ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter addressed to Kevin Goldstein (Bell Media Inc.)
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Ottawa, 28 November 2014
Mr. Kevin Goldstein
Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs
Bell Media Inc.
299 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2Z5
Procedural Letter: Part I application 2014- 1178-5 by Bell Media Inc. relating to a proposal for tangible benefits associated with the shortfall arising from the broadcasting assets divested as requested by the Commission in Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-310
Dear Mr. Goldstein,
This letter is in response to the above-referenced application by Bell Media Inc. (Bell) relating to a proposal for tangible benefits associated with the shortfall arising from the broadcasting assets divested as requested by the Commission in Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-310.
In order to complete the analysis of this application, please provide response to the following question:
- Commission staff notes that Bell is proposing to allocate tangible benefits for the radio and television sectors in accordance to the initiatives that were approved in Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-310 and the Commission’s policy on tangible benefits that was applicable at the time. However, the Commission announced in Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2014-459 (BRP 2014-459) a simplified approach to tangible benefits and determining the value of the transaction that revised the Commission’s approach with respect to the allocation of proposed tangible benefits regarding the television sector and maintained its approach to the allocation of the tangible benefits regarding the radio sector.
- Please comment on the appropriateness of requiring Bell to value and allocate the proposed tangible benefits in accordance with BRP 2014-459.
- Please comment on the impact and result of applying this regulatory policy on Bell’s proposed tangible benefits.
Please provide your response by no later than 5 December 2014 by using the secured service “My CRTC Account” (Partner Log In or GCKey) and send me a copy of your response at the following e-mail:
We also request that you repeat each question in your response.
Please note that all information that Bell provides, except information for which confidentiality has been requested and is granted, becomes part of a publicly accessible file when the application is published for comment and will be posted on the Commission’s web site and made available for public examination.
Should you need further information concerning this procedural letter, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail at the address above, by telephone at 819-994-2700 or by fax at: 819-994-0218.
Best regards,
Original signed by
Caroline Poirier
Senior Analyst
English and Third-language Television
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