In that same Decision, the Commission also requested that the ESWG submit a report to the Commission outlining a recommended wireless 9-1-1 caller location accuracy performance monitoring process.  The Commission received Consensus Report ESRE0068 and, in Telecom Decision 2015-255, approved the recommendations contained therein, including the requirements that wireless carriers:

Accordingly, wireless carriers are reminded that each wireless carrier is to provide, by 31 August 2015, their initial reports of their wireless 9-1-1 caller location accuracy results for all PSAPs that provide wireless E9-1-1 service in the wireless carrier’s serving area.  The initial report is to include the aggregated results for each province the wireless carrier services, and is to be based on data collected by the wireless carrier covering 1 May to 31 July 2015.  The initial report is to also include analyses of these results.


Original signed by P. Kent for/

Kay Saicheua
Director, Competitor and Emergency Services Policy
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:   Renée Doiron, CRTC,
James Ndirangu, CRTC,
Chris Kellett, ESWG Chair,

Distribution list:

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