Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-526

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Ottawa, 26 November 2015

File number: 8621-C12-01/08

CISC Business Process Working Group - Consensus report BPRE091a - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines

  1. On 7 October 2015, the Business Process Working Group (BPWG) of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) submitted the following consensus report for Commission approval:
    • Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines [BPRE091a]
  2. The BPWG proposed revisions to the above-noted guidelines to add a subsection regarding general number portability guidelines, and to remove certain portions that were no longer needed. The BPWG also proposed minor wording revisions to improve clarity.
  3. The consensus report can be found in the “Reports” section of the BPWG page, which is available in the CISC section of the Commission’s website at
  4. The Commission considers that updating the guidelines will assist operations personnel in implementing and maintaining voice services for consumers, and allow for the proper porting of telephone numbers.
  5. Accordingly, the Commission approves the above-noted consensus report and modified guidelines.

Secretary General

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