ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2012-375
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Ottawa, 11 July 2012
Télébec, Limited Partnership – Centrex service
File number: Tariff Notice 444
1. The Commission received an application by Télébec, Limited Partnership (Télébec), dated 8 May 2012, in which the company proposed to modify its General Tariff item 2.1 – Basic services and regional service. Specifically, the company proposed to correct errors in the rates charged to its Centrex service customers in the exchanges of Ste-Eulalie and Arthabaska/Gentilly.
2. In Tariff Notice 415 (TN 415), Télébec proposed to increase its Centrex service rate by approximately five percent in the Ste-Eulalie exchange. This increase was approved by the Commission and took effect on 1 June 2010. However, in the current application, Télébec submitted that it had not applied this increase to the bills of its customers in the Ste-Eulalie exchange.
3. Télébec also submitted that, since 1 June 2010, it has been billing the rate approved for its Centrex service in the Ste-Eulalie exchange to customers in the Arthabaska/Gentilly exchange. Télébec indicated that it had not proposed to modify its Centrex service rate for the Arthabaska/Gentilly exchange in TN 415. The company stated, however, that its Centrex service customers in the Arthabaska/Gentilly exchange had been informed of the rate increase for this service before the increase took effect.
4. Télébec submitted that this situation results from an administrative error.
5. Télébec therefore requested that the Commission ratify the charging of the rates for the company’s Centrex service customers in the exchanges of Ste-Eulalie and Arthabaska/Gentilly for the period from 1 June 2010 to the date its application is approved. Télébec also requested that the Commission approve its proposed tariff modifications regarding its Centrex service in these two exchanges so that the new tariff reflects the rates billed to customers in these exchanges since 1 June 2010.
6. The Commission approved Télébec’s order on an interim basis in Telecom Order 2012-305. In that order, the Commission noted that it would address the ratification request and any other related issues in a subsequent order.
7. The Commission received no comments regarding this application. The public record of this proceeding is available on the Commission’s website at under “Public Proceedings” or by using the file number provided above.
Commission’s analysis and determinations
8. The Commission notes that Centrex services are classified as uncapped services according to Telecom Decision 2007-60. The Commission also notes that, in that decision, it found that there are no upward pricing constraints for these services.
9. Regarding Télébec’s ratification request, the Commission notes that, pursuant to subsection 25(4) of the Telecommunications Act, it may ratify the charging of a rate by a Canadian carrier otherwise than in accordance with a tariff approved by the Commission if it is satisfied that the rate was charged because of an error or other circumstance that warrants the ratification. The Commission considers that Télébec charged rates other than those set out in its General Tariff due to an error.
10. Accordingly, the Commission considers that Télébec’s proposed tariff modifications regarding its Centrex service in the exchanges of Ste-Eulalie and Arthabaska/Gentilly are acceptable.
11. In light of the above, the Commission approves on a final basis Télébec’s application and ratifies the charging of the rate by Télébec for its Centrex service in the exchanges of Ste-Eulalie and Arthabaska/Gentilly from 1 June 2010 to 23 May 2012.
Secretary General
Related documents
- Télébec, Limited Partnership – Centrex service, Telecom Order CRTC 2012-305, 23 May 2012
- Follow-up to Decision 2007-27 – Show cause submission related to the application of the price cap regime to Télébec, Limited Partnership, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-60, 30 July 2007, as amended by Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-60-1, 10 August 2007
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