ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter Addressed to Russ Friesen (MTS Inc.)
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Ottawa, 16 December 2014
Mr. Russ Friesen
Vice-President, Regulatory
MTS Inc.
333 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3V6
Re: Part 1 application 2014-1114-9 by MTS requesting an extension to the implementation date for emergency alerting – Request for information and Revised procedural deadlines
Dear Mr. Friesen:
This letter is in response to the above-noted application by MTS Inc. (MTS) requesting an extension to the date by which MTS must implement a public alerting system, consistent with the determinations in Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2014-444, Amendments to various regulations, the standard conditions of licence for video-on-demand undertakings and certain exemption orders - Provisions requiring the mandatory distribution of emergency alert messages.
In order to complete the analysis of this application, please provide responses to the following questions:
- MTS’ application requests an extension of time, until 31 March 2016, to implement a public alerting system on MTS’ Classic TV service, which uses the Motorola/Next Level platform. Please provide proposed text for a condition of licence which would implement the requested extension.
- In its application, MTS submitted that there is no available solution in the market to deliver emergency alert messages over the Motorola/Next Level platform. Further, MTS indicated that it has researched the possibility of developing a technical solution, but that none is available for implementation.
- Provide details regarding the inquiries or research undertaken to confirm that no technical solution is currently available.
- Provide technical details as to why the platform, as MTS has implemented it, is incapable of providing emergency alerting.
Please provide your response by no later than 23 December 2014 by using the secured service “My CRTC Account” (Partner Log In or GCKey). Copies of your response should also be sent to
We also request that you repeat each question in your response.
Considering the above requests, the timetable for the proceeding is changed as follows:
Interventions relating to MTS’ responses to the above-noted questions may be filed by 19 January 2015.
MTS may file its reply comments, if applicable, by 26 January 2015.
A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record associated with your application.
Should you need further information concerning this procedural letter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 613-410-8708 or
Yours sincerely,
Original signed by
Stephan Meyer
Manager, Network Technology
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